First Grade Lesson Plans Week: January 7-11, 2013

First Grade Lesson Plans Week: January 7-11, 2013

First Grade Lesson Plans Week: January 7-11, 2013

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Reading / Unit 15: Animal Groups by James Bruchac
Question to think about: How are animals the same and different?
Phonics: Using kn, wr, gn, mb, and long i (CVCe); Using -ine, -ite PBp.194,195,196,197,200,204 / Spelling Words: time, like, kite, bike, white, and drivepractice here
Words to Know: bird, both, eyes, fly, long, or, those, and walk practice here SBp.136 / Comprehension: Compare/contrast and monitor/clarify
Animal Group
- compare/contrast –clarify -informational
-SBp.137 w/P15.2 w/15.3abc, PBp.201
The Dancing Wolves
-predict comes next -fiction
Animal Picnic
-poetry -compare/contrast
Vocabulary Strategies: Suffixes -er and –est
P15.9 / Fluency Practice: Intonation
Grammar: Using the verb be-using the words is, are, was, and were / Writing: Writing a report to inform and thinking about word choice
Decodable stories to read: Mike's Bike, The Nest, The Nice Vet, and Kite Time
Web Resources
Sky Ride / Make a Word withi_e
The Doctor's Line Poem / Long I Search
Beginning Consonant Digraphs / Blending Bowl: Dine
Sorting Long I WordsClick on Unit 21 / Word Builder Long I WordsClick on Unit 21
WebWord Find Long I Words / Long I SoundsClick on I
Writing /
Math / Lesson 9.1 page: 777
CC: 1.OA.3 (Fact Family Review)
Objectives: TSW determine known and unknown values in story problems
TSW solve problems using math mountains and equations
Quick Practice:Go Fly a Kite
Daily Routine:Money Routine, Date and Time, Change for a Dollar
Lesson:1. Vary the unknown
2. Create and solve story problem
3. Differentiation card 9.1
Homework:9.1 / Lesson 9.3 page: 793
CC: 1.OA.1
Objectives: TSW learn how to classify terms in a category story problem
TSW create, solve, and label category story problems with unknown partners
Quick Practice:Go Fly a Kite
Daily Routine:Money Routine, Date and Time, Change for a Dollar
Lesson:1. Naming Categories
2. Solving and Labeling
3. Differentiated card 9-3
Homework: 9.3 Quick Quiz 1 / Lesson 9.4 page: 799
CC: 1.OA.1
Objectives: TSW sort items and classify them into broader categories
TSW create and solve category story problems with unknown partners and totals
Quick Practice:Go Fly a Kite
Daily Routine:Money Routine, Date and Time, Change for a Dollar
Lesson:1. Developing classifications
2. What’s in the Box?...solve and explain category story problems
3. differentiation card 9-4
Homework: 9-4 / Lesson 9.6 page: 811
CC: 1.OA.2
Objectives:TSW solve multiple-step story problems
TSW apply 10-structured methods for solving equations with 3 addends and teen totals
Quick Practice:Dancing Ants
Daily Routine:Money Routine; Date and Time; Change For a Dollar
Lesson:1. Represent multiple-step problems
2. Solve story problems with ten-partner grouping
3. Literature Connection…page 814
4. Differentiation card 9-6
Homework:9-6 / Lesson 9.7 page: 817
CC: 1.OA.2
Objectives: TSW find 10-partners to solve multiple-step addition equations
TSW solve story problems requiring mixed operations
Quick Practice:Dancing Ants
Daily Routine:Money Routine; Date and Time; Change For a Dollar
Lesson:1. Review multiple-step story problems
2. Adding and Subtracting to solve story problems
3. Problem Solving Strategy: Identify Problem Types
4. Differentiation card 9-7