


Utpadakta Bhavan

5-6, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003

Ph.: 011-24690331

Fax: 011-24615002


Last Date of Receiving Entries 20thMarch2015










1.1.The objectives of the National Productivity & Innovation Award is to identify and bring forward innovative enterprises in Toy Manufacturing Sector who through their innovative actions have introduced breakthrough changes in products, services, processes, and new methods of production for augmenting enterprise level productivity and competitiveness in the financial year 2013-2014, and can become role models for others to emulate.

1.2.The above sector has been selected on the basis of fact that the above sectoris providing domestic value addition and substantial employment generation opportunities with low level of investments. This sectorhas also been identified for furthering its growth in the National Strategy for Manufacturing for the 12th Five Year Plan drafted by National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council. The institution of the award scheme for this sector would mainly be focusing on stimulating the innovative capabilities of this sector for recognizing the productivity improvement initiatives and contribution besides innovation efforts undertaken by it. It is worthwhile to mention here that the awards would enable industry players to learn from the best practices of one another. Besides, would encourage firms in selected segment of industry for productivity augmentation and achieving benchmarks with the help of innovations in the areas of product development, efficiency improvement, and profitability of the industry.

1.3.Productivity & Innovation Awards for the Industrial Sector has been instituted by National Productivity Council for the sub-sectors:

(a) Plastic toys (including Vinyl Toys)

(b) Electronic & Mechanical toys

(c) Dolls

(d) Metal Toys & Collectibles

(e)Puzzles and Board Games

(f) Wooden & Traditional toys

(g) Soft and plush toys

(h)Others (Foam, Stone, Paper based etc)

National Productivity Council has successfully implemented National Productivity Award scheme in various subsectors of Agriculture, Industry and Service Sector for almost one and half decade. Based on the experience gained during the implementation of the aforesaid scheme and the need to include assessment of creative innovations undertaken by the industry for enhancing its competitiveness, NPC has now evolved a new scheme which will be called “National Productivity & Innovation Award Scheme”.


2.1.An Expert-cum-Jury (ECJ) committee has been constituted jointly by drawing experts from academia, research, consultancy and concerned department/ministry officials involved in promotion, policy formulation, R&D and Technical back stopping along with NPC representative as Member Secretary/Coordinator. The Expert Committee has finalized the scheme determining the (a) eligibility for participation (b) quantitative and qualitative factors to be considered (c) weightage to be given to each of the quantitative and qualitative factors, ensuring that the ratio of 60:40 between the overall quantitative and qualitative factors is maintained (d) questionnaire for obtaining required information from the participating organization.

2.2.The performance of each of the participating unit for the reference year (the latest year 2013-2014) will be adjudged in relation to the average performance for the last three years. The average values for these three years are termed as base year values for each of the factors, as well as for the total factors.

2.3.In case of quantitative factors, weightages is distributed in the ratio of 60:40 for the growth (over three year) and the level of performance (in reference year) respectively. For calculating of quantitative productivity ratio, we have taken into account both levels and growth factors.

2.4.Each unit has to be graded in a method which would show their position vis-à-vis other units. The units have been graded on a scale between 0.0 to 1.0 i.e the best unit gets a grade of 1.0 and the worst unit gets a grade of 0.0 while the rest of the units get a grade between the two limits.

The normalization has been done according to the following formula.



2.5.The jury will decide the three best units eligible for receiving the National Productivity and Innovation Awards. The decision of the jury will be final in all respects. The jury has the right not to give any award to any of the participating unit in case it considers that the participation in the contest is not satisfactory. The Jury will also have the right to visit participating unit or invite them to Delhi for verification of data, if it so desires.

2.6.The Jury will have the power to review the scheme as and when required.

2.7.National Productivity Council will provide the Secretariat for operating the Scheme.


3.1.The following types of Organizations are eligible to participate in the National Productivity & Innovation Award Scheme.

  • Micro-The Organization with investment not exceeding Rs 25 Lakh under this category will be considered as Micro Enterprise.
  • Small-The Organization with investment of between Rs 25 Lakh – Rs 5 Crores under this category will be considered as Small Enterprise.
  • Medium -The Organization with investment of between Rs 5 – Rs 10 Crores under this category will be considered as Medium Enterprise.

Theinstitute/organization/unit working under the Toy Manufacturing Sectors participating in the Productivity & Innovation Award contest has to submit the either the copy of registration with Ministry of Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) OR any three from the following:

a)Income Tax Return statement from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).

b)Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration Certificate/Document.

c)Raw Material Bill from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).

d)Electricity Bill from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).

e)Tax Identification Number (TIN) Registration Certificate/Document.

