Korean 101

Fall 2012

First semester Korean (1학기 한국어)

Course description

5 credits. First semester Korean is designed for beginning students with no prior knowledge of Korean. This course introduces students to Korean language and culture by providing language materials in which various aspects of Korean culture are centered. The main objective of Korean 101 is two-fold. First, this course helps students develop effective communication skills in Korean through the development of the four basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Second, it introduces students to the most recent issues in the world regarding Korean culture as well as Korean cultural beliefs and values.


Sooyeon Lee, Ph.D.


Office: Curtin Hall 583

Office hours: MT 12:00-1:00 pm & by appointment


MTWRF 10:00-10:50 am (NWQ G578)

Conversation table: TBA


Sogang Korean 1A (Student’s book $51.99 & Workbook $29.99) (available from Panther bookstore)


Grades will be based on 3 written exams, 2 oral exams, homework assignments, vocabulary quizzes, a presentation, and attendance. The detailed assessment plan is as follows:

3 written exams 30% (10% each)

2 oral exams 20% (10% each)

Homework 10%

Vocab quizzes 10%

Presentation 15%

Attendance 15%

Total 100%

The course curve will be established after final calculations have been made, but the range of A grades tentatively runs from 90-100%, B grades from 80-89%, C grades from 70-79%, D grades from 60-69%, F under 60%.

Korean culture presentation (Group project)

In the first semester Korean course, one of the requirements is a cultural presentation project. First, you choose one topic relevant to Korean culture such as Korean traditional wedding, food, movie, Taekwondo and so forth. You must prepare a 15-minute presentation for your classmates to share the information you learned regarding your topic. You can present your topic in any format. Just let the instructor know what kind of equipment you need for your presentation one week before your presentation. Your presentation topic must be submitted to the instructor no later than Friday, September 21st . You are more than welcome to consult with your instructor about choosing topics.

Ground rules

1.  Be on time.

2.  No one should assume that he/she may be absent from class. If a student is absent 6 times or more without any written proof of inevitable circumstances (e.g., doctor’s note), his/her grade will be dropped one grade (Aà A-).

3.  You will fail the course if you miss any of the three written exams, even if you have completed all of the assignments and received a full attendance score. However, a make-up exam may be taken within 48 hours from the time of the original exam if you have a legitimate excuse. (e.g., verified illness or University-sponsored event)

4.  The time of the final examination is fixed. No one will be allowed to take the final exam earlier or later than scheduled.

5.  Bring your textbook to class.

6.  No food, no gum, no texting, no chatting.

7.  Email your instructor ahead of time if you have to miss a class due to illness or for emergency reasons.

8.  Be familiar with new vocabulary before we start a new chapter. Vocabulary quizzes will be graded.

9.  Feel free to contact your instructor if you have any question.

10.  Check your UWM email everyday. Important information and reminders about this course will be sent via e-mail. E-mails will be sent to your UWM address.

The Policies for the Department of Linguistics

Please consult the department office and bulletin board for information on general policies, including policies of participation by students with disabilities, religious observations, academic conduct, complaints, sexual harassment, and other topics. The Department of Academic Misconduct and the Students with Disabilities Act. Students have certain rights to file appeals or grievances. Please visit: http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/OSL/DOS/conduct.hmtl# Appeals for details.

Korean 101 schedule Fall ‘12

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Sep 3
Labor Day / 4
Course intro
Classroom Korean / 5
Hangul 1 / 6
Hangul 2 / 7
Hangul 3
Hangul 4 / 11
Hangul quiz
Review Hangul / 12
SB pg 25-26
WB pg 33 / 13
SB pg 27-28 / 14
SB pg 31-32
WB pg 44-45 / 18
SB pg 34-35 / 19
SB pg 39
WB pg 56-57 / 20
SB pg 40-41
WB pg 59-61 / 21
SB pg 42-43
SB pg 47-49
WB pg 70-72 / 25
SB pg 50-51 / 26
Ch1 VQ
SB pg 56-57
WB pg 80 / 27
SB pg 58-59 / 28
Oct 1
SB pg 62-64 / 2
SB pg 62-64 (cont’d) / 3
SB pg 66-68 / 4
SB pg 66-68 (cont’d) / 5
Exam #1
SB pg 72-73
WB pg 92, 94 / 9
Ch2 VQ
SB pg 74-75
WB pg 96-101 / 10
SB pg 76-77 / 11
SB pg 78
Activity / 12
SB pg 80-82
SB pg 80-82 (cont’d) / 16
SB pg 84-86 / 17
SB pg 84-86 (cont’d) / 18
Review Ch 2 / 19
Ch 3 VQ
SB pg 90
SB pg 91-92
WB pg 111, 115 / 23
SB pg 93
WB pg 116 / 24
SB pg 94-95 / 25
SB pg 96 / 26
SB pg 98-100
SB pg 98-100 (cont’d) / 30
SB pg 102-104
Oral exam #1 script submission deadline / 31
Review Ch3 / Nov 1
Exam #2 (Ch2-3) / 2
Oral exam #1 (Prep1-Ch3)
Oral exam #1 / 6
Ch 4 VQ
SB pg 108-109
WB pg 128-129 / 7
SB pg 110-111 / 8
SB pg 112-113 / 9
SB pg 114
SB pg 116-118 / 13
SB pg 116-118 (cont’d) / 14
SB pg 120-122 / 15
SB pg 120-122 (cont’d) / 16
Review Ch4
Ch 5 VQ
SB pg 126
WB pg 144 / 20
SB pg 127
WB pg 149 / 21
Thanksgiving recess / 22
Thanksgiving recess / 23
Thanksgiving recess
SB pg 128
Activity / 27
SB pg 129-130 / 28
SB pg 132-134
Oral exam #2 script submission deadline / 29
SB pg 132-134 (cont’d) / 30
SB pg 136-138
Dec 3
SB pg 136-138 (cont’d) / 4
Review Ch5 / 5
Oral exam #2 (Ch4-5) / 6
Oral exam #2 / 7
Korean Day
Project presentation
Project presentation / 11
Project presentation / 12
Project presentation / 13
Study day

Note. SB (Student book); WB (Workbook); VQ (Vocabulary Quiz)

Final exam

Section 1. Dec 20 (Thu) 10:00-12:00 Noon

Section 2. Dec 15 (Sat) 12:30-2:30