Fishhawk Lake Recreation Club Inc.
FLRC Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting
The monthly board meeting for FLRC was called to order on
October 11, 2008, at 9:30am in the FLRC Clubhouse
Board Members Present:
Glen Post, Vic Dykstra, Bob Yoder, Eugene Whitley, Linda Rinehart, Joe Cardona, Gene Kleen
Lake Member’s Comments and Communications
Approval of Minutes from September 13, 2008 Regular Board meeting:
Motion to approve by Vic Dykstra and seconded by Eugene Whitley. The approval was unanimous by the Board Members present.
Additions to the Agenda by Board Members:
Lake Employee Reports:
September Monthly Report for Lake Employees and Volunteers
Note: I have not used any names in the report. We truly want to thank the volunteers who help accomplish the work that gets done here. I have made mistakes in the past by not mentioning some names when I was not aware which has hurt some feelings so I am purposely leaving out the names at this time until there is a way to make sure all the people that help get credit. If anyone has any good ideas on this I am willing to listen.
Waste Water Treatment Plant:
· We have a drawing from Ron Bush (engineer) on the UV system so we now know the location and size of cement pad needed. We still need DEQ sign off (they have verbally approved). We still need approval from the Oregon Emergency Management Agency and then we need to order the UV system.
· The pad for the UV is graded and cement was poured on 9-25-08
· Some excess concrete was available from a resident’s project so there was a slab poured at the WTP.
· Lift station #4 had some work done to allow less water to get into our system (infiltration)
Water Treatment Plant:
· Sent in all the annual water tests required to meet our EPA requirements.
· Adjusted pressures and did maintenance on the clay valve on the filter.
· Replaced hour meters on the clear well pump with new hour meters.
· Working on the Water Tower Project – currently working to get a signal line from the tower to the WTP so when we set up the spare tank it will control the needed flow of water.
Common Grounds:
· Lake was lowered about 4 feet to allow Columbia County to work on the footing of the bridge on the East end of the lake. They were done with their work on 9-15-08 – so we are now raising the lake again. Hit the top of the Glory Hole on 10-6-08
· Took the paddle wheels off the dredge and putting in new seals on the paddle wheel motor. Also doing some cleaning and getting it ready to go back in the lake when the water level comes back up.
· Greg Beaman - the Water Master for our district - was here to inspect the Glory Hole. Pictures were taken and sent to him. Some repairs on the Glory Hole happened on 9-30-08.
· Some volunteers went out and marked big logs and stumps so when the water level comes back up the dredge should be able to get most of that out of the lake.
· New boards were cut to go over the Fish Ladder to make repairs easier. New gates were also made and installed. Thanks for the help we received on this.
· Got new printer as the old got hot and quit. .
· Collecting dues
· Hazardous Chemical Report Completed 10-7-08
Board Reports:
Treasurer/Joe Cardona: Joe informed the Board that the deficit of $47,089 in the Operating Expense account is due directly to the additional expenses incurred by the flood. The full report is available in the office.
Legal and Special/Eugene Whitley:
Delinquent Status Report
There are 305 Lots in the FLRC, Inc. Subdivision. The Subdivision is approved for financing by the FHA and VA. Of the total 305 platted lots, FLRC, Inc. currently owns thirty-three (33) properties not including the thirteen (13) properties providing infrastructure. In addition, FLRC, Inc. owns and maintains an additional five (5) Fee Simple properties: (the Dam; the lake bottom in both counties; the club house & island on which it’s located and the Fishhawk Road Spoils Ponds). Additionally FLRC maintains two (2) leased Spoils Ponds. One 2 ½ Acre parcel on North Shore Drive, from the State of Oregon and one 25 Acre parcel on Fishhawk Road from the Johnson Family.
1. Dues payments expected from the Membership for 2007/2008 fiscal year is 257.
a. Total platted Lots 305
b. Less 2 are exempt (Brown properties)
c. Less 13 for infrastructure held by FLRC, Inc.
d. Less 33 REO held by FLRC, Inc.
e. Less 1 in transition to be owned by Clatsop Co.
2. HOA Dues should expect to be 256 X $1,300 = $332,800.
3. The one property is to be owned by Clatsop County for back taxes as reported last year. An inquiry has been made by someone; the property may be purchased. Thus the HOA dues would be added ($1,300) to the above total plus the $1,000.
4. As of yesterday’s mail delivery there are 25 past due. I have coached Diana not to push and to be prepared to offer the message as stated in the September minutes.
5. Al Bannon had filed a claim against the FLRC for being responsible for the damage to his home during the December, 2007 rain storm. It was forwarded to our insurance company. It is still with the insurance company.
6. The Horton’s have filed a claim against the FLRC and it has been forwarded to our insurance company. The claim was forwarded to me from Heather who received it from the Horton’s legal counsel. I quote his attorney’s email message to Heather Reynolds, “The claimant ….. believes the homeowner’s association is responsible for the flood damage he incurred in the flood last December.” I have been in communication with the insurance contact and am providing information to him. He is also seeking information from his own sources.
