Tackling corruption worldwide: how can we get from zero to hero?

20–25 March 2004

St Hugh’s College



Saturday 20 March

1400 Registration

onwards Maplethorpe Hall entrance (Canterbury Road)

St Hugh’s College

1830 Reception and participant introductions


St Hugh’s College

1915 Opening dinner and welcome

Wordsworth Room

St Hugh’s College

Paul Flather, Michael Pinto-Duschinsky and Adrienne Johnson

2030 Lessons from Zimbabwe Today

After dinner speaker

John Makumbe

Sunday 21 March
Corruption, aid and development
0900 Welcome and participant introductions

Paul Flather

0945 Too much law: too little enforcement

Marcin Walecki and Michael Pinto-Duschinsky

1045 Working Groups: Introductory session

1: Civil society and transparency

Nikhil Dey and Jeremy Pope

2. Tackling political corruption

Michael Pinto-Duschinsky and Menachem Hofnung

3: Enforcement

Marcin Walecki and Roland Rich

1115 Coffee/tea

1130 Group photograph

1145 Fighting corruption within a broader governance framework: practical lessons from empirical evidence

Daniel Kaufmann

1300 Lunch

1400 Walking tour of Oxford

Please meet at Maplethorpe Hall entrance for departure to city centre

1600 Return to St Hugh’s College

1700  Please meet at Maplethorpe Hall entrance for departure to Wadham College

Parks Road


1715 Tackling corruption: the use and abuse of the media

Panel discussion: Miroslava Gongadze, Praful Bidwai and David Hencke

Chair: Paul Flather

Okinawa Room

Wadham College

1845 Reception*

The Old Library

Wadham College

1915 Dinner*

The Hall

Wadham College

Hosted by Paul Flather

2045 Money and politics: what’s new in the 2004 presidential campaigns?

After dinner speaker

Ellen Weintraub

* Sponsored by Vitabiotics

Monday 22 March

Corruption, politics and enforcement

0900 Can disclosure laws control political corruption?

Gene Ward and Yves-Marie Doublet

1030 Coffee/tea

1100 Why is political finance a major source of corruption?

Menachem Hofnung and Marcin Walecki

1245 Participant insight

1300 Lunch

1400 How can we monitor our elected representatives?

Elizabeth Filkin and Ellen Weintraub

1545 Participant insight

1600 Coffee /tea

1615 Working groups: session one

1715 Close

1900 Dinner

Tuesday 23 March

Corruption and engagement: citizens and societies

0900 Can we empower the voiceless?

Nikhil Dey

1030 Coffee/tea

1100 The global experience: contributors from Africa, Latin America and Asia

Mark Nelson and Jeremy Pope

1245 Lunch in working groups: session two

1400 Visit to Blenheim Palace

Please meet at Maplethorpe Hall entrance for departure by coach

1645 Coach returns to St Hugh’s College

1800 Dinner

1900 Visit to the Oxford Playhouse theatre

For a performance of William Shakespeare’s Othello by ‘Cheek by Jowl’ theatre company. Please meet in Maplethorpe Hall entrance for departure

Wednesday 24 March

Fighting corruption: who does what best?

0900 Managing conflicts and maintaining trust

Roland Rich

1030 Coffee/tea

1100 Controlling corruption: how effective are NGOs, lawyers, governments, international bodies and other agencies?

Panel debate: Mark Nelson, Yves-Marie Doublet, Jeremy Pope and Mark Dickinson

1300 Lunch

1400 Working groups: session three

1515 Coffee/tea

1545 Specialist workshops (optional)

1645 Visit to British Council Oxford

Please meet in the Maplethorpe Hall entrance for departure

1700 Honduras: a case study in tackling corruption

Video-conference with Honduras and World Bank, Washington DC

1800 Close

1900 Reception


St Hugh’s College

1930 Closing dinner

Wordsworth Room

St Hugh’s College

Hosted by the British Council

Christopher Palmer, Project Director, British Council Seminars

2100 Bar

Thursday 25 March

Shared resources in the fight against corruption

0900 Working groups: reporting back

Presentations and discussion

1015 What have we learnt? Preparing action plans

Paul Flather and Michael Pinto-Duschinsky

1100 Coffee/tea

1130 How can we use the Internet and networking for our work?

Group Discussion

1215 Global lessons: participant insights

Group discussion and review of international resources

1245 What happens next?

Summing up: Paul Flather and Michael Pinto-Duschinsky

1300 Lunch and close of event