Study Guide: Chapter 23 – Emergence of Industrial Society in the West
1. What are the two major themes that pervade this new period? Provide at least 2 examples that illustrate each theme.
Forces of Change
2. Cultural change, economic change, and population change all characterize this period. Provide one example of each, and then state which of the three you believe had the greatest impact (positive or negative) on this new period.
3. How does the growing population specifically affect society? Be sure to look at issues like inheritance, job opportunities, and social class.
The American Revolution
Read, but no question
Crisis in France in 1789
4. Explain how each of the following promoted revolution in France…
a. Enlightenment thought –
b. Growth of middle class –
c. Economy –
d. Louis XVI –
Pivot of World Empire: The Rise of the British Rule in India
5. Explain how each of the following promoted revolution in France…
a. Enlightenment thought –
b. Growth of middle class –
c. Economy –
d. Louis XVI –
6. Find one significant similarity and difference between the French and American Revolutions.
The French Revolution: Radical and Authoritarian Phases
7. Compare Robespierre and Napoleon on the basis of their social and political policies.
A Conservative Settlement and the Revolutionary Legacy
8. In what ways does the Congress of Vienna attempt to put Europe “back the way it was before?”. In contrast, what liberal measures are implemented around the world to give power to the masses?
Industrialization and the Revolutions of 1848
Read twice…no question
Consolidation of the Industrial Order, 1850-1914
9. What were 3 of the positive benefits of industrialization?
Adjustments to Industrial Life
10. As a point of interest for you, reflect on how the changing attitudes towards children have impacted your life today. (yes, this means write it down)
11. Provide 2 examples (each) of how society and industry change during this period after 1850. Which change seems the most drastic? Why?
Political Trends and the Rise of New Nations
12. How does the meaning and usage of “nationalism” change during this period?
The Social Question and New Government Functions
13. Why was the rationale for an increase in public education? What impact does this have on society as a whole? On gender roles?
14. Explain “socialism”. Who is Karl Marx, and why does he feel a socialist movement is both necessary and unavoidable?
15. What argument is given by women to justify their demand for increased political power?
Emphasis on Consumption and Leisure
No question, but make sure to read….you’ll enjoy it.
Advances in Scientific Knowledge
No question, but make sure to read…note the relationship between science and religion.
New Directions in Artistic Expression
16. How do the changes to the arts reflect the changes taking place in society? (put some thought into this)
Western Settler Societies
No question, but take note of the growing technological divide, and the associated advantages.
Emerging Power of the United States
17. Describe 4 characteristics of the 19th century United States that demonstrate just how far they still have to go to become a world power.
European Settlement in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
18. Compare and contrast the growth and development of the above British colonies.
Diplomatic Tensions and World War I
Read, but no question…this will be important later.
New Alliance System
19. Describe the chain of events that leads to WWI, beginning with military buildup, and including nationalist movements in the Balkans.
Diplomacy and Society
20. Explain the Western social and political complexities that make war desirable, if not unavoidable.
Scroll down for “Points to Ponder”
Points to Ponder (these are the questions you will turn in) – 4 points each
1. Compare (at least twice) and contrast (at least twice) the Neolithic and Industrial Revolutions.
2. How did European society change from 1500 to 1900 CE? (make sure you explain the progression). What is one significant way in which it has remained the same?
3. How did women’s roles in society change from 1000 – 1900 CE? (make sure you explain the progression).
4. What were the permanent reforms/outcomes of the American and French Revolutions? (be sure to look at things that impacted other governments/nations/continents).
5. How did the emergence of new central European nations after 1870 CE lead to increased diplomatic tensions?