October 13, 2017

Dear Parents,

First of all, THANKS to the 12 parents who made arrangements in their schedule to have their child to last Sunday’s church service so that your child could sing in the choir. Their singing was wonderful. I was pleased. Wish that we had a little better attendance. Our next time is our Christmas program at 7 PM on December 7, and finally on April 8. Hopefully these times are on your calendar and are in your plans.

We are preparing for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. At the end of the month, we will have an impersonator who plays the part of Mrs. Martin Luther. We have been learning some facts about Martin Luther and his wife Katie. This should help us when “Mrs. Martin Luther” comes. Consider this your personal invitation to attend this presentation. I understand that this lady if phenomenal. This presentation will be on October 31, at 9 AM, in the church. COME! It will last about 45 minutes.

It was simply a grand week. The “G” puppet was Goofy Ghost. We have a Goofy song to share with you. Beware! Your child will probably be trying to scare you the way Goofy does! An excellent sound exercise drill for you and your child is to think up a word to go with each letter of the alphabet (a-g). We have been doing this in class. We began to introduce some “g” words that we hope to be able to read soon—we’ve had a little practice already. We are working on the words “go” and “God. Practice reading these words, please. Your child brought home a little “strip book” called LET’S GO. Have them read it to you. You may even add it to your Books Read to Me list as a “bonus”.

The Happy Sacks will come home on Tuesday with Riley, Reagan, Noah and Lucas. Find a special “H” thing that we’d enjoy. I love the variety of things that have been in the Happy Sacks. These children are always pictured on the Web Page.

You will find the first recognition Test in today’s folder. The children did well. If your child has letters are numbers circled, those are letters/numbers that still need work. We’ll work here, as well as spending a little extra time at home.

As we count the days of the school year, we’ve been trying to remember that “ones” are called “teens”, “twos” are called “twenties” and now, “threes” are called “thirties”. That helps us as we practice writing those numbers, as well as recognizing them.

We did a unit on Columbus this week. Ask your child why he wanted to take this voyage. Ask who he had to get permission from. Why did they tell him NO? How did he finally convince them to let him go? How many went with him? What were the names of his boats? Can they tell you the year that this voyage took place? Let us sing our Columbus song.

A Books Read certificates were earned by Asia, Helena and Ella. All 3 of these ladies have 50 books read to them. SWELL!!!

Your assigned time for Parent Teacher Conferences will be sent home on Tuesday. I was not able to give everyone who requested Wednesday evening as their 1st choice, that time. There were more who requested those times than slots available. IF you didn’t get your 1st choice, you were able to get the second time requested. Sorry. The evening didn’t stretch far enough.

Have a great fall weekend.