novembre 2017

dimanche / lundi / mardi / mercredi / jeudi / vendredi / samedi
/ 30 Day 3
la bibliothèque
Reading folder goes home / 31 Day 4
les arts visuels
Halloween parade and party / 1 Day 5
*Simran / 2 Day 1
la gym
New Show and Tell begins
Return reading folder / 3
PA Day
Parent/Teacher interviews / 4
Set clocks back one hour

Brille la Chenille
son “ i ”
/ 6 Day 2
Reading folder goes home / 7 Day 3
la bibliothèque / 8 Day 4
les arts visuels
Remembrance Day / 9 Day 5
Return reading folder / 10 Day 1
la gym / 11
Brille la Chenille
son “ o ”
/ 13 Day 2
Reading folder goes home / 14 Day 3
Bon anniversaire Elena
Photo retakes
la bibliothèque / 15 Day 4
les arts visuels / 16 Day 5
Return reading folder / 17 Day 1
Trip to Children’s Museum
/ 18
Brille la Chenille
son “ a ”
/ 20 Day 2
Reading folder goes home / 21 Day 3
la bibliothèque / 22 Day 4
Bon anniversaire Mason
les arts visuels / 23 Day 5
Return reading folder / 24 Day 1
la gym / 25

Brille la Chenille
son “ é ”
/ 27 Day 2
Bon anniversaire Tyler
Reading folder goes home / 28 Day 3
la bibliothèque / 29 Day 4
les arts visuels / 30 Day 5
Believe in Achieving assembly
Return reading folder / 1
PA Day / 2

November Newsletter

Dear Parents,

First of all, a big thank to our friend’s in Blue House who hosted our Halloween Party! So many yummy treats! Also a big thank you to Avanya’s mom and my daughter Sara who helped make our Halloween party such a success!

These past few weeks we have been learning how to make sentences in French and have also started procedural writing (ie. How to make a Ghost Wind Sock…). Beginning on the 5th we will start our “Brille la Chenille” program which will run the whole year long. Every week we will focus on a sound (you will see it on the calendar). On Monday we learn a poem or “comptine”, as it is called in French. On Tuesday we think of all the words that we can that have the sound of the week. On Wednesday we make up sentences with those words. On Thursday we make up a class story and on Friday we do all the paperwork that will come home in the red duotang. The children are to draw a picture of their favourite sentence and draw another one to illustrate the class story. Normally all the work will be done in class, but if you notice that it is not complete, please have your child take a few minutes to finish at home. This will be an opportunity for you to cuddle up with your child on the weekends and listen to him/her read our week’s work together. We are so proud of it! This red duotangwill come home every Friday and should bereturned every Monday. Please sign the tracking sheet (at the front of the duotang) beside the comptine of the week so that I know your child has read with you. I will put a sticker beside your signature! I am very excited about this program!! Please look for your child’s redBrille la Chenille duotangon Friday the 10th in the important bag.

On November 2nd we will begin a new round of Show and Tell. The Star of the Day will be bringing home an Estimation Jar in the Star of the Day bag. You are free to fill it with any amount of one thing that we can count (ie pompoms, lego pieces, buttons, rocks, bandaids, cotton balls… etc). We will try to estimate how many objects are in the jar and then count them as a class. This is to support our “Number Sense and Numeration” unit in Math.

On the 17th we will be going on our first field tripto The Hamilton Children’s Museum. Trip forms will be coming home very soon so please keep an eye out for them in the important bag. If you would like to volunteer for this trip you must have a police check. Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering for this trip with a note in the agenda. Finally, if you have not yet signed up for a parent-teacher interview on Nov. 2nd or 3rd and wish to do so, please send a note in the agenda as I believe the online sign up is now read only.

Thank you for all the ways in which you support our FI program.

Madame Garcia