Office of Proposal Development (), TexasA&MUniversity
October 1, 2008 Research Funding OpportunitiesA listing of research and educational funding for the academic community
Office of Proposal Development
Division of Research & Graduate Studies
Research Development & Grant Writing Resources
OPD’s monthly E-newsletter
If you don’t write grants, you won’t get any…
OPD recommended grant writing resources to enhance the competitiveness of research and educational proposals to federal agencies & foundations.
“Don’t reinvent the flat tire…”an NSF Program Officer’s comment on why background information is important to successful grant writing.
Grant Writing Resources
- Grant Writing Resources
New Web Resources
New Grants Info
Open Solicitations
- Resources for Writing the Upcoming NSFIGERT; NSF GRF; NSF MRI;
- New OPDSeminars
Due Date by Month
February & Later / Grant Writing Articles
(CTRL+Click #)
1. Types of University Proposals
2. Analyzing the Solicitation
3.Know Your Funding Agency
4.Basic vs. Mission Agency
5.Agency Culture
6.Agency Language
7.Intramural vs. Extramural
8.RFP & Proposal Organization
9.Tips: Exploring NSF Website
ByMike Cronan,Lucy DeckardRobyn Pearson
[Topic Suggestions Welcome]
OPD-Web ( )
a resource for the development and writing of research and educational proposals to federal agencies and foundations
New funding opportunities are posted to OPD-Web daily and clustered by week
OPD-Web Content Manager:
OPD New Faculty Seminar Series: Competitive Grant Writing Strategies for New Investigators-Sept. 18 - Oct. 17
A series of "flash" seminars for new & junior faculty on five key topics related to finding and competing for research funding. All seminars will be offered at lunch time, noon-1 pm, on Thursday and repeated on Friday in room 310 J.K. Williams Bld. Sandwiches provided; registration required (URL).
What’s New in Federal Research Budget: R&D Budget & PolicyUpdates
by Kei Koizumi, Director, R&D Budget and Policy Program
American Association for the Advancement of Science
New Estimates of National Research and Development Expenditures Show 5.8% Growth in 2007
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New/Modified Opportunities by Agency
New/Modified Opportunities by Category Tips & Resources From Grantors
26 Federal Agencies and their grant resources
Grant Writing Resources (Top)
Researcher Behavior that Leads to Success in Obtaining Grant Funding: A Model for Success
The Evolution of Instruction in Grant Writing and Research in the Libraries at the University of Utah
Peter L. Kraus, Associate Librarian, J. Willard Marriott Library, Univ. of Utah
In academic medicine and health sciences grant writing is a skill that is often self taught or acquired informally by trial and error. Nevertheless, it is a critical skill for graduate students, post-doctoral students, academic fellows, and new tenure-track faculty. Successful grantsmanship leads to research, research leads to an increase in publications, and an increase in earnings.
Why Academics Have a Hard Time Writing Good Grant Proposals
Robert Porter, Ph. D., Program Development Manager, Research Division, Virginia Tech
This paper discusses the contrasting perspectives of academic prose versus grant writing, and lists strategies grant specialists can use to help researchers break old habits and replace them with techniques better suited to the world of competitive grant proposals.
Guide to Proposal Development in the Humanities for Graduate Students
compiled by Beverly Joyce, Bill Moseley and Kathy Porsch, HallCenter for the Humanities
Developing Graduate Fellowship Proposals, A Guide for Students
GrantSource Library, Proposal Writing Resources
UNC-Chapel Hill
Peer Review Process of Research Applications
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Research Funding Opportunities in the Humanities
The MelbernG.GlasscockCenter for Humanities Research
(funding blog)
National Council for Eurasian and East European Research
Newberry Library Short-Term Fellowships, 2009
NationalAcademies, Other Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants
Kresge Announces Two New Grantmaking Programs – the Health Program and the Environment Program
American Heart Association Funding Opportunities
The next deadline will be in January 2009.
