World History
Ms. Avar
Point Value:
/ 5 / World Map / Full Name:______
Period #:______
Today’s Date:______
Assignment #: ______

Geography is an important part of understanding history: Among other significant relationships, it determines where people – and groups of people - live and how they interact with one another; it dictates what technologies and resources people need and have access to (ie. power); it influences how battles are fought and won/lost; it guides how people discover and colonize new lands; and of course, it helps create people’s culture groups and cultural identities. We will be exploring geography from each continent throughout the year, but to start, it is important to refresh ourselves with the basics.

Directions: Color and label each of the 7 continents of the world, and label the 5 major oceans. (Use maps on p. A4-A5)

Continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica

Oceans: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean (not on the map in your book: It surrounds Antarctica)