This role is divided into 2 parts: the first as a Director of AfrikaBurn, and secondly as Managing Director.

1. Duties as a Director of Afrikaburn

Job Title, Duties & Responsibilities

1.1You are employed as a company Director. As such, you have two primary sets of duties and responsibilities.

1.2The first is a general fiduciary duty to the company and a duty of reasonable care. When acting as a Director, you are required to act:

a)in good faith and for a proper purpose

b)in the best interests of the company

c)with the degree of care, skill and diligence that may be expected of a reasonable person

1.3In addition to the above fiduciary responsibilities to the company, you have the following primary duties and responsibilities:

a)You are required to lead and manage the company and organisation in the fulfillment of its objectives. You will fulfill this obligation in close coordination and close cooperation with your fellow Directors. Along with your fellow Directors, you will agree and formally record your various individual areas of focus and responsibilities as they arise (and as they vary) from time to time. You and your fellow Directors are required to generate and maintain an ongoing culture of clear and direct accountability within the organisation.

b)You are to act at all times as a senior leader who is generally accountable for the success of the organisation and individually responsible and accountable for your duties and responsibilities. The “buck stops with you” and your fellow Directors … and you agree to work closely together as leaders (in a diligent, structured and organised manner) to professionally engage with (and rapidly resolve) the ongoing opportunities and challenges facing the organisation and its employees.

c)While exercising your duties as a Director, you agree to remain cognisant of the 11 core principles of AfrikaBurn (as defined in the company’s MOI which you are required to familiarise yourself with) and agree to be guided by these principles in the fulfillment of your duties and responsibilities.

d)You are required to appoint, motivate, and manage the performance of the company’s employees and contracted staff (including fellow Directors, Portfolio Coordinators, Portfolio Staff and Volunteer Staff). This specifically includes responsibility for defining responsibilities for all jobs/roles, actively sourcing and hiring suitable staff and volunteers in a timely manner; contracting with employees, and diligently managing the ongoing performance and output of all Portfolio Coordinators and employees or contracted staff or volunteers working within various portfolios. You are responsible for assisting, coaching and motivating all staff and volunteers in the fulfillment of their duties when they are falling short; and you are required to work diligently and professionally to resolve HR, employee and performance challenges within the organisation.

e)AfrikaBurn’s primary focus is the successful organisation of the annual AfrikaBurn event. As a Director, you are required to diligently oversee and manage the successful planning, coordination, and implementation of the annual AfrikaBurn event.

f)AfrikaBurn’s secondary focuses include the organisation of various smaller events during the course of the year and various Outreach projects. As a Director, you are required to diligently oversee the management of the successful planning, coordination, and implementation of these various smaller events and Outreach projects.

g)You are also responsible for all matters that don’t fit neatly into various general definitions or portfolios and for sorting out matters which other Directors or Portfolio Coordinators “drop the ball on”. This is really a “catch-all” responsibility and it is important that you understand that as a Director you have a general responsible for all elements of the company and that you don’t have compartmentalised responsibility. Examples include but are not limited to: leasing suitable office space for the company, administering the smooth running of the company office on an ongoing basis, negotiating and concluding long term land leases for the AB event, and managing AB’s governance policy and compliance.

h)The ongoing financial health and financial good standing of the company is paramount. At all times you agree to engage in the financial implications of Directors and Portfolio Coordinators decisions, and generally endeavour to make decisions which are financially responsible and prudent. You agree to work diligently to ensure the timely, conservative, and accurate budgeting of the company’s short/medium/long term revenues, event expenses, staffing & employment costs, and all operating overhead. You agree to carefully manage the company’s affairs to ensure that budgets are adhered to in a financially prudent manner; and that the company remains in good financial standing with ongoing financial reserves commensurate with its needs. Along with your fellow Directors, you agree to ensure the company’s affairs in relation to SARS, PAYE, VAT, taxes and related are filed on time and kept in good order.

i)In your role as a Director, you will need to work continuously in close and open cooperation with other fellow Directors, Portfolio Coordinators, staff and contractors to fulfill your role. You are required at all times to work in an open, respectful, honest and solution-oriented manner. You are to put the company’s interests ahead of your own personal interests and work towards nurturing a successful, smooth and enjoyable working environment for all.

j)You and your fellow Directors agree to plan regular Directors meetings on an ongoing and structured basis as required. You are required to do your best to attend all AfrikaBurn Directors meetings, and to attend Ops meetings as may be required from time to time. At Directors meetings, you and your fellow Directors agree to endeavour to constructively engage agenda items, build consensus and make binding decisions. The chairperson role will be rotated between Directors. When consensus cannot be reached, you will make decisions using an open and transparent Directors voting process. All Directors meetings are to be formally minuted (on a standardised basis and including voting records) and the minutes of these meetings are to be formally recorded in the company minute book,in the AfrikaBurn Repository, and emailed to all Directors and Members within two weeks of such meetings.

