Final Submittal and Questions for CORE DATA:
1. Can Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 be used for Active Directory Domain Services, DNS and DHCP? These two versions have greatly improved manageability and functionality, and the best support for virtualization. Yes, Windows Server 2012 R2
2. This RFP has two references to Active Directory. The first is “implement a Microsoft Active Directory infrastructure in the VM Environments to include a hybrid Exchange/ Office365 email solution for staff (qty 3,500) and students (qty 25,000)” and the second is “Vendor is responsible for setup of Active Directory and integration of this solution…” That scope of work is decidedly different from the previous SOLICITATION NO. 13-44 which included designing and the actual migration off of Novell Directory Services and Novell file servers, migrating existing Active Directory Domain Services users to new Active Directory Domain Services forest/domain, domain-joining Windows client computers to Active Directory Domain Services, and other services associated with a migration. New Active Directory environment will include new directory design and object creation
a. Are the only identity and authentication-related tasks that are in scope for this project to 1) implement Active Directory Domain Services, 2) populate it with 28,500 user objects, and 3) enable it to be synchronized with Windows Azure Active Directory to support Office 365?
i. If the scope should also include migration, please answer Additional Questions for Full Migration (Questions 5 through 11).
ii. Can the user IDs and passwords in Active Directory Domain Services be different from the user IDs and passwords in Novell Directory Services? Yes
1. If “no,” should the vendor scope the design and implementation of an identity and access management solution to synchronize users and passwords in Novell Directory Services with Active Directory Domain Services?
b. Item 1.02E states “Vendor will implement a Microsoft Active Directory infrastructure in the VM Environments to include a hybrid Exchange/ Office365 email solution for staff and students. Vendor is responsible for setup of Active Directory and integration of this solution…”
i. What specifically do you want the vendor to integrate—Office 365, Novell Directory Services, or something else entirely?
Solicitation number 13-44 is not related to this current RFP. Office 365 should be integrated with Active Directory. New student accounts may need to be created inside Active Directory.
3. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Questions
a. How many total TCP/IP subnets are currently in use at BCSD?
b. Are the Novell servers that are currently running DHCP standalone or is DHCP running on a server also running Novell Directory Services, file services or print services? There is a Windows 2008 R2 server running DHCP. It has 9 locations on it. The rest of the Districts DHCP are standalone servers running on Netware 6.5, Suse Linux 10, Suse Linux 11
c. In Addendum 03 of SOLICITATION NO. 13-44, it was stated that there is also a Windows Server running the DHCP role. Which computers are receiving IP addresses from that Windows Server? See above
4. Domain Name System (DNS) Questions
a. How many total DNS servers and/or appliances are currently in use at BCSD? 2
b. What product(s) and version number(s) is/are the current DNS? Netware 6.5
c. Are there any reasons why the Microsoft best practice of having the DNS Server role service running alongside and integrated with an Active Directory Domain Services domain controller would not be possible at BCSD? No
d. Are there any reasons why the top name of the internal DNS could not be the same as the top level Active Directory Domain Services domain? No
e. Is the domain of BCSD’s internal DNS a branch under the state of Georgia’s DNS domain name tree (
Additional Questions for Full Migration
These questions are relevant if this project’s scope includes a Novell migration design and the actual migration off of Novell Directory Services and Novell file servers to Active Directory Domain Services and Windows Server, migrating existing Active Directory Domain Services users, groups, and other objects to new Active Directory Domain Services forest/domain, domain-joining Windows client computers to Active Directory Domain Services, and other services associated with a migration the following questions are relevant.
Many of the questions below are based upon the previous SOLICITATION NO. 13-44 issued on April 30, 2013 and the subsequent Question and Answer Addendums.
5. Novell Directory Services (AKA NDS, eDirectory) Questions
a. Is BCSD still using NetWare 6.5 for Directory Services?
i. If “no,” what Novell product name(s), version(s) is/are used for Directory Services? Yes
b. How many total locations are there with Novell Directory Services servers?35+
c. How many total servers are being used for Novell Directory Services? 40+
d. Are there still 4,500 total users in Novell Directory Services or, if “no,” what is the new total count?
i. Of the total users, how many are faculty/staff?
ii. Of the total users, how many are students?
iii. Of the total users, how many are neither faculty, staff, nor students?
1. Who are those users?
iv. How many, if any, additional users beyond the 4500 users migrated from Novell Directory Services need to be bulk created as net new users in Active Directory Domain Services?
1. Will you be able to provide the vendor with a CSV file containing the users’ properties who will need to be added?
e. Are there still 381 total groups are in Novell Directory Services or, if “no,” what is the new total count?
i. Will all 381 groups be migrated as distribution or security groups to Active Directory Domain Services?
f. Is the NDS inheritance rights filter still is use?
g. If BCSD is still using Access-Based Enumeration (ABE) do you want ABE carried forward to Windows Server?
h. Are there still 12 applications that are using LDAP to authenticate against the Novell Directory Services or, if “no,” what is the new total count?
i. Of that total number, will all need to authenticate via LDAP to Active Directory Domain Services?
1. How many, if any, of those applications support Kerberos and/or NTLM?
i. Would the "30% excess capacity for future growth" for virtual machines (reference 8.2.05 D4) also pertain to the year over year growth projection for users being added to Active Directory Domain Services? If “no,” how many total users per year should we use to calculate future capacity requirements?
j. Would the "30% excess capacity for future growth" for virtual machines (reference 8.2.05 D4) also pertain to the year over year growth projection for computers being added to Active Directory Domain Services? If “no,” how many total computers should we use to calculate future capacity requirements?
