l Page 2 February 2, 2005


123 School St.
Anytown, KS 66000

Phone: (785) 555-1234 ♦

February 10, 2005

Rep. Wanna Carealot

Room Number 101-S

State Capitol

Topeka, KS 66612

Dear Representative Carealot,

Greetings from the Paradise FFA Chapter! We are aware that the Kansas Legislature is in Topeka for the 2005 session and we would like to take this opportunity to say hello from your home district and share a little information about our chapter and the National FFA Organization. February 19-27 is National FFA Week and in celebration the 35 members of the Paradise FFA are doing all that we can to spread information about our great organization.

Our chapter is one of 163 chapters across the state of Kansas and one of 7,223 chapters across the nation with a state membership of 7,000 and a national membership of 476,732 students. As you can see there are many members taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the mission of FFA to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. Currently, we are busy planning activities for the second semester and summer through our chapter program of activities committees. These committees give every member the opportunity to be involved in generating the ideas and planning the details that produce the activities fitting into our chapter, student, and community development areas. We are also busy preparing for various career development events (CDE’s). These CDE’s give us the opportunity to apply knowledge learned in the agricultural classroom to real life situations in a competitive environment. This allows members to not only develop and use actual agriculture career skills, but also gives us a chance to experience the variety of agriculture career opportunities and determine which career areas interest us the most. This semester we have members preparing for the livestock judging, agribusiness management, horticulture, and meats judging career development events. Competing in these CDE’s is just one way that Paradise FFA members fulfill the FFA motto of learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve.

As we close this letter we would like to direct your attention to the enclosed schedule of activities that we have planned for FFA Week. We would like to invite you to attend any of them that interest you and especially encourage you stop by the community pancake feed on Monday morning in the high school commons area. We appreciate your interest in our FFA chapter and hope to see you during FFA Week.

Best regards,

Paradise FFA Chapter

Johnny Goodwriter, Chapter Secretary