Final State Examinations 2016/2017
Pursuant to article 7 of the Regulation of the dean concerning bachelors and follow up masters study programs at Czech Technical University, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering the final state examination comprises of the following: defence of the bachelor thesis in case of bachelor study program or diploma thesis in case of master study program and the oral examination from the thematic areas of the theoretical background and the profile subjects of the studied field andpossibly, depending on the field of study it comprises also of the practical part.
The dean of FBMI determines on the basis of the proposal of the head of the department guaranteeing the given study branch the themes that will be announced by the end of teaching in the semester that precedes the final stateexaminations.
The student has to pass the examination from 2, 3 or 4 thematic areas according to the studied branch. In case that the themes can be chosen the student is obliged to do so.
The application form for the FSE is submitted only in electronic ( form through KOS by 17.2.2017 at the latest (students of the combined form and students of the Paramedic and 3rd study year of Physiotherapyby 3.3.2017) – after this date the access to KOS will be automatically blocked.Only a student who has a subject called Bachelor/Diploma thesis enrolled can apply for the FSE. Both the date of the FSE and the topics (if the field of study allows that – otherwise each line offers only one possibility) can be selected in the application form.
Some information about KOS:
Open the folder „Final thesis“→„Final exam state“
Select your topics for the FSE (2, 3 or 4 according to the field of study)
Select a date of the FSE and confirm it by „Enroll“on the right end of the relevant line
Its transfer or cancellation is possible only on the basis of an application directed to the dean with clarification of reasons and submitted to the study department 1 month the latest before the final state examinations take place.
The condition of admission to final state examination is that all compulsory and subscribed number of optional subjects are passed according to the study plan of the relevant branch and also to gain at least:
- 180 credits during the studies including the bachelor thesis in the bachelor study program of the branch Biomedical informatics, Inforamation and Commmunication Technology in Medicine
- 180 credits during the studies including the bachelor thesis and moreover completion of practical experience in the study program Biomedical technician
- 180 credits during the studies including the bachelor thesis and completion of practical experience in the bachelor study program Optics and optometry, Physiotherapy, Radiological Assistant, Planning and crisis management, Paramedic, Medical Laboratory
- 120 credits during the studies including the diploma thesis in case of master study program
You must close all study obligations in KOS. No result must be missing in KOS in order to successfully close the studies.
A few comments to KOS:
open the folder „Ostatní " (other) - „Kontrola studijního plánu“ (Check of the study plan)
Checking of fulfilment of the study plan is run automatically after entering.
If the check run smoothly it is possible to close the plan and confirm it by the button „Kontrola studijního plánu“ (Check of the study plan)
In case the check did not run successfully, the button does not even appear and it is possible to find the reason (usually missing result from some subject by the mentioned date. The check of fulfilment of the study plan can be run at any time and for an unlimited number of times.
The student is summoned to the specific date of the final state examinations (date, room number and time) through the notice boards and web pages of the faculty These are arranged by the branch supervising departments at least 14 days prior to the final state examinations in the given branch. The same applies to students studying in a foreign language.
For the academic year 2016/2017 the following applies: the thematic areas should be published by 13.1. 2017 the latest and students have to apply for the final state examinations on the day of enrolment to the summer semester i.e. by 17. 2. 2017 the latest(students of the combined form and students of the Paramedic and 3rd study year of Physiotherapyby 3.3.2017)!
A student enrols in FSEs through KOSduring the enrolment in the semesterat the latest, in which the FSEs take place. June/July dates are binding for all CTU FBME students. August/September dates are only substitute dates for very exceptional cases or rather as resit date. Standard substitute date is June/July of the following academic year. Any postponement or cancellation of the date is possible only on the basis of an application to the Dean of the faculty with the opinion of the supervisor of the thesis, guarantor (supervisor) of the study branch (or his deputy) and the head of the department supervising the study branch stating a serious reason. It must be submitted to the Study department (in justified cases even later) 1 month prior to the submission of the bachelor or diploma thesis 19. 4. 2017 at the latest.
Submission of bachelor or diploma thesis:(for revised, completed or new BT, DT for Resit Final state examitation from unsuccessfullFSE in academic year 2015/2016) / until 19. 5. 2017
To close the study plan FSE for BSO FZT, RA, ZZ, ZL, PŘKS and MSO CNP: / until31. 5. 2017
To close the studies: / Until 8. 6. 2017
Final state examinations- practical part – physiotherapists only: / 5. 6. 2017 – 16. 6. 2017
Final state examinations for BSO RA, ZZ, ZL, PŘKS: / 5. 6. 2017 – 23. 6. 2017
Final state examinations for MSO CNP: / 5. 6. 2017 – 30. 6. 2017
Final state examinations – oral part- physiotherapists only / 12. 6. 2017 – 23. 6. 2017
Final state examinations for other BSO: / 12. 6. 2017–23. 6. 2017
Final state examinations for other MSO: / 19.6.2017 – 30. 6. 2017
To close studies: / until 30. 8. 2017
Submission of revised Bachelor Thesis/Diploma Thesis for resit Final state examination unsuccessful in June 2017: / Until 18. 8. 2017
Resit FSE – practical part - only for BSO FZT: / 4. 9. 2017 – 15. 9. 2017
Resit FSE – oral part – only form BSO FZT: / 11. 9. 2017 – 20. 9. 2017
Resit FSE: / 11. 9. 2017 – 20. 9. 2017