Christine M. Larson, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

401 Shady Avenue, Suite A104

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206

Phone: (412) 519-9549

Fax: (412) 361-2295

Client Information Form- Child

Please fill out this form as fully and openly as possible to help us begin our work together.

Identification and Contact Information Today’s date: ______

Child’s name: ______Date of birth: ______Age: ____
Child’s nickname: ______Social Security #: ______
Names of parents/guardians: ______

Address(es): ______

Parent email: ______Parentphone/cell:______

Indicate any restrictions on calls, messages, mail, or email:______

Name of person to contact in case of emergency: ______

Phone: ______Address:______

Referral: How did you find my name? ❑Insurance Company❑Internet Search (which?) ______❑Referred by: Name: ______May I thank this person for the referral? ❑ Yes ❑ No

Demographic and Education Information Ethnicity/national origin: ______

Gender: _____ Religious affiliation(s)?: ______Any serious food allergies? ______

Grade: ______School: ______School problems? ______

Does your child have difficulty separating to go to school? ______

What do teachers say about your child’s behavior at school? ______

Legal History

Do you have any current or upcoming legal involvements, such as lawsuits, custody, divorce/separation, protection from abuse orders, pending legal charges, past legal involvement, etc? ❑ No ❑ Yes

PLEASE NOTE: Dr. Larson does not provide custody evaluations, expert testimony, or other forensic services.

Health and Medical Care Pediatrician’s name: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______

How many hours of sleep does your child get daily? ______Trouble falling asleep at night? ❑ Yes ❑ No

Has your child gained/lost weight in the past year?❑ Yes ❑ No - Gained ____lbs. - Lost ____lbs.

Does your child have any chronic or acute physical illnesses which impact on mental health? ❑ Yes ❑ No

Has your child ever received psychological or psychiatric treatment or medication? ❑ Yes ❑ No

Has your child ever had a serious illness, injury, surgery, or hospitalization? ❑ Yes ❑ No

Family History
Relationship / Name / Current Age
(or age at death) / Occupation

Other important relatives or non-biological family members:

Was your child or any of your child’s siblings adopted or raised with parents other than natural parents?

Early Development Was this child’s conception planned? ❑ Yes ❑ No

During pregnancy, the child’s natural mother did which of the following? ❑smoked tobacco ❑drank alcohol

❑was injured ❑had serious illness/surgery ❑used prescription drugs ❑ experienced other major stress

Did mother or child experience medical complications during or following delivery? ❑ Yes ❑ No

Was the baby carried to term? ❑ Yes ❑ No Birth weight/length ______APGAR scores ______

What adjectives best describe this child during infancy and toddler years? (examples: cuddly, clinging, distant, curious, demanding, angry, hyper, tense) ______

Did the child meet developmental milestones on time? (examples: sit, walk, speak, toilet training) Indicate delays:


How did the child respond to others from ages two to five? Please use this chart to describe:


Held by Mother

Plays Near Mother

Mother Leaves Child

Held by Father

Plays Near Father

Father Leaves Child

Stranger Approaches

Stranger Holds Child