June 2-4, 2017
Pentecost Sunday
Saturday, June 3rd
4:00 pm Reconciliation/4:30 pm Rosary
5:00 pm Mass (Intention: For Our Parish)
Sunday, June 4th
8:30 am Mass (Intention: †Christopher & Viola Powers)
11:00 am Mass (Intention: Christine Meek)
Monday,June 5th
8:30 am Mass (Intention: Special Intention)
9:30 am Gospel of Matthew Bible Study
Tuesday, June 6th
►NO5:15 pm Mass (Intention: moved to 8/9)
Wednesday,June 7th
►NO8:30 am Mass(Intention: moved to 6/20)
Thursday,June 8th
5:15 pm Mass (Intention: †Helen & Kenneth Hermann)
Friday, June 9th
8:30 am Mass (Intention: †Christopher & Viola Powers)
Saturday, June 10th
4:00 pm Reconciliation/4:30 pm Rosary
5:00 pm Mass (Intention: Lucas Robert Cady)
Sunday,June 11th – The Most Holy Trinity
8:30 am (Intention: For Our Parish)
11:00 am (Intention: †Nancy T. Brown)
*Dena McCarter; *Patti Grow; *Diana Moore; *Debby Grubbs; *Aloisia Mattl, *Pat Gerke, *Louis Hill, Jr., *Linda Wittkorn; *Dorothy Maness, *Vernon Myers; *Jodi Jerger; *Roger Hill, *Li Hwa Duerstock, *Phyllis Harrison,*Ray Steinmetz, *Rusty Turner, * Pam; Ken Rankle, Rachel Day, Chandra Mattingly, Paul Vogelpohl, Vicky Minning, Paul,Travis Miller, Gary Payne, Leonard Bauer, Bob Helmle, Jim Bennett, Vicki McAllister, Gail Smith, John Kyle, Abby Hartman, Molly Zoz, Jim Brandt, Sandra Gordon, Barbara, Mary, Bev Sing, Beckman Grandchild, Lack Family, Janet Bruns. Chan Mattingly, Marilyn Donnangelo, Thomas Bruns, Ron Bradford.
Please remember our Troops and their families in your prayers.
Parish Budget Information – Wk.49– 5/29/2017
Weekly Collection $ 8,173.02Envelopes 123
Weekly Budget: 8,100.00 Attendance 396
Weekly Variance: + 73.02St. Vincent $ 270.00
Right to Life 5.00School $ 25.00
Have you gone to our new and improved web site yet? Give it a try at:
Ministry Schedule for June 3 & 4, 2017: TEAM 1
8:30pm 8:30am 11:00am
G. Manford M. Gutman & K. Fryman B. & N. Beinkemper
N. Eaglin & D. Manford J. & D. Sedler J. Teaney & C. Kent
R. BrayshawM. McCabeM. Beinkemper
B. ManessT. McCabeR. Schuler
M. YoeM.L. MinnigB. Ullrich
M. WaldonT. & C. SchweitzerF. Schmits
Thad EaglinHannah HaverkosEvan Meek
Eli BruceLily DennisCyndi Tush
06/04/17 8:30 B. Beckman11:00 Schulers
06/11/17 8:30 Groves11:00 Cigolottis
05/30/17-TUES.: Team 3:M. & B. Green, E. Beckman, E. Wandstrat
06/05/17 Team 4:J. Miller, J. & C. Hill, T. Hetzer
Respect Life
“The patient requesting assisted suicide is often asking, ‘Does anyone want me to be alive, or care enough to talk me out of this request and support me through this difficult time?’”
- “Every Suicide is Tragic”.
Cross the Bridge for Life, June 4, at the Festival Grounds along the Ohio River behind Newport on the Levee.Free T-shirts! Festivities begin at 1 p.m. with face painting, balloon artists, music and food trucks. The walk begins at 2 p.m.; with more music and free lunch from JTM following. Visit
Natural Family Planning. A Natural Family Planning Class will be held on Sunday, July 2nd, from 9:00am to 12:15pm in the Batesville Deanery Resource Center at St. Louis. There is a $40.00 fee for books and materials. For reservations call 934-4054 or 934-3338.
