Finance and Personnel Committee

of the

Lee’s Summit City Council


Tuesday, June 2, 2009¨ 5:45 p.m.

City Hall Chambers


Councilmember Ed Cockrell, Chair – Present

Councilmember Randy Rhoads – Present

Councilmember Kathy Hofmann – Absent

Councilmember Jim Hallam - Present


Conrad Lamb – Finance Director

Teresa Williams – City Attorney

Brian Scott – Assistant City Manager

Sid Marlow – Financial Analyst

Randy Dickey – Chief Technology Officer

Guest: Darrin Taylor, Executive Director – Housing Authority

Chairman Cockrell opened the meeting at 5:45 p.m. Attendance was taken.

Item 1 – Request to Waive Housing Authority payment in Lieu of Taxes 2008

Sid Marlow stated the Lee’s Summit Housing Authority operates the Lee Haven and Duncan Estates housing developments.

The agreement with the Lee’s Summit Housing Authority and the city requires a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) to the City equal to 10% of the lower of Shelter Rent Charged or Estimated County Property Taxes.

The Housing Authority has requested the City waive the 2008 PILOT payment to be used for maintenance and repair of the living units.

The City has waived the payment each year for more than 10 years to allow the Authority to use the money for maintenance and repair projects.

Councilmember Hallam stated he is very supportive of this request, but just wanted to point out that there may come a time when the City can no longer waive the payment and hopes the Housing Authority has a contention plan should this happen.

Councilmember Hallam made a motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the Waiver of 2008 Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) in the amount of $29,802.82. Councilmember Rhoads seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

Item 2 – Award of Contract Addendum to FRP #08-123 for Phase II of the Requirements Analysis for the replacement of the City’s Enterprise Resource Planning System to Schafer & Associates in the amount not to exceed $48,480

Randy Dickey stated Schafer Consulting was selected to review the City’s current Financial/HR/Utility billing systems and develop a plan for the possible replacement of the system with a more fully integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. Their findings and recommendations were presented to F&PC on March 25, 2009.

The next phase is to initiate a RFP process for the replacement of the existing systems with an appropriate ERP solution, which would provide the flexibility of reviewing multiple Tier 2 ERP vendors along point solution vendors. Schafer’s involvement in this effort is crucial to its success. The prioritized requirements defined for each of the 19 functional areas have been documented in Schafer’s proprietary scoring tool. This tool will continue to be used during the RFP proposal review scoring process. Schafer’s staff also has prior working knowledge with numerous ERP vendors, which could be invaluable during the evaluation and selection process.

A summary of the Scope of Services to be provided by Schafer in Phase II include:

Develop Request for Proposal –

·  Lead the City’s Project Team in the preparation and issuance of RFP

·  Provide guidance to City personnel to establish evaluation and scoring criteria using pre-established criteria and templates as guideline

·  Assist in responding to vendor’s written questions

Evaluation and Section of an ERP Solution –

·  Establish an evaluation committee made up of City and Schafer Consulting representatives. Committee members may also include system experts in the areas of application functionality, application programming, database administration and system analysis

·  Assist with the pre-bid conference

·  Evaluate proposals received from vendors

·  Identify a short-list of vendors that provide the best solutions

·  Tabulate costs from each of the short-listed proposals. Prepare and present in a format that shows side by side vendor cost comparisons

·  For the sort-listed vendors, we will arrange on-site software demonstrations to include “hands on” software availability for City personnel

·  Develop a comprehensive set of scripts for the vendors to follow. These scripts will represent business transactions being performed at the City

·  If necessary, arrange for site visits for City personnel to observe organizations with similar install base and background to the City

·  Conduct reference checks

·  Facilitate the selection of preferred software based on predetermined measurements

·  Provide City with electronic copy of final tabulations spreadsheets/deliverables.

Councilmember Rhoads asked Mr. Dickey if he expected any further amendments of this contract. Mr. Dickey stated no.

Councilmember Cockrell asked what the remaining balance of $5,000 is for. Randy Dickey stated this does cover the consultants travel and is fully inclusive of the services we will receive from Schafer Consulting. And as an internal service, ITS staff will charge back their time to projects.

Councilmember Rhoads made a motion to recommend approval of Award of Contract Addendum RFP 08-123 for Phase II of the Requirements Analysis for the Replacement of the City’s Enterprise Resource Planning System to Schafer & Associates. Councilmember Hallam seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Roundtable: Chairman Cockrell thanked the Committee for its hard work and patience this past year.

Next meeting: Tuesday, July 7, 2009


F&PC Minutes 6-2-09