11/7/2018 1

Final Schedule: NSF IRCEB UV-Lakes Project Meeting

September 18-20, 2003, Lacawac Sanctuary

Thursday, September 18

6:00 PMReception at the Lacawac Lodge

6:30Catered dinner at the Lacawac Lodge.

7:45Welcoming Remarks and introductions (Craig)

1) Steve Peters, new Lehigh faculty member

- Heavy metals in food webs. (5 min)

2) Peter Fields, new Franklin & Marshall faculty member

- Biochemical and molecular adaptation to extreme environments. (5 min)

8:00Keynote address: Dr. Norman Yan, YorkUniversity, Toronto, Canada

“Long-term recovery from lake acidification: lessons of environmental
hope and reality from aquatic ecology.”

9:00Dessert reception

Friday, September 19


Part I: Progress to Date on UV-Lakes project

7:45Introduction (Craig)5 min

8:00 UV-lamp phototrons (Craig)

1)Introduction and overview of phototron methods (Gaby or Craig): 5 min

2)Zooplankton and amphibians (Aaron): 5 min

3)Fish from Giles and Lacawac (Mark): 5 min

4)Protists (Amy O’Brien): 5 min

5)Phytoplankton (Robert): 5 min

6)Discussion of across taxon comparisons (Craig): 35 min, to include -

- Use of logit regression (Pat)

- Comparison of maximum growth rates (protists) vs mortality (fish, zoopl)

- Weighting the data from different lamps using Daphnia BWF (Pat)

9:00 Biological Weighting Functions (Pat)

1)Summary of BWFs with various taxa (Pat) 45 min

2)General discussion of BWFs (Pat) 15 min


10:30 DNA Damage (Craig for Wade and David)

1) Wade’s Power Point on April (and July?) data (Craig): 15 min

2) Metabolic costs of DNA repair in bluegill larvae (Jackie Nicolai, Philip Salko) 15 min

3) Phylogenetic consequences of UV damage to DNA (Sandi Connelly) 15 min

4) Progress on immunofluorescent techniques with protists (Bob and Amy) few min
5) Discussion of DNA damage (Craig): few min

11:30 Photoprotective compounds: MAAs and Carotenoids (Robert)

1) Past patterns for zooplankton from diverse systems (Robert) 10 min

2) Recent data on zooplankton from Poconos and Beartooths (Anurani) 10 min

3) Discussion (Robert) 10 min


1:30The Context: UV and temperature in the Pocono and BeartoothLakes (Craig)

2:00Beartooth lakes (Jasmine)

1) Overview (Jasmine): 5 min.

2) Profiles (Craig - central questions in the Beartooths; Jasmine - phytoplankton &

nutrients; Ryan - zooplankton): 15 min

3) Phytoplankton experiment (Shaina): 10 min

4) Zooplankton experiment (Anurani & Courtney): 15 min

5) Discussion (Jasmine): 15 min

3:00DOC-UV microcosm experiments (Sandra)

1)Presentation of primary results to date.

2)Discussion of implications for mesocosm experiments.


4:00Year 1 Mesocosm Experiment (Janet)

1) Overview of the goals of the experiment and the mesocosm design (Janet): 5 min
2) UV data from the radiometer (Craig): 5 min
3) UV profiles in the bags (Craig): 5 min
4) Dissolved absorbance and bacterial productivity (Don): 5-10 min
5) Bacterivory (Bob): 5 min
6) Chlorophyll and primary production (Robert): 5 min
7) Crustacean zooplankton (Janet): 5 min
8) Integration and Lessons from the pilot experiment (Janet): 20 min

5:00Year 2 Mesocosm Experiments: Approach, DOC source & concentrations (Don)


Evening: Available for informal meetings, night hunts for zooplankton, viewing Mars.

Saturday, September 20


Part II: Thoughts and plans for Year 2 on UV-Lakes project

8:00 Beast Experiments (Pat)

8:30 Protists(Bob)

9:00Acclimation Experiments in UV-Exposure Facility at Lehigh (Robert)

9:30BeartoothLakes(Jasmine and Craig)

Profiling and Experiments

Installation of local UV radiometer for incident UV (BIC vs GUV vs other?)


10:30UV tolerance and PER in fish (Mark)

11:00 Photoprotective compounds: MAAs and Carotenoids (Robert)

11:30Positive effects of UV – Several experiments have suggested that UV may have positive effects on phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Beartooths and in the Pocono lakes. What is going on? Are these results “real”? Are they direct or indirect effects? How can we follow up on these interesting results? Bring your graphs to present if you have observed positive UV effects.


1:30Hike to local attraction (BruceLake? Ricketts Glen?)



8 pm: Group slide show of UV-Lakes activities over the first year. Bring some Power Point photos to share!

Sunday, October 21


8:00 – 12:00 – Exact timing and topics to be finalized Saturday evening as needed, but include:

The UV-temperature paradigm – What evidence have we found for the enzyme kinetics hypothesis and differences in UV responses in high and low UV:T conditions? What is the value of continuing to use this high vs. low UV:T perspective to guide our research? Are there other more useful approaches?

Year 2 mesocosm experiments (Don) What will be manipulated? Sampled? Timing?

Miscellaneous –

- Future meeting schedules - David will host spring meeting in Texas on UV damage. Shall we plan ahead for other future meetings?

- Budget – Costs of mesocosms in years 1 and 2? Other items?

- Annual report to the NSF –

- Web page input/changes

- One pagers – update now or wait until spring? (data not all in yet)

Norm Yan - Feedback, recommendations, and discussion led by external evaluator

Other topics as need arises (suggestions welcome now or at meeting).


Depart at your leisure.