February 2012


What it means for the Christian to “overcome fear” will be our focus for the month of February 2012. It will be our focus this month, but I pray that it might become your focus every morning from here on out.

Why should we focus on “fear”? Simply put, because God did not give it to us (2 Timothy 1:7). It is a “spirit” the enemy uses to hinder us. So anything that is not of God and that is controlling our bodies we should pay close attention to.

In the words of Jonathon Falwell: “So many Christians never achieve the maximum potential in their lives because they never conquer the thing they fear the most.”

Make a declaration to apply the principles, teachings and messages in this ministry packet to overcome fear in your life. Do you have the courage and faith to face your fears? Are you tired of being held hostage to this device Satan is using against you?

You CAN overcome fear now! In Jesus Name - Amen



1. Fear

a. a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is REAL or IMAGINED

b. the feeling or condition of being afraid


  1. You can’t overcome what you can’t define (tell the Dr. where it hurts)
  2. You must be willing to identify what you fear before you can overcome it (confrontation can be intimidating but you must do it)

2. Overcome

a. Succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty)

b. Defeat (an opponent); prevail


  1. Just forgetting about something doesn’t mean you’ve truly overcome it
  2. To Overcome doesn’t mean that the circumstance, dilemma or issue goes away – it’s more HOW you handle it
  3. Spiritual strength will always take your further than natural strength (how does your inside look compared to your outside?)

When we put these two terms together, we can better understand why and how we must OVERCOME FEAR!

2. I can’t really overcome fear can I?

a. YES! – 1 John 5:4-5

  1. The condition = having the Spirit of God (born again)
  2. The possession = faith (our faith)
  3. We cannot generate the faith to overcome our fears by ourselves – Ephesians 2:8

At the root of what it means to overcome, we must remember the apostle Paul’s instruction to us, “our struggle is not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12)

b. Fear is a devilish scheme

The battle against the thing you fear is fundamentally a battle against “the schemes of the devil – (Ephesians 6:11)

John assures us in 1 John 5:4-5 that we are capable of overcoming fears, addictions, pains, hurts, etc. He assures us that we are capable of discerning the schemes of the devil. We are capable of standing firm against every kind of temptation.


1. There is a fear that is commanded

a. This kind of fear involves respect, honor, reverence, and a sense of awe.

b. Thus, we are to fear God.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Acts 9:31

Hebrews 11:7

c. This kind of fear leads to:

1) Holiness … 2 Corinthians 7:1

2) Working out our own salvation … Philippians 2:12

3) Evangelism … 2 Corinthians 5:11

2. There is a fear that is forbidden

a. This is the fear synonymous with dread, alarm, fright, terror, apprehension, anxiety, perplexity and distrust.

b. This kind of fear is forbidden

1) Psalm 91:5

2) Luke 12:32

c. This type of fear is not to be confused with caution

1) For example, fear of being run over will cause one to look both ways before crossing the street.

2) Also, fear of lung cancer will cause one to not smoke.

3) These types of fears are normal and good.


1. Men fear failure

Even Good people fail:

Psalms 34:19 “The good man does not escape all troubles, he has them too. But the Lord helps him in each and every one.”

When you fail, you can succeed next time because you’re UNSTOPPABLE!

Philippians 4:13 “For I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.”

Don’t let failing or failure discourage:

Joshua 1:9 “be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

a. Fear of failure caused the one talent man to do nothing (Matthew 25:20-25)

b. It is our duty to do the best we can and leave the results in the hands of God.

2. Men fear the unknown future

a. This fear has kept many people, businesses and congregations from growing, expanding, building buildings, adding missionaries, and otherwise doing more work for Christ.

b. We need to realize that it is vision and excitement that keeps people and congregations active, vibrant and growing. (“Without a vision, people PERISH”)

3. Men fear responsibility

a. Because of this the one talent man did not assume his responsibility (Matthew 25:25)

b. Because of fear Israel shirked their responsibility in conquering the land (Dt. 1:22-46)

c. Fear will keep us from our responsibility of being fishers of men … Luke 5:10

4. Men fear insecurity

a. Jesus went to great lengths teaching man that he should not have such fears (Matthew 6:24-34)

b. God has always provided forhis own, and will continue to do so.

1)Psalm 37:25

2)Philippians 4:19

5.Men fear what other men will say and think about them, or do to them.

a. Luke 12:4-7

b. This type of fear often causing one to do wrong

1) Because of fear Peter denied the Lord (Matthew 26:69-75)

2) Fear caused Peter to be guilty of hypocrisy (Gal. 2:11-14)

3)Fear often times keep one from taking a stand for truth

6. Men fear death

a. Many are slaves to the fear of death (Hebrews 2:15)

b. The fear of death can be removed when men realize:

1) That it is inevitable … Hebrews 9:27

2) That it is the gateway to bliss and association with Jesus……. Philippians 1:21-23

3) That Jesus will be there to take us by the hand … Psalm 23:4


1. Fear makes life a wretched experience and warps the personality

a. This is seen in the life of Saul (1 Samuel 28)

b. Fear is a dark room where negatives are developed

2. Fear will prevent one from doing the will of God

a. Men make excuses … as in the case of Moses (Exodus 3)

b. Do we disobey God for fear of persecution?

