





First Presbyterian Church

304 West Main Street

Lebanon, TN 37087

Senior Pastor — Sherard Edington

2013-2014 Education Committee

Nancy Gebhardt —Chair

Preschool Liaison

Blair Welser

Preschool Staff

Lyse Watson—3 Year Old Teacher

Pattie Netherton—4 Year Old Teacher

Angela Hankins—4 Year Old Teacher

Lee Anne Warren—Director

First Presbyterian Church Preschool

Dear Parents,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to First Presbyterian Preschool. We are excited about the upcoming 2013-2014 school year and happy to have your child in our program. This will be the 26th year for the First Presbyterian Preschool program.

Our program offers a variety of experiences to your preschooler. Children learn through exploring the world around them. Your child will learn by using a variety of manipulative materials such as play dough, paint, crayons, clay, blocks, puzzles, markers, and scissors. We will expose your child to math by water play, cooking, building, etc… All three classes will have Circle time each day, which will include music, calendar, weather, and story time. We will also work on social skills such as taking turns, sharing, working independently, and working with others. We will go on a variety of field trips this year, which will provide your child multiple opportunities to explore different environments. Children learn best when they are having fun. Our goal is for each child to learn, and master as many skills as possible in a fun and loving atmosphere.

We are looking forward to a wonderful year at Preschool. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me at 444-1360.


Lee Anne Warren

Preschool Director

First Presbyterian

Pre-School Calendar


August 8 Meet Your Teacher Day

(9:00 -11:00 am – Come & Go)

August 13 First Full Day of Preschool

October 8, 10, 15, & 17 Fall Break (No School)

November 28 Thanksgiving Holiday

December 19 Christmas Party—Last Day before Holidays

Dec. 24, 26, 31, & Jan. 2 Christmas Holidays (No School)

January 7 Return from Christmas Break

March 11, 13, 18, & 20 Spring Break

April 10 Registration for 2012-2013

May 20 Last Full Day of Preschool

May 22 Graduation Day

Dates are subject to change. Please check your monthly calendar for further notice on

field trips and special days!

Preschool Policy Information


Tuition will be $1100.00 per year. You may pay this up front or in monthly payments of $110.00 (Aug.-May). Tuition will be due on the first school day of each month. If it is not paid on the first day, it must be paid within 2 weeks of the due date and must be approved by director or your child will be dismissed from the Preschool program. There will be a late charge of $10.00 if not paid on time, unless other arrangements have been made in advance with the director.

There is a one time non-refundable registration/activity fee of $100.00 due upon registration of your child in the preschool program. This fee is used by the preschool for consumable materials used throughout the school year, such as: pencils, crayons, glue, paper, and snacks. This fee also covers the cost of all field trips, a field trip shirt and all special projects.

Payments may be made in cash or checks (Checks should be made payable to First Presbyterian Preschool). Tuition is non-refundable, with the exception of snow closings, in which there will be credit given for each day the school is closed or the preschool will schedule make-up days at no additional cost.

There will be a $10.00 fee on all returned checks.

We ask that if a child must withdraw from school, please give a two week notice. Please remember that prompt payments avoid misunderstandings. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.

Pre-School will follow the Wilson County school calendar for school closings due to inclement weather. On school days, if snow is in the forecast, please listen to your local television or radio program. If Wilson Co. schools close early, so will we, using the following guidelines:

·  If schools close one hour early, we will close at 1:00 pm.

·  If schools close two hours early, we will close at 12:00 pm.

·  If schools open two hours late, we will open at 10:00 am.

·  If schools open one hour late, we will open at 9:00 am (regular time).


1. Nap Mat

We ask that you please send a nap mat for rest time. Your child may also bring a light weight blanket to use as cover. The children will be resting after lunch each day. Some children also rest better if they bring a “lovey” to snuggle with at rest time. This is a very important part of a busy Preschooler’s day.

2. Change of Clothes

Each child must bring a complete change of clothes that are to be left at school (old ones are fine); shirt, pants, underwear, and socks. These need to be placed in a Ziploc type storage bag and labeled with your child’s name. We understand that accidents do happen, but our policy is that your child must be fully potty trained and able to take care of him/herself in the bathroom.

3. Lunch

Each school day, your child will need to bring his/her lunch (no carbonated beverages please, as they tend to sometimes fizz and leak). A snack and drink will be provided by the Preschool each day. If your child has any food allergies, please let us know.

4. Backpack

Papers, notes, and crafts will be sent home each day. It is helpful for you child to a have backpack for these items. The backpack should be large enough to hold a standard sized school folder.

All school supplies such as pencils, paper, scissors, crayons, glue, etc. will be provided.

Please be sure all items are clearly labeled with your child’s name.

We discourage children from bringing toys, money, gum, or candy with them. Personal belongings may get lost or damaged. There will be several special sharing days where children may bring things from home. You will be notified of these on the Preschool calendar.


Pre-School hours are 9:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. Please do not bring your child before 8:50 A.M., as teachers are making their final preparations for the day and are sometimes not able to be in their rooms until this time. If you do arrive before 9:00, you and your child are welcome to wait in the church library until class time. Pick-up time is between 1:50 and 2:00. There will be a $3.00 late charge for each 5 minutes a child is left after 2:00 P.M. Please take into consideration our teacher’s time. Teachers are not paid to stay past 2:00, so we do have to strictly enforce this policy. We understand situations do arise, so therefore, we ask that you call if you know you are running late so that we can make arrangements.

