Exploration-Americas-Slave Trade Test Review

-Which two groups controlled most of the trade between Europe and Asia?

-Why were spices important to Europeans?

-What technological innovations allowed Europeans to make long voyages?

-Which European nation first discovered routes to Asia by going around Africa?

-Where did Columbus land on his first voyage to the New World?

-What did Ferdinand and Isabella accomplish?

-Which Spanish conquistador conquered the Inca Empire?

-Which Spanish conquistador conquered the Aztec Empire?

-The Inca Empire was located in parts of modern-day ______.

-The Aztec Empire was located in parts of modern-day ______.

-The Incan Empire was connected by a series of ______.

-How did the Aztec try to satisfy their chief god, Huitzilopochtli?

-The ______is the only domesticated pack animal native to the New World.

-What killed the largest number of Native Americans following the European discovery of the New World?

-What was the encomienda system?

-Which part of Africa contributed the most slaves to the New World?

-Why did Europeans turn to Africa as a source of forced labor?

-The Middle Passage was from ______.

-Describe chattel slavery.

-Short Answer- Describe the Triangle Trade? (Which areas were involved in the trade? What items were being traded between the areas? What effects did the trade have on each area involved?)

Exploration-Americas-Slave Trade Test Review

-Which two groups controlled most of the trade between Europe and Asia?

-Why were spices important to Europeans?

-What technological innovations allowed Europeans to make long voyages?

-Which European nation first discovered routes to Asia by going around Africa?

-Where did Columbus land on his first voyage to the New World?

-What did Ferdinand and Isabella accomplish?

-Which Spanish conquistador conquered the Inca Empire?

-Which Spanish conquistador conquered the Aztec Empire?

-The Inca Empire was located in parts of modern-day ______.

-The Aztec Empire was located in parts of modern-day ______.

-The Incan Empire was connected by a series of ______.

-How did the Aztec try to satisfy their chief god, Huitzilopochtli?

-The ______is the only domesticated pack animal native to the New World.

-What killed the largest number of Native Americans following the European discovery of the New World?

-What was the encomienda system?

-Which part of Africa contributed the most slaves to the New World?

-Why did Europeans turn to Africa as a source of forced labor?

-The Middle Passage was from ______.

-Describe chattel slavery.

-Short Answer- Describe the Triangle Trade? (Which areas were involved in the trade? What items were being traded between the areas? What effects did the trade have on each area involved?)