However, every unit has to submit the mandatory Audited/Board of Directors certified/approved Annual Reports along with the Balance Sheet for the year ending March 2014, March 2013, March 2012, and March 2011 (04 years). Only, mechanized industry/organizations/units are eligible for this Award scheme.


4.1.The broad indicative evaluation criteria envisaged for award are independence of the segment (sub sector). The evaluation process will include assessment of both Quantitative and Qualitative factors. The evaluation criteria for assessment of awards have been grouped into following three broad measurable categories:

  1. Result based parameters: The result based parameters reflects operational efficiency of the manufacturing unit and can be measured by computing Capital productivity, Labour productivity, Material productivity and Energy productivity. Besides there are profitability parameters like profit, sales, equity, debt etc and production related parameters such as capacity utilization, raw material & by product utilization and waste minimization, which can also be considered under this category.
  1. Product Innovation based parameters: Product innovation includes both goods & services introduced by a manufacturing unit whose fundamental characteristics or intended uses are new or differ significantly from other products or services traditionally produced by the unit. Product innovations can be introduced by developing brand new products, by significantly modifying existing products or purchasing the right to produce/copying products that are not being produced traditionally by the unit.
  1. Process innovation based parameters: Process innovation includes production techniques, production processes, system monitoring and processes introduced by the unit that are new to the industry. Process innovations can be introduced by developing brand new equipment, techniques and processes by significantly modifying existing equipment, techniques or processes or by purchasing the right to use /copying, equipment, techniques and processes that are not currently used by the unit. Implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method. This includes significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software

4.2.In addition, the following Qualitative Factors will be considered for evaluation :

  1. Process/Product quality improvement
  2. Productivity Plans & Human Resource
  3. Productivity Consciousness
  4. Participatory Systems and Culture
  5. R&D efforts/Modernization Indigenization

National Productivity & Innovation Awards will be given in three main categories Micro, Small and Medium. In each category, there would be awards at three levels/Ranks i.e. First, Second & Third. Every winning enterprise will receive a certificate along with an Award Trophy.


All entries along with filled in questionnaire & relevant annexure received upto the last date will be considered for the Awards. The last date for receiving the entries is 20thMarch, 2015. The cover should be marked ‘Productivity & Innovation Award for Toy Manufacturing Sector’and ‘Confidential’ and sent to Director (PA), NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL Utpadakta Bhavan, 5-6, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.





(Please study the scheme and definitions/explanations attached with the questionnaire before filling up. You may use additional sheets if necessary)

  1. Please choose (√ ) the industry type applicable:

Plastic toys (including Vinyl Toys)

Electronic toys & Mechanical Toys


Metal toys & Collectibles

Puzzles and Board Games

Wooden & Traditional toys

Soft and plush toys

Others (Foam, Stone, paper based etc)

  1. Please provide the following information:

S.No. / Particulars / Details
1 / Name of the Organization / ……………………………………………...
2 / Organization Registration Number
(MSME Registration No./VAT No./PAN No./TIN No.) / ……………………………………………..
(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-1’)
3 / Name of CEO/MD/Highest Rank Official / ……………………………………………..
4 / Address of the Organization
City: …………………………………….Pin code: ………………………………
Website Address: ...……………………………………………………………….
  1. Please choose (√ ) the total capital investment applicable for your organizaiton:

Upto Rs 25 Lakhs

Between Rs 25 Lakhs to Rs 5 Crores

Between Rs 5 Crorres to Rs 10 Crores

(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-2’)

  1. Please choose (√ ) the type of ownership applicable for your organization:


Private Partnership

Joint Venture

Private Limited

Public Sector Unit

(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-3’)

  1. Please select (√ ) a category from the following for which you have applied:

Process Innovation

Product Innovation

(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-4’)

  1. Please choose (√ ) the type of operation applicable to your organization:



(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-5’)

  1. Is the organization registered with Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME):



(Please enclose the copy as Annexure ‘A-6’)

  1. If the organization is not registered with MSME, please enclose any three of the following documents as Annexure ‘A-7’:

a)Income Tax Return statement from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).

b)Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration Certificate/Document.

c)Raw Material Bill from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).

d)Electricity Bill from financial year 2010-2011 to 2013-14 (04 years).

e)Tax Identification Number (TIN) Registration Certificate/Document.

  1. Please enclose the following mandatory documents as Annexure ‘A-8’ for Audited/Board of Directors certified/approved Annual Reports along with the Balance Sheet for the year ending March 2014, March 2013, March 2012, and March 2011 (04 years).
  1. Contact person Name:……………………………………………………………….