Pentecost Sunday
This weekend we celebrate the feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit among the believers of the early Church. Saint Paul reminds us of the special power the Holy Spirit has bestowed upon us and how that power gives us the potential to live extraordinary lives of faith. Good stewards recognize this power and use their gifts, through God’s channel of grace, to transform their lives and the lives of others, and thus hasten God’s Kingdom. Good stewards know that it is through the Holy Spirit that they can proclaim: “Jesus is Lord.” Do we believe that Jesus is Our Lord? If so, how do we show it?
►Monday, June 5 at 6:00 pm. Annual Picnic. St. Florentine Circle Daughters of Isabella. Joan McGranahan 1517 Greendale will host the event. Please bring a covered dish. Meat will be provided. Questions? Call Regent, Sandy Schmits at (812) 926-0943.
► June 6, 2017 - Daughters of Isabella Annual Mass of Anointingat the Batesville Knights of Columbus Hall. Doors will open at 10:00 amwith Mass beginning at11:00am. Lunch will be served immediately following Mass at cost of $11.00 per person.Reservation need to be called in no later thanMay 31to Donna Niehoff at812..593.5397or812.934.4749.
► June 9-11. St. Louis School Annual Rummage Sale. In Batesville Activity Center Friday, June 9, 8am to 6pm Saturday, June 10, 8 am to 4 pm Saturday only, from 12 to 4:00 - everything half price Sunday, June 11, 8 am to 1:30 pm $1 a bag day for all items that will fit in a Kroger bag, including toys and misc. items.
► June 26. 8:00 – 4:00 pm. DAY OF SILENCE - Fatima Retreat House. $32.00 includes room, continental breakfast and lunch. For more information, call (317) 545-7681 or 222.archindy.org/Fatima.
► Wednesday, July 19. Kings Island Day sponsored by CYO (Catholic Youth Organization). Tickets are available for $35.00 for ages 3 and up. Please call (317) 632-9311 for further information or to purchase tickets.
Bulletin Advertisements. We have several different price points. if you would like to advertise your company or anything else, just so it is not against the teachings of the Catholic Church. Call the office.
AfterEaster Sunday,Christmasis the second-greatest feast in the Christian liturgical calendar, butPentecost Sundayis not far behind. Coming 50 days after Easter and ten days after theAscension of Our Lord, Pentecost marks the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. For that reason, it is often called the "the birthday of the Church."
On Pentecost Sunday, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, they were granted thegifts of the Holy Spirit. Those gifts helped them to fulfill their mission to preach the Gospel to all nations. For us, too, those gifts—granted when we are infused withsanctifying grace, the life of God in our souls—help us to live a Christian life.
CounselFear of the Lord
Vacation Bible School has been cancelled as we did not have enough children register. We will try to reschedule it for later in the year.
St. Mary Parish Pastoral Council
We still need new Parish Council, Finance, and School Commission members. Please consider serving on any of these valuable parish committees. It’s roughly about a 15 hours per year commitment. Call the parish office for more information or to volunteer.
Battle Ready Rally2017. Join us for an event that will strengthen and encourage you to be more aware of, prepared for, and engaged in the spiritual fight. Doug Barry will address the reality of the Spiritual Battle on Saturday, June 3rd at St. Mary of the Rock, Batesville. There will be a teen/young adult talk at 3:00pm and Family Battle Ready Rally at 6:30pm. Sponsored by Ss. Philomena and Cecilia Church.
Theology on Tap Summer Series Young adults, age 21-35, are invited to join us every other Wednesday—June 14 & 28; July 12 & 26; August 9 & 23— as we build community, learn more about the Catholic Faith, and explore Truth. All talks will be hosted by Bent Rail Brewery in South Broad Ripple, Indianapolis. Please see our website for other speaker and talk details, We have 250+ young adults each night, so it is a great way to meet new people! Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Young Adult Ministry.