Find a Postal Code On-line (Canada Post)

CLB Level: 2
Essential Skills Focus:
Computer Use
Document Use
Thinking Skills
Task: Find a postal code on-line
Purpose: Students will
  • Learn how to access the Canada Post website
  • Learn a new tool/medium for finding a postal code (we already used the yellow pages)
  • Enter information to find a postal code
-Computer with Internet access
-LCD Projector (if avail.)
-Accompanying 2 worksheets
Learning Style: kinaesthetic, visual
Time: 1 hour / Method:
In Class
  • Review method for finding a postal code (by using the yellow pages)
  • Discuss how using the Internet is another method of finding a postal code
In the Computer Lab
  • Hand out instructions on the first worksheet
  • Demonstrate the instructions step-by-step on LCD projector (if avail.)
*** The info that is needed to find OslerSchool is already typed in dialogue box for the students to copy
  • After students find school’s postal code, they record it on their sheet
  • Hand out second worksheet
  • Students find the postal codes for places to:
-Send a cheque for a utility bill
-Send their resume
-Send a thank-you letter for a class tour
Follow Up: In the classroom, students can cross-reference their answers with the yellow pages.
Debrief/Transfer: Have students bring in a piece of mail
from home. Cover up the sender’s postal code. Students
can choose to look up the postal code in the yellow pages
or on the computer.

Computer Activity

Finding a postal code on-line


1. Click: Internet Explorer

2. Type:

3. Search: Canada Post + finding a postal code

You will find the following dialogue box

Top of Form

Street Number: / Number Suffix: / Unit/Suite/Apt:
Street Name: / Street Type: / Street Direction:
Municipality (City, Town, etc.): / Province:*
Delivery Mode: / PO Box or Route Number:
* Required Field /

Bottom of Form

4. Find the postal code for OslerSchool

5. Enter the above information for the search

6. Click: FIND1

7. Write: The postal code in the above dialogue box


Computer Activity

Finding a postal code on-line

Let’s Practice!

Look at the address.

Search for the postal code.

Record the postal code.

1. You want to send a cheque to Manitoba Hydro.

Address / Postal Code
815 Main Street

2. You want to send a resume to Burnbrae Farms in Winnipeg.

Address / Postal Code
500 Pandora Ave. W

3. You want to send a thank-you letter to the museum of Man and Nature. You really enjoyed the class tour.

Address / Postal Code
190 Rupert Ave.

WinnipegSchool Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Computer Use / Document Use

Author: Dayna Graham CLB level: 2