3. Fear renders one useless

a. There is no place in the kingdom of God for the fearful, because we are in a battle against Satan, and we need people of courage.

b. We are in an important battle and we need people of courage

4. Fear brings on the very thing we fear

a. Peter’s fear of sinking brought on his sinking

b. Fear of disease often brings on illness

c. Research has shown that 85% of the emotional and physical ills of men are brought on by fear

5. Fear will cause a person to be lost … Revelation 21:8

E. HOW TO OVERCOME FEAR – “It’s Big, but it can’t fight”

1. Remember that fear is strictly prohibited

a. In fact, fear is a characteristic of the wicked (Proverbs 28:1)

b. Why did you run from the police when you didn’t do anything wrong? “I just don’t like police”...hmmm

C. “Fear not” and “be not afraid” appear in the Bible 180 times

2. Describe your problem – I Samuel 17:4-16

a. David’s enemy is 9 feet 9 inches tall

b. Have you ever noticed that your enemy is well armed?

c. Don’t lose the wrestling match by staring at how big or intimidating your opponent looks before the match begins! (Most are defeated before the fight begins)

d. It has everyone SCARED (verse 11)

Max Lucado writes: “Your Goliath doesn’t carry sword or shield; he brandishes blades of unemployment, abandonment, sexual abuse, or depression. Your giant doesn’t parade up and down the hills of Elah; he prances through your office, your bedroom, your classroom. He brings bills you can’t pay, grades you can’t make, people you can’t please, whiskey you can’t resist, pornography you can’t refuse, a career you can’t escape, a past you can’t shake, and a future you can’t face.”

3. Make sure you are prepared

a. Your past experiences will prepare you for present problems – I Samuel 17:37

b. David was chosen for his character, not credentials

c. For his faith, not his physique

d. David chose 5 smooth stones...if it takes more than 1 to kill him, I’m prepared with 4 more!

e. Focus on giants, you stumble – Focus on God, your giants tumble!

4. Overcome the pressures of others

a. David’s brother became enraged when he showed up – verse 28

b. You will be criticized by those closest to you when you decide to defeat some giants in your life.

c. David was distressed by what his brother said, but was not deterred (don’t let them stop you!!) – verse 29

d. David’s ordeal with his brother and Saul was more trying to him than going against Goliath – don’t spend unnecessary energy trying to prove to others.

5. Change your perspective

a. Everyone saw Goliath as too big to hit; David saw Goliath as too big to miss!

b. See yourself as a victim of fear, that’s how you’ll react.

c. See yourself as a victor of fear, that’s how you’ll respond.

Haddon Robinson once said: “In any situation, what you ARE determines what you see; what you SEE determines what you DO.”

6. Proclaim God’s Name

a. When Goliath saw that his opponent was just a little boy, he despised him – verse 43

b. David responded with “what you see is Jehovah Sabaoth, which means the God of power” – verse 45

c. No one else discusses God

d. David discusses no one ELSE but God – he see’s what everyone refuses to see

e. David makes a statement about Goliath 2 times; but makes a statement about God 9 times (26, 36, 45, 46, 47)

d. See GOD in your fears, not the fears themselves – I John 4:4

7. Be Proactive

a. David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him

b. If you want to be victorious, you must take the fight to the enemy.

c. How long since you ran to the thing you feared? Run to:

Giant of Depression

Giant of low self esteem

Giant of loneliness

Giant of Pain and Hurt

Giant of fear of the future

Giant of fear of failure

Giant of Alcoholism and drug addiction

Giant of molestation and rape

d. Goliath died when DAVID TOOK HIS FIRST STEP TOWARD HIM – verse 40

8. Profess faith in God’s Champion

a. Goliath is called a “champion” – verse 4

b. Hebrew word means “a man between”, “middle man” or “mediator”

c. Our ultimate champion is JESUS – 1 Timothy 2:5

Jimmy V

Inspirational Message while fighting Cancer

Jimmy V said, "Today I fight a different battle. You see, I have trouble walking and I have trouble standing for a long period of time. Cancer has taken away a lot of my physical abilities. Cancer is attacking and destroying my body. But what cancer cannot touch is my mind, my heart, and my soul. I have faith in God . . . and hope that things might get better for me. But even if they don't, I promise you this — I will never give up. I will never ever quit. And if cancer gets me . . . then I'll just try my best to go to heaven and be the best coach they've ever seen up there."


"Nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom. 8:39)