Mailing Address: ……………………………………………………………………..



Telephone: …………………………………….Fax…………………………………..

Mobile………………………………. E-mail…………………………………………

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Kindly provide the following information in the specified denominator (i.e. Rupees/Units) for each financial year as on 31st March of the year. Please enclose the supporting documents in regards to the information provided for the questionnaire in the below table as Annexure ‘B’:

S.No. / ITEMS / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014
1. / Annual Installed Capacity (in Units)
2. / Annual Turnover / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs
3. / Annual Production / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs
4. / Total Exports / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs
5. / Total Inventory / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs
S.No. / ITEMS / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014
6. / Total Man days utilized (including regular & contractual workers for all shifts in Nos.)
7. / Total Investment (Rs in Lakhs)
7a. / Raw Material purchased (Rs in Lakhs) / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs / Units / Rs in Lakhs
7b. / Investment on Machines (Rs in Lakhs )
8. / Total Overheads (Rs in Lakhs)
8a. / Total Expenditure on Research & Development (Rs. in Lakhs)
8b. / Total Expenditure on Pollution Control (Rs. in Lakhs)
8c. / Salary & Wages (Rs in Lakhs)
8d. / Others including rent, electricity, maintenance, etc. (Rs in Lakhs)
S.No. / ITEMS / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014
9. / Total Energy Consumed (Rs in Lakhs)
9a. / Electricity (Rs in Lakhs)
9b. / Diesel (Rs in Lakhs)
9c. / Non-Conventional (Rs in Lakhs)
9d. / Other (Rs in Lakhs)
10. / Fixed Capital (Rs. in Lakhs)
11. / Working Capital (Rs. in Lakhs )
12. / Total Equity Capital (Rs. in Lakhs)
13. / Total Debt Capital (Rs. in Lakhs)
14. / Net Profit Before Tax (Rs. in Lakhs)
15. / Total Capital Investment (Rs in Lakhs)

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Kindly select (√ ) the option applicable for your organization and enclose the supporting document as requested:

  1. Isyour organization certified nationally or internationally for quality standards like ISO, FIFA, OSHAS, etc?



If yes, please specify: …………………………………………………………………(Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-1’)

  1. Please specify the percentage of defects/rejects of total production: ……………

(Enclose the supporting or self-certified documentas Annexure ‘C-2’)

  1. Please specify the percentage of defected/rejected products taken for re-work: ……………(Enclose the supporting or self-certified document as Annexure ‘C-3’)
  1. Please specify the percentage of wastage from raw material: …………………….

(Enclose the supporting or self-certified documentas Annexure ‘C-4’)

  1. Isyour organization taken any measures to check the pollution by it?

Yes, substantive measures have been taken to check pollution by my origination

No, pollution by my organization is within permissible limits

No, my unit is not polluting


(If your answer is from first three options, then please enclose the supporting document as Annexure ‘C-5’)

  1. Do you have Sexual Harassment Cell for the employees of your organization?



(Enclose the supporting or self-certified documentas Annexure ‘C-6’)

  1. Do you have grievance management system for the employees of your organization?



(Enclose the supporting or self-certified documentas Annexure ‘C-7’)

  1. Do you provide personal protection/safety equipments to your employees?



(Enclose the supporting or self-certified documentas Annexure ‘C-8’)

  1. Do you have welfare facilities/schemes such as transport, retirement benefits, medical facility, etc. for your employees?



If yes, please specify: ………………………………………………………………… (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-9’)

  1. Do you provide skill/behavioral safety training to your employees?



(Enclose the supporting or self-certified documentas Annexure ‘C-10’)

  1. Do you have any CSR (Corporate Social Welfare) policy?



If yes, please specify: ………………………………………………………………… (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-11’)

  1. Do you have any exclusive department/wing working on innovation or research and development within your organization?



If yes, please specify: ………………………………………………………………… (Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-12’)

  1. What is the impact of innovation on the profitability of the organization?

Profitability has increased

Profitability has decreased

No impact on profitability

(Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-13’)

  1. Whetherthe innovation initiated by your is carrying any patent or copyright?


No, but applied for patent


(Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-14’)

  1. What is the impact of innovation on energy consumption?

Energy consumption has Increased

Energy consumption has decreased

No impact on Energy consumption

(Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-15’)

  1. What is the impact of innovation on waste reduction?



No impact

(Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-16’)

  1. What is the impact of innovation on pollution?



No impact

Not Applicable

(Please enclose the copy & mark it as Annexure ‘C-17’)

Please note, if you don’t have any supporting document as requested above, Kindly submit a self-declaration certificate in this regard, attested by your Head of the Organization.

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