Final Requirements for the Cheeto Lab Report
All Underlined items should be included in your final draft. Each item left out will count as Minus 3 points
Data table #1 (With Your Original Data) :(Only the Data table printed on the website will be accepted)
Data table #2 (With Your Original Data): (Only the Data table printed on the website will be accepted)
Conclusion Questions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
Look on the side of a Cheeto’s (or any other chip) Bag and read the Nutritional Information
- We often speak of the Calories associated with food. What do you think this means?
- Eating food helps keep us warm. How might this happen?
- 1 Food Calorie (Cal) is actually 1000 “Real calories.” “Real calories” are the calories used as a measurement of heat in science. How many “Real calories” are in 1 cheeto?
- How is the unit “Food” Calories and “Real” calories spelled different?
- How do you think the idea of “Food Calories” came about?
- What happened to the temperature change of the water when you increased the amount of Cheeto burned?
- What happened to the change in temperature of the water when you doubled the mass of water in the can?
- According to the information on the side of the Cheeto bag, how many Food Calories (Cal) are in 1 cheeto?
Calculations: All 7 calculations listed done in Three Step Form on a separate sheet of paper.
Error Discussion: Paragraph of your thoughts about how error occurred and affected your results in this experiment.
The 3 themes that should be commented on are:
- Why are your % errors so high?
- What errors could have occurred in your lab that could have caused such high % errors
- How could we do this lab different/better next year to lower our % error.