Sunday 19 November 2017; 10am – 4pm
Malahang Reserve, Southern Road and Oriel Road, Heidelberg West
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer at the 2017 Malahang Community Festival. It would be greatly appreciated if you could fill in the following details to ensure all volunteers are registered and therefore covered by Council’s Public Liability Insurance.
First Name: Last Name:
Address: Suburb: Post Code:
Organisation (If applicable):
Telephone (H) (Mobile)
E-Mail: @
Date of Birth: / / o Male oFemale
Emergency Contact Person Details:
Name: Relationship to you:
Telephone:(H) (Mobile)
To ensure that we place you in a suitable volunteer position which you will enjoy we need to know if you have a: (Please tick)
o Health or medical condition o Injury o Disability
If yes, then please indicate the details of your health or medical condition, disability or injury here:
Do you have a Working with Childrens card? (This will not be required if you are under 18)
o Yes o No
What is your t-shirt size?
Are there any other details or information you need to tell us?
o All Day (7am – 6pm) o 7am – 11am o 11am – 3pm
o 3pm – 6pm o Other (Please specify)
All shifts will be allocated breaks and no shift will be longer than 8 hours
Volunteer Briefing Session
All volunteers will be required to have a Banyule volunteering induction for the Malahang Community Festival 2017. Details of this session will be provided at a later date. Dinner will be supplied. Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend – Please let us know for catering purposes if you will be attending with someone.
o I can attend o I cannot attend (alternative arrangements will be made)
I have provided all necessary information relevant to my application for Volunteering at the Banyule Festival. I agree to be bound by the Banyule City Council Staff Code of Conduct.
Signed: Print Name: Date:
Signed: Print Name: Date:
Parent/Guardian Declaration:
This declaration must be signed for any volunteers under 18 years of age.
I (name), parent/guardian of (name of student/young person) give permission for (name of/student/young person) to volunteer for Banyule City Council’s Malahang Community Festival in 2017.
Signed: Print Name: Date:
Please return to: Arts Officer
Banyule City Council
Leisure & Cultural Services Department
PO BOX 94, Greensborough 3088
Fax: 9499-1391 Telephone: 9490-4222