First Baptist Church of Falun (FBC)

Siren, Wisconsin

Lead Pastor Job Description

Church Affiliation

First Baptist Church of Falun (FBC), is affiliated with Converge Worldwide and Converge Great Lakes.

Position Description

The Lead Pastor will serve with the elders to lead the local church and with them be responsible for the development of a vision for the church. He will also lead in equipping and motivating the leadership and body of the church to carry out that vision for God’s glory. Eph. 4: 11-13

Primary Qualifications:

•  Be biblically based in his preaching using illustrations and applications related to daily life

•  Must love God and also have a love and compassion for people

•  Will have a heart and vision for reaching our community for Christ

•  Has an interest and involvement in FBC’s Youth Ministry

•  Will be able to minister and encourage people going through personal crisis (e.g. death in family, severe illness, severe accident)

•  Will visit church people homebound, in nursing homes, and hospital

•  Able to use power point and multimedia in his sermons

Secondary Qualifications:

•  Has good administrative skills

•  Has previous experience as an associate or lead pastor

•  Has formal seminary training

•  Has an outgoing, friendly personality

Recent Congregational History

FBC has celebrated over 100 years of worship. FBC was established on August 14, 1909 by a small but very dedicated group of Christians who met for the purpose of organizing a Baptist church in the village of Falun. It was called the First Swedish Baptist Church.

In 2006 Pastor Kevin Miller assumed the lead pastor position. We began to experience a sustained growth in the attendance of the church. The average attendance was 220 through May 2011. One of the reasons for the church growth was Pastor Kevin’s gift as an effective motivational speaker. In addition, he was active in the community.

Unfortunately, in May 2011 it was discovered that Pastor Kevin Miller had an extra marital affair with one of the church women. Pastor Kevin resigned from the position. After this incident church attendance dropped approximately 30 %. After Kevin’s resignation our associate pastor, Steve Ward, served as the interim pastor for just over a year.

The church called Pastor Brian Krause in June 2012. The church stabilized and experienced modest growth. Pastor Bryan’s ministry was noted for his expository preaching and challenging people to grow deeper in God’s Word. However, after one and a half years attendance began to decline. Pastor Brian resigned in November 2014 due to pressures of the job and personal health concerns. His ministry ended at FBC the end of January 2015. The church attendance now averages 75-100 people. There continues to be a committed core of believers attending and active.

Our Church Profile

The congregational make up of FBC includes people from all age groups. Our largest group is made up of people 56 and older; however, we have a representation of young and middle age people with families as well. The church has both an active Awana and youth program.

The vocations and backgrounds of our families include teachers, nurses, farmers, factory workers, small business entrepreneurs and professionals, to name a few.

The financial condition of the church is healthy. The present church is debt free. The church currently owns the property, the house and lot next door, and the parsonage nearby.

The church has a part-time Associate Pastor who handles a senior adult fellowship and Bible study on Thursday afternoons. He also spends time ministering to the senior members of the congregation. The church also has on staff a part-time secretary whose responsibilities include: preparing and printing the weekly bulletins, monthly newsletters, and weekly website updates.

Ministry Area Profile

FBC has engaged the services of the Percept Group and Natural Church Development (NCD) to assist us with community data and survey our church members to help us determine our highest needs for our next Lead Pastor.

The areas we serve include 8 surrounding communities. The number of people living in those communities is 23,728 people with a 2.8% projected growth increase. The life style diversity in the area is very low with only 15% of the 50 US lifestyle segments represented. The top individual segment is Rural Working Families, which represents 75.5% of all households.

Based upon the total number of different ethnic groups present, the racial/ethnic diversity in the area is somewhat low. Anglos represent 94% of the population with the other largest group being Native Americans which account for 4.2% of the total population.

The major generational groups represented are those ages 29 to 49, the age group 68-85 make up 15.4 % of the population.

The overall family structures tend to be somewhat traditional, due to the above average presence of married couples and two parent families.

The educational level of our adults is 84% high school educated, while 13.7% are college graduates.

The overall faith involvement and preference is Christian religious affiliations and is somewhat high compared to the national averages.

The giving potential in the area based on average household income of $50,665 per year is somewhat low.

More statistics and detailed information regarding the area profile is available upon request.

Other Community Information

Burnett County, Wisconsin is a great place to work and live. The quality of life is important to our church family. We are located just a short 1 ½ hour drive from Minneapolis/St. Paul. The church is physically located in Falun. Falun is an unincorporated village half way between the towns of Grantsburg, (population of 1,500) and Siren (population of 1,000).

The area has beautiful State Parks, wildlife areas, St. Croix Scenic Riverway for boating, canoeing and hiking. Burnett County has great parks, walking and biking trails, beautiful lakes, fishing, snowmobiling, snow shoeing, skiing, and hunting.

The area has a variety of good restaurants, shops, gardening groups, theater groups, golf courses, fitness centers, a movie theater, and many community organizations.

We trust you will find this to be useful information as you pray for God to guide your decision as a Lead Pastor applicant for FBC. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.

Contact Information:

Lane Anderson

Church Chairman

715-689-3232 (Church website)

Send applications to:

Lane Anderson

11242 Crosstown Road

Grantsburg, WI 54840


Send applications by June 15, 2015

See attached Application Form.

FBC Pastor Application

Personal Information:

Full name: Birthdate: ______



Email address:

How did you learn about this position?

What is it about this position that attracts you?

Are you currently employed?

Why are you considering a move at this time?

Are you married?

Do you have children?

Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?

If yes, please explain:


Please list the names of five people who know you well and would be willing to serve as references. At least three of the people listed should be able to comment on your spiritual maturity in Christ. Please include your Senior Pastor if applicable, someone you’ve mentored, and a business or church associate who has knowledge of your leadership ability and achievements. We will be asking your references for additional references.

Name Relationship Phone Email






(If you need additional space for answers, please write on back.)


High School City and State Year of Graduation


Colleges/Graduate Schools/Seminaries City and State Major/Focus Degree Year


Are you currently ordained?

If so please give the name of the ordaining church and the date.

Do you hold any pertinent secular certification or licenses?

Paid Pastoral and/or Business Experience:

Please give, in order (most recent first), the churches or fields served, dates began and ended.

Other Experience – (professional, business, or other, with dates)

Present or most recent ministry (Describe fully):

List any community organizations (civic, social, etc.) you are currently involved in.

Personal Christian Experience:

Please give a brief summary of your conversion experience.

Please discuss your calling to full-time work in the church.

Describe your experience with a congregation you have served (programs, challenges, spiritual growth, pastoral concerns, etc.)

Comment briefly on those areas of church work where you feel most competent, and/or from which you receive the most satisfaction. What do you consider your weaknesses to be?

Please describe your leadership style and how you develop leaders in the church.


What are your special interests and hobbies?

What three persons have had the greatest positive impact on your life and why?




“I certify that all statements made by me on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are a full and complete disclosure. I authorize my current and prior employers, educational institutions and persons or organizations to release any information to First Baptist Church of Falun or its representative that may be required to make an employment decision.”

Date: Signature:


Please include a family picture with application.

Send application by June 15, 2015 to:

Lane Anderson

11242 Crosstown Road

Grantsburg, WI 54840 or