6. Novell File Servers Questions
a. What products and version(s) is/are use for Novell File Services (e.g. NetWare 6.5 and SLES 10)? Netware 6.5, Suse Linux 10 and Suse Linux 11
b. Does BCSD still have 55 Novell file servers or, if “no,” what is the new total count? 40+
c. How many total locations are there with Novell file servers? 40+
d. Are there still no (0) clustered Novell file servers? 0
e. How many total Novell file server Volumes will need to be migrated? 40+
f. How much total Novell file server Data (in gigabytes) will need to be migrated? Estimate of 5,000 gig on the high side
g. Is Novell file compression still not being used for Novell file server data? If compression is being used, what is the total size (in gigabytes) of the compressed data? Compression not being uses
h. How many, if any, total megabytes or gigabytes of data will be allocated per student (a quota) for storing files on the new Windows Server file service servers?
i. Are the students segmented in any way so that one group gets x amount of file service storage (e.g. K-8 get 100 MB) while another group gets y amount of file service storage (e.g. 9-12 get 500 MB)? If so, please explain the differentiators. Currently N/A
i. Do you still want to block any specific file types (e.g. MP3) on the new Windows Server file servers as per the statement in Addendum 03 of SOLICITATION NO. 13-44? Not Valid
i. Will you want to block some file types for students but not for faculty/staff (or vice versa)?
ii. How many total file types do you anticipate blocking?
j. Would the "30% excess capacity for future growth" for virtual machines (reference 8.2.05 D4) also pertain to the year over year growth projection for file service data? If “no,” what numerical growth projection or gigabytes per year should we use to calculate future capacity requirements?
7. Novell Print Servers Questions Does not apply. Vendor will not be responsible for setting up Print solution
a. Is using Windows Server print services still out of scope for this project?
i. If the answer is “No:”
1. What version(s) is/are used for Novell Print Services?
2. How many total Novell print servers do you currently have?
3. How many total locations are there with Novell print servers?
4. Are the Novell print servers still not clustered?
5. How many total Windows Server print services printer queues need to be created?
8. Client Computing Questions Does not apply. Vendor will not be responsible for moving workstations into Active Directory
a. What, if any, desktop virtualization solution (e.g. Windows Server Remote Desktop Services, Citrix XenClient, NComputing’s vSpace) is being used to render Windows client computer desktops to your users?
i. How many, if any, total “thin clients” (e.g. Wyse terminals) are used to connect to Windows Server Remote Desktop Services, Citrix XenClient, et al?
b. Does BCSD still have 500 total Apple Macs or, if “no,” what is the new total count?
i. How many, if any, total Apple Macs will need to be registered in Active Directory Domain Services?
ii. What technology solution, if any, is currently being used to centrally manage the Apple Macs?
1. If none, is a technology solution for centrally managing the Apple Macs expected to be deployed as a part of this project?
9. Windows client Computer Questions Does not apply. Vendor will not be responsible for moving workstations into Active Directory
a. Does BCSD still have 25,000 total Windows client computers or, if “no,” what is the new total count?
b. Are there still 10,800 total Windows client computers registered in Novell Directory Services or, if “no,” what is the new total count?
c. Do you still want all 25,000 Windows client computers domain-joined to the Active Directory Domain Services or, if “no,” what is the new total count?
i. Of those Windows client computers to be domain-joined, what versions and count of Windows client are you using (e.g. XP = 1700, Vista = 500, 7 = 2500, etc.)?
ii. Of those Windows client computers to be domain-joined, how many total are running the Professional, Business, Enterprise, and/or Ultimate edition of Windows client?
iii. Of those Windows client computers to be domain-joined, how many total Windows client computers are used by the faculty/staff?
1. How many total Windows client computers are issued exclusively to one faculty or staff member?
a. Is it still accurate that the current workgroup profile on the faculty/staff member’s Windows client computer does not need to be migrated to a domain-joined profile as per the statement in Addendum 06 of SOLICITATION NO. 13-44?
2. How many total Windows client computers are shared by the faculty and staff?
a. Do all of the current workgroup profiles on the faculty and staff member’s Windows client computers need to be migrated to domain-joined profiles?
iv. Of those Windows client computers to be domain-joined, how many total Windows client computers are used by the students?
1. How many are issued exclusively to one student (e.g. a school-issued netbook)?
a. Is it still accurate that the current workgroup profile on the student’s Windows client computer does not need to be migrated to a domain-joined profile as per the statement in Addendum 06 of SOLICITATION NO. 13-44?
2. How many are shared by students (e.g. a kiosk or in a computer lab)?
a. Do all of the current workgroup profiles on the students’ Windows client computers need to be migrated to domain-joined profiles?
d. How many, if any, of the Windows client computers not owned by BCSD (e.g. student owned laptop) will need to be domain-joined to Active Directory Domain Services?
i. What level of control does IT have over them?
ii. Do they each have a unique Administrator user ID (assumed to most likely have been created by the owner)?
iii. Do they each have a unique Administrator password (assumed to most likely have been created by the owner)?
e. How many, if any, total Windows client computers are currently managed centrally?
i. What technology(ies) is/are being used to centrally manage the Windows client computers?
f. Do you use the Windows Firewall on the Windows client computers?
ii. If “no,” what software firewall, if any, is in use? Please list all.
iii. Do you have any way to centrally add rules to the Windows client computer’s firewall?
g. Is it still accurate that the vendor is not responsible for uninstalling the Novell Client for Windows from all Windows client computers?