Third Grade Newsletter – Mrs. Logan

August 2015

I want to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Third Grade! The school year has begun and we’re off to a great start. I’ve gotten acquainted with the students and we are all adjusting well to being back in school. Boy, the summer flew by!

As we get settled into our routine, you will start to see papers coming home often. Please take the time to sit down with your child so they can tell you about their day at school and show you their work. Remember to check your child’s backpack daily for important papers.

Below is our schedule for special classes during the week:

Monday – Library (books back by this day)

Tuesday – P.E. (wear or bring gym shoes)

Wednesday –Music

Thursday – P.E. (wear or bring gym shoes)

Friday – Music

Students are welcome to bring a healthy snack with them to school each day or I also have graham crackers for snack if they choose not to. Please do not send your child with desserts (cookies, cakes, etc.), candy, or chips for snack. Thanks!

We will celebrate birthdays in the classroom for those who would like to bring treats. If their birthday falls during the week, we will celebrate on the day. If it falls on a weekend or day off, we can arrange for an alternate day during the week for that. If your child’s birthday is during the summer, we will celebrate during the last week of school.

I have also attached a copy of my rules for the classroom. Please take a moment to go over these rules with your child. I tell the students that their job at school is to learn and work hard and if we stick to these rules, we will have a fun and successful year together.

iPad Use: Next week we will be starting to roll the iPads out in 3rd grade. In order for students to be issued an iPad, they need to bring back the permission form along with the $10.00 user fee. If this fee causes a hardship for your family, please let me know and we will work with you on that. Thanks so much!

I will be sending home a monthly newsletter to keep you updated on class happenings (it’s also posted on my website), as well as notes and reminders of special events or activities, so watch for these in your child’s backpack. If you ever have a concern or question with regard to your child, please feel free to contact me, and I will do the same. Together, we can make this a very successful year for your child!

Mrs. Kerry Logan