September 1st-September 30th 2016


Please check out my teacher page regularly to see the letter day that begins each new week and for other information for our class-to access go to and click on Franklin Park School then Teacher Contact and click on Niebergall.


Reading Workshop: Good Readers: review and practice habits that make a responsible reader.

·  Make connections when reading on their own & when listening to a story

·  Review Independent Reading Expectations (for example: reading quietly)

·  Begin to use Post-its to jot down information from their books

·  Begin to use their reading journals

·  Begin understanding their HOME & CLASS book baggy-how to use it, what level books to put in and the care of the books

·  Review how to read and share with a partner

·  What it means to be a good partner – taking turns, listening, sharing

·  Finding pages to talk about with a buddy – funny parts, favorite parts, places where they make a connection

Helping out at home:

·  Take your child to the library and encourage them to use what they learned to help them pick out books they would be interested in reading at home!

·  Read nightly to your child and be their reading buddy, helping them to

practice good listening and sharing.

Writing Workshop: Good Writers: understand what a small moment is and can write about things that happen in their own life.

·  Review what a SMALL MOMENT is

·  Brainstorm for topics for their small moment stories

·  PLAN their writing-review what a good sentence looks like, review the parts of a story (beginning, middle, end)

·  Write books on SMALL MOMENT topics

·  Review the “rules of writing” such as: proper sentence formation, using sounds to spell words and using sight words

·  Remember to add pictures with LABELS to their writing

Helping out at home:

·  Reading and writing go hand in hand. Have your child read signs and other things around the house and when you go out (ie: cereal boxes, restaurant and store names). We are starting a basket of environment print words that we can read. Please send in any of the words your child can read from around the house/town (cereal boxes, soup can labels, McDonalds sign). Your child will be able to use these words while they are writing.

·  Encourage your child to tell you more when they are explaining an experience

Word Study: We will be learning: reviewing sight words and beginning to build our sight word wall.

·  Where the class word wall is and how we can use it

·  Sight words we need to practice

·  Continuing to use sounds to write words that may be tricky for us

Helping out at home:

·  Have your child practice writing at home-even if it is simply investigating the spelling of a word that may be challenging for them

·  Please check your child’s homework folder for a list of sight words that they may need to work on

Math: Good Mathematicians: can add and subtract within 10.


Count back, Count up, Equal sign, Whole, Addition, Subtraction

Helping out at home:

·  Have your child practice putting together two numbers

·  Help your child to count daily

·  Make counting fun by having your child figure out adding two quantities together in real world situations.

·  Have your child practice writing number sentences (the addition sentence/equation) to match a problem you might ask them to solve

Science: Good Scientists:

·  Understand different types of soil found on the Earth

·  Explore the FPS school garden and look at the soil outside in the garden to understand how soil helps things grow

Helping out at home:

·  Encourage your child to ask questions about soil and plants when outside

·  Talk with your child and ask them to share their science learning with you-either from class science or from science lab classes

Social Studies: Good Citizens:

·  Understand & can review the school rules

·  Know that they are a part of the community & a neighborhood

Helping out at home:

·  Encourage your child to explain school rules to you

·  Talk with your child and ask them to share their social studies learning with you-and explain to them some responsibilities of being a good citizen

WEBSITES: (free) NEW first grade skills added (free-for math) (subscription-for multiple subjects)