March 2017
Dear Sponsor:

The Evergreen Park Girls Softball League is currently seeking your support by participating as a sponsor for the 2016 softball season. Because of our community support, over 350 girl’s ages 4-to-16 participate in our softball program.
The sponsorships will help the league in many ways. Most importantly keeping our registration fees low to our families, this allows our young athletes to continue to play softball. All our revenue is expended on the girls and helps provide safety and other sports equipment for our players, updated equipment in our concession stand, and maintenance and upgrades for our fields. Your contribution will help us reach these annual needs and goals. Without your support, it would be impossible for us to run the softball program.
In return of your $300.00 sponsorship, logos of sponsoring companies will be printed on the back of the team’s jerseys and we will provide a plaque with the team’s picture on it.

We’re also offering sponsorships for banners that will be hung on the new fence, in the high traffic area of Y1, where the EP walking path is located. Those sponsorships are $500. For $650 you can get a team sponsor and a banner.

Finally, your sponsorship to the EPGSL is tax deductible.

If you have any questions please contact Ken Fryer at 708-287-0800 or

My address is 9131 S. Springfield, Evergreen Park, Illinois, 60805

Please make checks payable to EPGSL. We will arrange to get your artwork.
Thank you for your support,

Evergreen Park Girls Softball League Board