k)In your role as Director, you are accountable to the company itself, your fellow Directors and the Members. It is very important that you keep all company staff and fellow Directors and Members generally informed of what is going on within the organisation. Between you, you agree to prepare a written report every two months, outlining progress on a high level.
Your reports are to be brief and a point-form high level account of general progress with your key responsibilities; outlining any key challenges, concerns and successes, identifying opportunities, recording any issues arising, and highlighting any matters which need fellow Directors’ attention or Members’ attention or assistance.

l)You agree to attend a formal directors meeting on the last Tuesday of every second month (specifically November, January, March, May, July, and September). The Directors will distribute a consolidated written report to all Members on the Monday following the Tuesday identified above (December, February, April, June, August). The report will be posted to the AfrikaBurn Repository and emailed to all Members and Directors.

The report will include the following:

●A high-level point form overview of all relevant and important matters that have been arising and dealt with in the prior two months, issues arising at the meeting, and decisions taken at the meeting.

●Any notable successes or concerns, and any pertinent future plans and ideas under consideration.

●Any items or issues of special consideration that require input or feedback from Members

●A brief financial report and budgetary update showing budget vs actual spend, and highlighting any issues or concerns, using the standardised reporting template developed by FinCom.

●A voting record of votes cast (and by whom) if matters have been voted upon.

m)You are required to assist the Members Secretary tocarefully plan (and attend)the company’s Annual General Meeting and Bosberaad, including oversight onarranging the timely preparation and dissemination of the agenda, annual financial statements, Directors reports, and all materials necessary for the AGM, as well asintroduction of new Directors and Members candidates. You are required to attend the AGM.You are also required participate in AfrikaBurn’s annual long range planning meeting known as the Bosberaad which is held in early June. You agree toensure the relevant Lead has arranged for the recording of the minutes of decisions taken at the AGM and Bosberaad, and to ensuresuch minutesare disseminated to Members within two weeks following the meetings.

n) You agree to attend to and participate in an annual review process. This includes the review of your portfolio members as well as yourself. The nature of the process, and what system will be used,will be reviewed from time to time by the collective of Directors, butyour responsibility will be to facilitate and participate and report on these annual reviews. The findings and the publishing of the results will be at the discretion of the directors. Both the principles of the organisation and confidentiality will guide this.

1.4You agree to familiarise yourself with your rights, responsibilities and obligations as defined by the South African Companies Act and you agree to thoroughly familiarise yourself with AfrikaBurn’s company MOI (Memorandum of Incorporation) and manage the company accordingly.

Further to the above, as Managing Director you will be required to fulfill the following:

2. Duties as the Managing Director of Afrikaburn

Job Purpose

The Managing Director is responsible for the successful leadership and management of the organisation according to the strategic direction set by the Board of Directors.

AfrikaBurn’s Members are responsible for conceiving and managing the long-term direction of the organisation. The Managing Director, Directors and Members work together to identify, explore and determine long-term opportunities and direction of the organisation.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities


  • Participate with the Board of Directors in developing a vision and strategic plan to guide the organisation
  • Identify, assess, and inform the Board of Directors and members of internal and external issues that affect the organisation
  • Bring to the Board of Directors' attention such matters that require their input, attention or decision, and drive these to resolution in a timely manner(gather and process relevant information, generate possible solutions, and make recommendations to resolve the problem or address the issue where possible)
  • Implement the decisions of the Board of Directors and communicate these outcomes to the relevant team members within the organisation
  • Foster effective team work between the Board, the Members and the Managing Director and between the Managing Director and theteam, specifically two-way communications and feedback
  • Conduct official correspondence on behalf of the Board and jointly with the Board when appropriate
  • Deliver Portfolio Lead’s acknowledgement feedback and advice

2.2Operational planning and management

  • Develop an operational plan which incorporates goals and objectives that work towards the strategic direction of the organisation
  • Ensure that the operation of the organisation meets the general expectations of its Members and the general expectations of the operations team.
  • Oversee the efficient and effective day-to-day operation of the organisation
  • Draft policies for the approval of the Board and prepare procedures to implement the organisational policies; review existing policies on an annual basis and recommend changes to the Board and Members as appropriate
  • Provide support to the Board by preparing meeting agenda and supporting materials

