TOPS Area Captain #6047

Wayne Rice - 1614 South Ash Place, Broken Arrow, OK 74012

918/251-9-032-home email – 918/695-2722-cell

September 2007

To All Chapter Leaders and Members,

Happy to everyone, sorry I haven’t written or been on chapter visits in awhile. Things have been on hold while we find out what is wrong with Paula. I wanted to thank everyone for your prayers. We have found it isn’t cancer and but the doctor is doing more test before making a diagnosis.

Thank you for the good turn in on the GIMME Five contest. I hope the area has a lot of recognition at SRD for making the TOPS 5 below loss or more and KOPS be goal for the entire time. The contest began June 1st and ends December 31st. Paula has all the tabulations of all the members that have been turned in so far.

It was nice to see all of you that made the last funday in Keefton. Thank you

TOPS #OK683, Muskogee for hosting and providing a wonderful meal. For all that came, I hope you had fun and enjoyed Martha Alford presentation on physical activity and food exchange from the Muskogee County Health Department.

I was asked to include who won ribbons, bars/dangles and contest at this funday:

1st quarter 2007

TOPS in Black - Lois McCauley 1st place from TOPS #OK456 with 18.75 # loss, Gore and Shirley Bray 2nd place from TOPS #OK456, Gore with 7 # loss.

KOPS below goal – Betty Cole 1st place from TOPS #OK508, Antlers 6 # below, Elease Lyons 2nd place from TOPS #OK618, Muskogee 5 # below and Jane Howell 3rd place from TOPS #OK624, Quinton 4.25 # below.

Exercisers – Cartha Johnson 1st place from TOPS #OK618, Muskogee 106 hours, Jane Howell 2nd place from TOPS #OK624, Quinton 77 hours and Shirley Bray 3rd place from TOPS #OK456, Gore 30 hours.

Walkers - Jo Welch 1st place from TOPS #OK591, Poteau 210 miles, Betty Cole 2nd place from

TOPS #OK508, Antlers 164 miles and Barbara Ingram 3rd place from

TOPS #OK629, Wagoner 129 miles.

SLIM bars: Lois McCauley from TOPS #OK456 with 18.75 # loss

Trophy dangle: Nitcha Mason from TOPS #OK629, Wagoner with 14.5 # loss

Candle dangle: Diana Tramell from TOPS #OK456, Gore 1.25 # below, Harold Jones from

TOPS #OK618, Muskogee 3.61 # below, Marie Finley from TOPS #OK618, Muskogee 3.67 # below, Betty Cole from TOPS #OK508, Antlers 6 # below, Elease Lyons from TOPS #OK618, Muskogee 5 # below and Dorothy Spencer from TOPS #OK456, Gore 6 # below.

2nd quarter 2007

TOPS in Black – Nitcha Mason 1st place from TOPS #OK629, Wagoner with 18.75 # loss.

KOPS below goal – Betty Cole 1st place from TOPS #OK508, Antlers 6.91 # below, Elease Lyons 2nd place from TOPS #OK618, Muskogee 6 # below and Jane Howell 3rd place from TOPS #OK624, Quinton 5 # below.

Exercisers – Carol Edmonds 1st place from TOPS #OK683, Muskogee 53 hours, Shirley Bray 2nd place from TOPS #OK456, Gore 50 hours and Diana Tramell 3rd place from TOPS #OK456, Gore 48 hours.

Walkers - Betty Cole 1st place from TOPS #OK508, Antlers 362 miles, Jo Welch 2nd place from TOPS #OK591, Poteau 290 miles and Catherene Lewis 3rd place from TOPS #OK508, Antlers 210 miles.

SLIM bars: Verna Detweiler from TOPS #OK648, Wagoner with 11 # loss and Jo Rhyne from TOPS #OK683, Muskogee with 15 # loss

Trophy dangle: Nitcha Mason from TOPS #OK629, Wagoner with 18.75 # loss

Candle dangle: Ola Parker from TOPS #OK498, McAlester at goal, Cartha Johnson from TOPS #OK618, Muskogee 0.46 # below, Harold Jones from TOPS #OK618, Muskogee 3 # below, Marie Finley from TOPS #OK618, Muskogee 3.65 # below, Betty Cole from TOPS #OK508, Antlers 6.81 # below, Elease Lyons from TOPS #OK618, Muskogee 6 # below and Dorothy Spencer from

TOPS #OK456, Gore 4.5 # below.

Hula Hoop Race: Diana Tramell from TOPS #OK456, Gore

Best Hawaiian Dress: Pat Chambless 1st place from TOSP #OK498, McAlester, Margaret McCollom 2nd place from TOPS #OK591, Poteau and Lois McCauley 3rd place from TOPS #OK456, Gore.

Best Hula Dancers: Artie Green and Judy Nixon from TOPS #OK618, Muskogee.

Are next funday is November 8th in Muskogee hosted by TOPS #OK618, Muskogee.

We have 2 chapter already signed up to host fundays in 2008: TOPS #OK591, Poteau hosting the 1st funday in March and TOPS #OK683, Muskogee hosting the 2nd funday next summer.

If your chapter would like to host a funday in 2008 for the other 2 quarters please let me know.

I have enclosed the date I would like to visit your chapter. If you aren’t meeting on the date I have enclosed please let me know, so we can reschedule. I have a new program on the exchange food plan.

TOPS care

Wayne Rice

TOPS Area Captain

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