Tier 1 Vocabulary:

catalogs / a book or pamphlet, containing a list or displaying items for sale / "... a stack of Cat's Cradle catalogs." (pg 12)
chanting / to recite or speak with no change in tone / " They started walking along the top of the fence, chanting as they went." (pg 27)
cots / narrow beds often made of fabric stretched over a folding frame / " ...want us to make girl cots and boy cots.." (pg 22)
cradle / a bed for a baby usually on rockers / "... and the Cat's Cradle Company." (pg 7)
crate / a box or frame of wooden slats or boards for packing or protecting something in shipment / "The Van der Katts lived in a crate...." (pg 6)
curiosity / an eager desire to learn and often to learn what does not concern on / " They say curiosity killed the cat." (pg 16)
declared / to state strongly / "When the last Catawba was picked, Joe declared, 'I'll go get our money'." (pg 19)
harvest / the gathering of a crop / "I will pay you a nickel a basket if you harvest my Catawba grapes." (pg 17)
raise / an increase in pay / "You need to ask Mr. Kitty to give everyone a raise." (pg 9)
settlement / a small village / "..Litterbox, a Dutch settlement in the Catskill Mountains of New York." (pg 5)

Tier 2 Vocabulary:

cannery / a factory for the canning of food / "...canned goods from Cathy's Cannery." (pg 9)
catapulted / to throw or launch / "He was then catapulted through the window..." (pg 18)
catastrophe / a sudden disaster / "What a catastrophe that was." (pg 9)
catnip / a strong-scented herb of the mint family that is especially attractive to cats / "So you can squander it on catnip?" (pg 15)
catwalk / a narrow walk or way (as along a bridge) / "...lived in a crate under a creaky catwalk." (pg 6)
IOU / a paper that has on it the letters IOU, a stated sum, and a signature and that is given to acknowledge a debt / "....I put an IOU in the mousetrap..." (pg 13)
pussyfoot / to walk or move in a careful or sneaky manner / " I'm not going to pussyfoot around." (pg 17)
pussy-willow tree / a large, upright, oval to rounded shrub that grows to 15-20 ft. It produces large velvety silver white catkin. / "They made gorgeous girls' beds from pussy-willow wood." (pg 8)
sourpuss / a person having a grouchy attitude that have a scowling facial expression. / "That old sourpuss will want us to make girl cots..." (pg 22)
squander / to spend foolishly or wastefully / " Spupi can squander it on catnip?" (pg 15)
vineyard / a field of grapevines / "...a Catawba-grape vineyard.." (pg 7q)
old wives' tale / a traditional belief, story, or idea that is often of a superstitious nature. / "That's an old wives' tale..." (pg 18)
union / an organization of workers formed to protect the rights and advance the interests of its members concerning wages, benefits, and working conditions / "Meet the cat union." (pg 26)

Tier 3Vocabulary:

appel(AP-puhl) / DUTCH - apple / (pg 14)
banketstaven(ban-KEHT STAV_uhn) / DUTCH - pastries in the shape of alphabet letters / (pg 4)
bever (BAY-vuhr) / DUTCH - beaver / (pg 17)
brood (brote) / DUTCH - bread / (pg 12)
calico / a blotched or spotted animal / "...and coal from Baron Calico." (pg 9)
catalpa tree / a tree was a heart shaped look, sharp pointed leaves, white or yellow flowers, fruits that look like a skinny bean pod and grow around 50 feet tall. / "They made beautiful boys' beds from catalpa trees." (pg 8)
cattery / a place where cats are kept and bred / "They chased the cats into Chatty'sCattery." (pg 25)
dank u (dank oo) / DUTCH - thank you / (pg 31)
eieren(AY-uh-ruhn) / DUTCH - eggs / (pg 30)
einde(AYN-duh) / DUTCH - end / (pg 32)
gans(ganss) / DUTCH - goose / (pg 30)
Gouda (GOW-duh) / DUTCH - a Dutch cheese / (pg 12)
Gromingen(GRO-ning-uhn) / DUTCH - a city in the Netherlands / (pg 25)
haan(hahn) / DUTCH - rooster / (pg 16)
haas(hahss) / DUTCH - hare / (pg 15)
hete chocolade(HAY-tuhsho-ko-LAH-duh) / DUTCH - hot chocolate / (pg 20)
hond(hont) / DUTCH - dog / (pg 27)
huis(howss) / DUTCH - house / (pg 25)
kaas(kahss) / DUTCH - cheese / (pg 13)
Kalkoen (kal-KOON) / DUTCH - turkey / (pg 26)
kat(kat) / DUTCH - cat / (pg 6)
kikker(KIK-uhr) / DUTCH - frog / (pg 30)
Kilder(KIL-duhr) / DUTCH - a town in the Netherlands / (pg 25)
klompen(KLOM-puhn) / DUTCH - wooden shoes / (pg 25)
koe(koo) / DUTCH - cow / (pg 14)
kool(kohl) / DUTCH - cabbage / (pg 25)
krokodil (kro-ko-DILL) / DUTCH - crocodile / (pg 29)
meer(mayr) / DUTCH - lake / (pg 11)
melk(mehlk) / DUTCH - milk / (pg 7)
molen(MO-luhn) / DUTCH - windmill / (pg 10)
muis(mowss) / DUTCH - mouse / (pg 8)
natteverf (HAT-tuhvehrf) / DUTCH - wet paint / (pg 24)
oprijlaan (OP-ray-lahn) / DUTCH - driveway / (pg 29)
paard(part) / DUTCH - horse / (pg 30)
pompoen (pom-POON) / DUTCH - pumpkin / (pg 28)
rijtuig (RAY-towg) / DUTCH - carriage / (pg 5)
schop(skop) / DUTCH - shovel / (pg 31)
schutting(SKUT-ting) / DUTCH - fence / (pg 27)
slang (slang) / DUTCH - snake / (pg 23)
soep(soop) / DUTCH - soup / (pg 22)
stieren(steern) / DUTCH - bulls; me / (pg 11)
verwelkomen(vuhr-VEHL-ko-muhn) / DUTCH - welcome / (pg 21)
vleermuis(VLAYR-mowss) / DUTCH - bat / (pg 19)
Waarschuwing(VAHR-skow-ing) / DUTCH - warning / (pg 9)
wezel (VAY-zuhl) / DUTCH - weasel / (pg 18)