2.3Program planning and management

  • Have oversight ofthe planning, implementation and evaluation of the organisation's operations, programs and services
  • Ensure that the programs and services offered by the organization contribute to the organisation's mission and reflect the priorities of the Board
  • Have oversight ofthe planning, implementation, execution and evaluation of special projects
  • Cultivate growth and nurture special projects with the Portfolio Leads, interested parties and volunteers
  • Ensure the implementation of resolutions voted in at the annual AfrikaBurn AGM and Special Member’s meetings

2.4Human resources planning and management

  • Identify group drivers, team building and drive the Holocracy process
  • Ensure that staff training and organizational development needs are addressed timeously and appropriate training is effected efficiently in consultation with the Board of Directors.
  • Identify avenues for increased volunteer participation within the organization
  • Develop a clear process or route of volunteer development and mentorship from entry level up to Board level, in order to create capacity for succession
  • Determine staffing requirements for organizational management and program delivery in consultation with the Human Talent Lead
  • Oversee the implementation of the human resources policies, procedures and practices including the development of job descriptions, Key Performance Indicators, staff retention and clear expectations for all staff in consultation with Human Talent Lead for all staff.
  • Establish a positive, healthy and safe work environment in accordance with all appropriate legislation and regulations
  • Ensure that all staff receives an orientation to the organisation and that appropriate training is provided in consultation with Human Talent Lead
  • Implement a performance management process for all staff which includes monitoring, engagement, motivation and the performance of staff on an on-going basis and conducting both a ‘6 month check’ in and an annual performance review in consultation with Human Talent lead
  • Coach, develop and mentor staff as appropriate to improve performance, motivation, abilities and interests
  • Discipline staff when necessary using appropriate techniques; release staff when necessary using appropriate and legally defensible procedures in consultation with Human Talent Lead
  • Oversee change management with the Board, Portfolio leads and Human Talent Lead
  • Encourage implementation of the staff code of conduct, culture and acknowledgement
  • Motivate the new technology take up of all the staff
  • Drive by example a ‘Do-ocracy’ attitude
  • Cherish the diversity of the team

2.5Financial planning and management

  • Work with staff and the Board (Finance Committee) to prepare a comprehensive budget
  • Identify and explore other avenues for revenue
  • Participate in fundraising activities as appropriate
  • Approve expenditures within the authority delegated by the Board
  • Ensure that sound bookkeeping and accounting procedures are followed
  • Administer the funds of the organisation according to the approved budget and monitor the monthly cash flow of the organisation in consultation with the Finance Lead
  • Together with the Finance Lead, provide the Board with comprehensive, regular reports on the revenues and expenditure of the organisation
  • Ensure that the organization complies with all legislation covering taxation and withholding payments
  • Ensure that all Governance related matters effecting the organisation are addressed timeously and with care and brought to the board of Directors as and when necessary

2.6Community relations/advocacy

  • Establish good working relationships and collaborative arrangements with community groups, funders and other organisations to help achieve the goals of the organisation
  • Ensure the Liaison is kept abreast of all relevant issues or matters arising in order to effectively execute the Liaison function

2.7Risk management

  • Identify and evaluate the risks to the organisation's people (clients, staff, management, volunteers), property, finances, goodwill, and image and implement measures to control risks
  • Ensure that the Board of Directors and the organisation carries appropriate and adequate insurance coverage
  • Ensure that the Board and staff understand the terms, conditions and limitations of the insurance coverage


  • On behalf of the Board of Directors, prepare a written report to the Members and staff every two months, outlining progress on a high level – monthly during critical path
  • Assist the Members Secretary with the planning and execution of AfrikaBurn's AGM
  • Ad hoc administrative duties as may be required from time to time
  • Ensure that all matters of governance are addressed timeously and with care, and brought to the board of Directors as and when necessary

As a leader of thisOrganisation you take cognisance of the following:

Servant Leadership

Servant leadership is focused on the needs of the organisation and its culture.Traditionalleadership is vulnerable to the accumulation and exercise ofpower by the individual(s) who hold these positions. A servant leader focuses on the needs of theothers in support of the whole, with the intention of helping individuals (team members & staff) develop and perform to the best of their abilities. It is “soft leadership”. It is participative, acknowledging and respecting of the experience and perspectives of all involved. It expects and encourages the best of people. The characteristics of a servant leader, which you agree to aspire to, in your role as Managing Director are as follows:

Listening– listening effectively to others is keyto participative decision-making.

Empathy– understanding others’ needs and perspectives

Awareness– understanding the team’s values, feelings, strengths and weaknesses

Persuasion– influencing others and relevant outcomes through persuasion.Insistence may be necessary in someinstances as one cannot manage a process with your hands tied.

Conceptualisation– the ability to integrate present realities and future possibilities