7. The Horton’s have applied for a grant to repair their bank along the creek and have asked for free dirt (spoils). READ the paragraphs. Again this notice came through his attorney to Heather Reynolds. I recommend that we give the dirt to his contractor. I have discussed this with Bob. We will draw up a letter stipulating that the contractor through his attorney do a number of things so that the club is not required to expend any expense in labor for pre or post hauling of the requested dirt material.
8. Re: The Johnson property. Bob and I had a meeting with Mr. Johnson in September. He is agreeable to have us lease the property. It was decided that the club should first pursue the issue of trying to make certain that we do not have problems with the land use issues and/or wetland issues. As you recall there was a proposal from Newton Consultants. The question is do we want to have these “so called” experts do the leg work with the governmental agencies and hopefully cut through some of the red tape or do we want to try on our own. It is would be a mistake to come into agreement to lease the land and then not be able to use it.
9. It was suggested last year to cancel the December Board meeting.
10. Let us set the annual Meeting date in August? Regular board meeting is the 8th.
11. Insurance is up soon. I recommend we be proactive and ask for 3 quotes and get that process going. Joe and I will initiate the process.
Those that have not paid and it’s related to extraordinary expenses due to the flood are urged to contact Eugene Whitley directly at 503 496 9698 or to make payment arrangement.
Personnel/Jean Martwick: None as she was not present.
Dredging and Weeds/Robert Mersinger: None as he was not present.
Buildings and Grounds/Bob Yoder:
Allen cleaned gutters at club house; Shawn cleaned up logs at Dam boat ramp and trimmed brush along Northshore; filled temporary water tank to test and flush;connector parts have been purchased for hook-up; plugged old culvert at Schoenckys; took interior coating sample from water tower and in and doing so allowed tank level to get too low running us out of water for short time;moved dredge to Beulah creek and had 3 tail pipe separations creating down time and a lot of hard work reconnecting; removed the 5 large alders at Beulah creek $1900; removed 16 loads from spoils area;removed dredge from lake and lowered lake for county bridge work; Allen has been working on safety issues.
Fish and Wildlife/Gene Kleen:
The new rule is to restore limited consumptive trout angling on north coast streams in the NW Zone coastal streams.The season: fourth Saturday in May-Oct.31, 2 trout per day, 2 days in possession, 8-inch minimum length, angling restricted to artificial flies and lures unless otherwise specified.
Long Range Planning/Vic Dykstra: Kenton Fowler volunteered to aid in the updating of personnel guidelines and job descriptions.
New Business:
The adoption of the Oregon State Document Retention Schedule: motion made by Linda Rinehart to adopt same and Vic Dykstra seconded. It was passed by a unanimous vote by those members present.
Revision of the information on the FLRC Website was discussed and agreed that it needs to be updated on a regular basis. Eileen Rule volunteered to work with the webmaster on this project.
Charges for sewer/water hookups and the ownership transfer fee were clarified and confirmed as follows:
Sewer Hookup on any new construction on property purchased since May 13, 2006, is $1,000.
Water Hookup on any new construction on property purchased since May 13, 2006, is $1,000.
EXEMPTIONS: If members have owned and paid dues on a lot prior to May 13, 2006, they are exempt from the Hookup Fees for both sewer and water.
Transfer Fee: Every new purchase whether land or existing construction there is a $1,000 ownership transfer fee.
Walkie Talkies for Volunteer Security members and all personnel: It has been agreed that these people need to carry a walkie talkie with them when they are officially on the Security patrol and that all lake employees need to carry one as well. This is for SAFETY issues that may arise while these members and employees are doing their duties. Security: Each security patrol volunteer is to make arrangements with at least one other Security patrol person to alert that they are now officially going on patrol and to have the walkie talkie on their end readily accessible.
The August, 2009, Annual Meeting has been scheduled for the first Saturday in August, which is the 1st .
Old Business:
The Newton Engineering Proposal was discussed and approved for them to act as the lake’s representatives to assure the permit approvals from various state agencies for the use of the Johnston property for additional dredge spoils placement. This is to be done prior to any pursuit of a lease and/or sale of the property.
Kathy Cardona reported that as of the date of the meeting there were 14 applications approved as submitted; 5 applications with conditions; 2 were denied but were resubmitted and are included in the 14 above.
Kathy Cardona reported that all has been quiet on the “home front”.
It was reported that Ladies Night Out was that night and upcoming events are
Family Halloween Party and Dinner on Saturday, October 25th at the clubhouse and an Adult Costume Party on Friday, October 31st at the clubhouse. Details will be listed on the community bulletin boards.
In addition, Kathy Cardona reported that Cabin Crawl, December 13th, will be a progressive dinner like was done for Dock Crawl this year. If anyone is interested in either hosting or co-hosting, please contact Kathy Cardona.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM
Draft Report prepared by
Linda Rinehart, Secretary