Minority Mentoring Program
The Minority Mentoring Program is for U.S.-based underrepresented minority scientists and clinicians in the early part of their professional careers. Applications for the 2009 Program will be available Nov. 1, 2008.
US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research(Top)
Topic Solicitation FY2010 Emerging Frontiers In Research & Innovation
NSF Cost Sharing Dear Colleague Letter
NSF Workshop Report on Proactive Recruitment in the Lower Division
A workshop panel consisting of 30 faculty members, researchers, and administrators from mathematics, statistics, science and engineering departments met in Washington on April 28-29, 2008 to advise the NSF on a potential new funding initiative targeted to the recruitment of students into mathematics and science through collaborative efforts between one or more disciplines.
Role of HBCUs as Baccalaureate-Origin Institutions of Black S&E Doctorate Recipients
Funding for Social Scientists at the National Science Foundation
Deborah Winslow, Program Officer, Cultural Anthropology Program
Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and EconomicSciences
NSF Proposal Review &Preparation
Joane Nagel,NSF Sociology Program Officer 2002-2004
How to get NSF funding:a view from the “inside”
Gisele Muller-Parker, Ocean Sciences, National Science Foundation
NSF Workshops for Hispanic Serving Institutions
Downloadable NSF sponsored workshops for HIS’s in order to highlight the inner workings of NSF; explain the proposal preparation and merit review processes; provide an overview of award management, compliance issues, and electronic initiatives; and answer pressing questions from the HSI community.
2008 IPSR NSF Grant Mentoring Workshop
IPSR 2008 NSF Grant Mentoring Workshop at the University of Kansas
NSF RSS Feeds and Podcasts
NIH Extramural Training Mechanisms (Top)
K Kiosk - Information about NIH Career Development Awards
Writing A Grant as a Young [NIH] Investigator
Kay Ryan, Director, Clinical Research Operations
Massachusetts GeneralHospital Clinical Research Program
Grant Writing Tips:Preparing Your CV And Proving Your Expertise
Sara Rockwell, Ph.D., Director, Office of Scientific Affairs
YaleUniversitySchool of Medicine
How to win an NIH grant–A reviewer’s perspective
Louise Ryan, HarvardUniversity
How To Write Your First Grant
Penny Cook, Executive Director, Grants and Contracts; Sara Rockwell, PhD, Director, Office of Scientific Affairs, Professor of Therapeutic Radiology and Pharmacology, YaleUniversitySchool of Medicine
Peer Review of NIHResearch GrantApplications
Anthony M. Coelho, Jr., Ph.D., Review Policy Officer, NIH Office of Extramural Research
Writing Scientific Manuscripts
Constructing a Winning Grant
Burroughs Wellcome Fund in partnership with Sigma Xi
NIH Roadmap for Medical Research
The Transformative R01 Program (T-R01s) will allow highly creative, “out-of-the-box” projects to be supported in any area of research that falls within the NIH mission, and in particular, in areas of Highlighted Need. The NIH recognizes that new paradigms are needed in these areas and will highly encourage research that addresses these needs.
NIH Links
Links to a wide variety of data, statistics, strategic plans, policy studies, program evaluations, and other sources of reports on biomedical and behavioral research programs, as well as broader science-related information resources.
Clinical Research Study Investigator's Toolbox
NIGMS Administrative Supplements for Collaborative Science
These funds are intended to enhance ongoing research by stimulating and supporting new multidisciplinary collaborations among NIGMS grantees and other members of the scientific community. Collaborations that bring together ideas and approaches from disparate scientific disciplines are particularly encouraged, as are those involving individuals from groups that are currently underrepresented in the biomedical sciences.
