Fitness Assessment and Programming
PEMES 3156
Fall 2014
Lecture Instructor: Dr. Forrest Dolgener Lab Instructor: Piroska Boros
WRC 129 WRC 145
Text: ACSM’s Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual, third edition. The text is available at University Book & Supply and you should get one immediately. Also, an optional resource by Frederic Delavier is Strength Training Anatomy. The text can be purchased from Human Kinetic’s web site at Price is approximately $20.00.
There are many additional materials (labs, power points, etc.) on my web page for this course. These will be used constantly throughout the semester. My web page is at Click on this course and the materials will become available.
Heart Monitor Strap: You will need an elastic strap in order to use the heart monitors during labs. If you have one from the last 2 years of Personal Wellness it will fit. If you do not, you will need to purchase one. I will have some available for purchase (approximately $10).
Use of Electrnoics in the Classroom: Bring a calculator to class every day. Cell phones may not be used as calculators or for any other purpose in the classroom. Tablets and laptops may be used for purposes directly related to the class
Grading: The course grade will be based on the theory and practical application of the course content. There will be 3 components to the course grade and two options for how much each component counts.
Component 1. Three laboratory activities/reports will be required throughout the semester. These activities/reports will count 30% (Blood Pressure & Heart Rate – 10%; Cardiovascular Fitness – 10%; Body Composition – 10%) of your course grade. Labs will be due at the beginning of the lab period on the due date. Late labs will be accepted but the following penalties will apply: Labs turned in before 5:00 pm on the day they are due will be assessed a 5 point penalty. Each day thereafter, a 10 point penalty will be assessed until a maximum of 50 points at which time there is no further penalty.
Component 2. There will be unannounced 5-minute quizzes at the beginning of the class period. There will be 15-20 of these quizzes throughout the semester. The lowest 25% of the quizzes will be dropped and the remaining 75% will count either 20% or 0% of the course grade. If you miss a quiz, it becomes one that you drop. There are no make-ups for the quizzes.
Component 3. Two major tests will be given at approximately mid-semester and at the end of the semester. The average of the two tests will determine either 50% or 70% of your course grade.
Option 1: Component 1 – 30%; Component 2 -20%; Component 3 – 50%
Option 2: Component 1 – 30%; Component 3 – 70%
The final course grade will be assigned based on the following percentages.
92.5-100% = A 82.5 – 86.4% = B 72.5 - 76.4% = C
89.5 – 92.4% = A- 79.5 – 82.4% = B- 69.5 - 72.4% = C-
86.5 – 89.4% = B+ 76.5 – 79.4% = C+ <69.5 = F
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) provides protection from discrimination for qualified individuals with disabilities. Students with a disability, who require assistance, will need to contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) for coordination of academic accommodations. The ODS is located at 103 Student Health Center (319-273-2677)
I encourage you to utilize the Academic Learning Center’s free assistance with writing, math, science, reading, and learning strategies. UNI’s Academic Learning Center is located in 008 ITTC. Visit the website at or phone 319-273-2361 for more information.