Find the focus

Read the following information and ask yourself, what is the most important or interesting fact? Write a focus sentence identifying that newsworthy angle.

  1. The New England Journal of Medicine released a steady today. The study says people who abruptly quit drinking coffee may suffer effects of caffeine withdrawal. Some of the symptoms included headaches, depression, anxiety and fatigue. The study says that even people who drink fewer than three cups of coffee a day may be affected.
  1. A new law went into effect yesterday in Maine. The law affects all businesses that had more than 15 employees. The law requires employers to educate workers about sexual harassment. Under the law employers must post notices explaining that sexual harassment is illegal and must notify workers about how they may file a complaint with the Maine Human Rights Commission.
  1. A band is scheduled to perform on your campus this weekend. The band is named Elvis Hitler. The band was booked by John Musiclover, a senior who heads a group that promotes cultural diversity on campus. Musiclover says the band is not a racist group. But several students on campus claim the name of the band ix offensive, and they want the performance to be canceled.
  1. Police suspected two men of drug dealing. Police witnessed the men exchanging money and what appeared to be heroin. But after they arrested the men, police couldn’t find the heroin. Police called in their drug-sniffing dog. The dog headed directly to one man’s sneakers. Inside the sneakers was a pound of heroin.
  1. A man in your community received a postcard yesterday from his father, who lived in a nearby town and had just returned from a trip. “Please come so your mother and I can show you pictures of our trip,” the postcard said. “I guess my father wondered why I never came over,” said his son, Jason got. His father and mother died several years ago. The postcard that arrived yesterday was sent 30 years ago.