AHRQ Announces Interest in Career Development (K01, K02, K08) and Dissertation (R36) Grants focused on Health Information Technology
Assessment Linked to Science Learning Goals: Probing Student Thinking Through Assessment
Projections of Education Statistics to 2017
This publication provides projections for key education statistics. It includes statistics on enrollment, graduates, teachers, and expenditures in elementary and secondary schools, and enrollment and earned degrees conferred expenditures of degree-granting institutions.
Grant Writing Workshop for Young Investigators
Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education
EPA Tips On Writing a Grant Proposal
A National Academies resource for scientists and researchers.
Funding Opportunities For Environmental Graduate Studies (Top)
Compiled by Michigan State University’s Environmental Science and Policy Program
AFOSR: Broad Agency Announcements – Current
Office of Naval Research Currently Active BAAs
U.S. Army Research Laboratory Open BAAs
DARPA Solicitations
Defense Sciences Office Current Solicitations
DOE Open Grants and Contracts
DoD Strategic Plan for Research and Engineering
NASA Open and Future Research Solicitations
HSARPA Solicitations Portal
Center for Disease Control & Prevention Open FOAs
U.S. Department of Education Federal Register Funding Notices
October (Top)
Center for Global Partnership
The rapid acceleration of globalization has deepened interdependence among nations, expanded economic transactions, and enhanced collaborative undertakings in diverse fields. It has also given rise to a multiplicity of actors on the international scene; not only sovereign governments but also a host of non-state actors including the business sector, academia, non-profit organizations and other segments of civil society. CGP intends to fulfill its mission by creating new networks and providing opportunities for advancing research and candid discussion of issues arising from this profound transformation of societies. To this end, CGP’s Grant Program supports Japan-U.S. collaborative policy-oriented projects in the target areas listed below. In addition, CGP recognizes the value of including a multinational dimension within projects, and therefore gives priority to those that incorporate Asia into its agenda. / LOI Oct. 1; Full Dec. 1
Annual Notice For Continuation of Availability Of Grants and Cooperative Agreements For Nuclear Physics
The Office of Nuclear Physics (NP), within the Office of Science (SC) of the Department of Energy (DOE), hereby announces its continuing interest in receiving NEW applications for support of research in Nuclear Physics. / LOI Oct. 1; full Nov. 15
American Philosophical Society - Franklin Travel for Research Purposes Grants
The Franklin Research Grants program is particularly designed to help meet the costs of travel to libraries and archives for research purposes; the purchase of microfilm, photocopies, or equivalent research materials; the costs associated with fieldwork; or laboratory research expenses. Franklin grants are made for noncommercial research. Disciplinary Category: Arts & Humanities; International Opportunities; Social Sciences; Medical - Basic Science; Physical Sciences & Engineering; Environmental & Life Sciences. / Oct. 1, 2008; Dec. 1, 2008
Teaching Development Fellowships
Teaching Development Fellowships (TDF) support college and university teachers pursuing research aimed specifically at deepening their core knowledge in the humanities to improve their undergraduate teaching. The program has three broad goals: 1) to improve the depth and quality of humanities education in the United States; 2) to strengthen the link between research and teaching in the humanities; and 3) to foster excellence in undergraduate instruction. Projects must improve an existing undergraduate course that has been taught in at least THREE different terms and will continue to be taught by the applicant. Proposals for new courses or for mere course preparation will NOT be considered. The research project must be closely related to the applicant's core interests as an interpreter of the humanities. / Oct. 1
Climate Change and Allergic Airway Disease
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications proposing research on the impact of global change on the development and severity of allergic airway disease from exposure to pollen, mold, and other plant-derived allergens / Oct. 1
Computer and Network Systems (CNS): Core Programs
CISE’s Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) supports research and education projects that develop new knowledge in two core programs: The Computer Systems Research (CSR) program; and The Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS) program. / Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1.
Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS): Core Programs
CISE’s Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) supports research and education projects that develop new knowledge in three core programs: The Human-Centered Computing program; The Information Integration and Informatics program; and The Robust Intelligence program. / Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1.
Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF): Core Programs
CISE’s Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) supports research and education projects that develop new knowledge in three core programs: The Algorithmic Foundations program; The Communications and Information Foundations program; and
The Software and Hardware Foundations program. / Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1.
CISE Cross-Cutting Programs: FY 2009 and FY 2010
This solicitation seeks proposals in cross-cutting areas that are scientifically timely, and that benefit from the intellectual contributions of researchers with expertise in a number of computing fields and/or sub-fields. The cross-cutting programs for FY 2009 and 2010 are:
Data-intensive Computing; Network Science and Engineering; and Trustworthy Computing. / Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1.
Joint DMS/NIGMS Initiative to Support Research in the Area of Mathematical Biology
The Division of Mathematical Sciences in the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the National Institutes of Health plan to support research in mathematics and statistics related to mathematical biology research. Both agencies recognize the need and urgency for additional research at the boundary between the mathematical sciences and the life sciences. This competition is designed to encourage new collaborations at this interface, as well as to support existing ones. / Oct. 1
Beckman Young Investigators Program
The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation makes grants to non-profit research institutions to promote research in chemistry and the life sciences, broadly interpreted, and particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open up new avenues of research in science. The Beckman Young Investigator (BYI) Program is intended to provide research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of academic careers in the chemical and life sciences. / Oct. 1
Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Studies, Pre-Columbian Studies, Garden and Landscape Studies
Before applying, applicants must contact the appropriate Director of Studies, no later than October 1, 2008, to determine if the project falls within the purview of the Project Grants. Dumbarton Oaks makes a limited number of grants to assist with scholarly projects in Byzantine Studies, Pre-Columbian Studies, and Garden and Landscape Studies. The normal range of awards is $3,000–$10,000. Support is generally for archaeological research, as well as for the recovery, recording, and analysis of materials that would otherwise be lost. / Oct. 1
NASA Terrestrial Ecology
The goal of Terrestrial Ecology research is to improve understanding of the structure and function of global terrestrial ecosystems, their interactions with the atmosphere and hydrosphere, and their role in the cycling of the major biogeochemical elements and water. This program of research addresses variability in terrestrial ecosystems, how terrestrial ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles respond to and affect global environmental change (including changes in biodiversity), and future changes in carbon cycle dynamics and terrestrial ecosystems. / Oct. 2
Education Research Training Grants
In this announcement, the Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) describes the research training programs that are funded through its NationalCenter for Education Research. Separate announcements are available on the Institute's website that pertain to the research grant programs that are funded through the National Center for Education Research ( ) and to the research grant programs and the research training program funded through the Institute's National Center for Special Education Research ( ). / Oct. 2
Education Research and DevelopmentCenter Grants
In this announcement, the Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) invites applications for research projects that will contribute to its Education Research and DevelopmentCenter program. / Oct. 2
Special Education Research Training Grants
The Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) describes the postdoctoral research training program that is funded through its NationalCenter for Special Education Research. Separate announcements are available on the Institute's website that pertain to the discretionary grant competitions that are funded through the National Center for Special Education Research ( and to the research programs grant programs and research training programs funded through the Institute's National Center for Education Research ( ). / Oct. 2
ACLS - Digital Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowships for Humanities Scholars
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) invites applications for the second annual competition for the ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships. This program supports digitally based research projects in all disciplines of the humanities and humanities-related social sciences. It is hoped that projects of successful applicants will help advance digital humanistic scholarship by broadening understanding of its nature and exemplifying the robust infrastructure necessary for creating further such works. / Oct. 2
American Council of Learned Societies - Charles A. Ryskamp Research Fellowships
The fellowships seek to provide time and resources to enable these faculty members to conduct their research under optimal conditions. Appropriate fields of specialization include but are not limited to: anthropology, archaeology, art history, economic history, geography, history, languages and literatures, law, linguistics, musicology, philosophy, political science, religion, and historical sociology. / Oct. 2