For safety and security of your children, parents are required to sign their child in and out daily at arrival and dismissal times. The sign in/out log is located on a table at the entrance to the preschool.

Parents are asked to walk their child to their class each morning and to come to the child’s room in the afternoon for pickup. We ask that after you walk them to the room and assist them with their backpacks and lunch boxes, that you say your good-byes at the door. This helps the transition from parent to teacher go much smoother. If someone other than the person(s) signed as responsible for afternoon pickup of your child will be coming, you must let us know. No child will be released to an unauthorized person!!!

We ask that you please do not send your child to school sick. If your child becomes ill during the day, a parent will be contacted to come and pick him/her up. If your child is going to be absent, please notify the church secretary and she will let your child’s teacher know.


We will be going on a variety of field trips this year. A permission slip will be given to each parent at the beginning of the year for a signature that will cover all field trips. You will be notified in advance of these trips on our monthly calendar. We will be asking for volunteers at certain times to help transport the children. We do have a church van, but it will not hold all the children. (You will need to provide a car/booster seat for your child if you will not be transporting him/her on the trip). Each child will be receiving a shirt that we ask them to wear on all field trips. These are really helpful in keeping all our preschoolers together.


We will be doing lots of fun projects this year; finger painting, play dough, water colors, etc… As these activities can sometimes be messy, please dress your child in clothing that is durable and comfortable.

We will have an outdoor play time each day, weather permitting. Please dress your child appropriately. All garments which can be removed should be marked with his/her name.


If your child has a birthday on or near a school day, you may wish to celebrate with a small class party. (No gifts please). Feel free to bring refreshments (Cookies, cupcakes, drinks, etc…). Please schedule this with your child’s teacher and feel free to attend. This helps the child to feel important on his/her special day.

You are also welcome to send treats any morning. Just let the teacher know in advance.

If your child is having a party, we will be happy to send invitations home for you as long as you are sending an invitation to everyone in your child’s class. If only a few selected children are invited, we ask that invitations be distributed outside of school.


We have several parties scheduled throughout the year. We will be asking for assistance with food, games, treats, etc. on these special days. (Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter). Advance notice will be given for each event.


A calendar will be sent home each month briefly going over the events planned for the next month. (Please post this for your reference). A note (or email) will be sent home with your child if there is a change in our schedule.

If at any time you feel the need for a conference regarding your child, feel free to call us. Likewise, you will be notified if we feel that your child would benefit from our discussing any problems or concerns. Remember, changes at home (even small ones) can affect a child’s behavior at school. Please share with us any information that will help us understand his/her needs and feelings. We are looking forward to a great year!


Preschool Daily Schedule

9:00-9:30 free play – puzzles, books, centers

9:30-10:30 letters, numbers, counting, colors, shapes, writing name (circle time: days of week, months of year, weather, sharing time, etc.)

10:30-11:00 bathroom time / wash hands for lunch

11:00-11:30 lunch time

11:30-12:00 story time / listening to music

12:00-12:45 rest and relax time

12:45-1:15 finish any uncompleted work

1:15-1:30 snack time

1:30-2:00 outside play time (or center time)/

parent pick-up

4 Year Old Skills/ Curriculum

Review of all shapes and colors

Letter recognition/sounds

Write/recite ABC’s

Count to 100 (or as high as possible) by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s

Name number of objects

Recognize and write numbers 1-20

Name, address, phone #, birthday

Sequencing (1st, 2nd, 3rd)




Rhyming words



Button, zip, tie, snap

Community helpers

Socialization Skills:

Listens with a purpose, without interrupting, and recalls with accuracy what has been heard.

Pronounces sounds, has good vocabulary, speaks in sentences, and relates ideas in sequence.

Practices self confidence, carries out responses, follows rules and directions, works well with others, is attentive, and shows initiative and respect for others.

Can identify major body parts: chin, fingernails, heels, ankles, jaw, shoulders, elbows, hip, wrists, and waist

Large and fine motor skills

Says Pledge of Allegiance

3 Year Old Skills/ Curriculum

Colors: red, yellow, green, blue, brown, orange, black, white, purple, pink, gray

Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, diamond, heart, star

All About Me: age, gender, name

Numbers 1-10: counting

Reciting ABC’s – talking about letters A – Z




In, on, under


Stack by size

Nursery rhymes

Puzzles (4, 12, 24, etc.)

Fine motor skills (cutting, writing, gluing)

Fasten, zip, snap

Large motor skills

Socialization Skills: listening, following directions, and speaking in complete sentences, relating ideas, showing self confidence, working well with others, sharing, & following rules.

Getting to Know Our Staff

We have a wonderful, loving group of dedicated teachers at First Presbyterian Preschool.

Mrs. Lyse Watson teaches our three year olds. This will be Mrs. Lyse’s 16th year at the preschool. She and her husband, Phil, have four children; Katherine, Jesse, Cory and Jason.

Pattie Netherton teaches one of our four year old classes. This will be Mrs. Pattie’s 4th year at the preschool. She and her husband, Billy, have two children; Cody and Lexie.

Angela Hankins also teaches a four year old class. This will be Mrs. Angela’s 8th year at the preschool. She and her husband, Randy, have two boys; Colton and Kyler.

Lee Anne Warren is the preschool director. This will be Mrs. Lee Anne’s 8th year as director. She and her husband, Jerry, have one son, Rob.