1 April 2014
Vt Housing and Conservation Board and HOME Program
File Naming Convention for Digital Upload of Application Files
It is important that all file names follow the convention described below! Thanks for your help. Each file name will consist of the PROJECT ID (determined by you), followed by the APPLICATION PART (determined by the column “FILE NAME” in the table below.
FOR EXAMPLE: CVCLT is submitting an application for a project known as Cross Street. The VHCB/HOME Application supplement should be named: Cross St-appsupp.doc (where “.doc” is whatever the given file extension is for the program used)
ITEM / FILE NAME / File Description/long name1 / app / Common Application
2 / appsupp / VHCB/HOME Application Supplement
3 / budgets / Budget, pro-forma, etc
COMMON APPLICATION ATTACHMENTS for Rental Housing Developments (as listed on the Checklist)
A1 / site-plan / Site Plans
A2 / location-map / Site Location Map
A3 / floodplain-map / Floodplain Map
A4 / floor-plans / Preliminary Floor Plans
A5 / elevations / Building Elevations
A6 / photos / Photographs (placed in a document or submitted separately as JPGs named, for example: cross-st1.jpg; cross-st2.jpg, etc.)
A7 / appraisal / Current Appraisal
A8 / site-control / Evidence of site control
A9 / act-250 / ANR / Act 250 Project Review Sheet (if applicable)
A10 / energy-cklst / Completed Energy Efficiency Checklist
A11 / resumes / Resumes of Development Team (only for team members who have done no affordable housing projects in the last two years)
A12 / market / Market Demand Data (full market study if added units)
A13 / other-funding / Evidence of Other Funding Commitments
A14 / test-results / Results tests for lead-based paint or other hazardous materials
A15 / CNA / Capital Needs Assessment (for moderate rehab projects; this may be waived if the scope of work incorporates an assessment of capital needs by the architect)
A16 / audit / Most recent audited organizational financial statement
ATTACHMENTS FOR HOME OWNERSHIP DEVELOPMENTS All of the above except for A15 - Capital Needs Assessment, PLUS:
A17 / HO-unit list / Unit Price Schedule, Including Unit Types and Designs
A18 / HO-budget / Homeownership Development Budget
A19 / estimates / Construction Cost Estimates
A20 / env / Environmental Site Review Checklist or Phase I Assessment
A21 / contacts / Copies of Local/State/Regional contact letters and any responses
A22* / income / Home Program Income Verification Form and 3rd Party Verification
A23* / URA / URA General Info Notices and Return Receipts
A24 / board / Current List of Board of Directors, Addresses & Affiliations
A25 / 501c / IRS 501(c) designation
A26 / audit / Most recent audited financial statement
A27 / articles / Articles of Association
A28 / bylaws / Bylaws
A29 / 990 / Most recent 990 filing
A30 / Other / [Choose a descriptive file name for any additional attachment(s), e.g., section106letter]
*A22 and A23 are not required for Home Ownership Developments