Draft Tavares High School

School Advisory CommitteeMinutes

Monday, January 7, 2013

Attendees:Paula Allen, Brent Balkaran, June Dalton, Mary Ellen Drees, Sue Hackney,Cindy Heffler, Amy Marcinkus, Georgia Menzinger,Kristen Sears, Jessie Smith, Jeremiah Thek, Don Vintilla,Kevin Wooster and Cathy Zahurak

Additional attendees:Buddy Jones

Chairperson Sue Hackney called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

The minutes from the November 5and December 3, 2012 meetings were reviewed. Cindy Heffler made a motion to approve the November minutes. June Dalton seconded the motion. Motion carried. There is one correction to the December meeting ~ the accreditation visit will be March 3-6 not February. Mary Ellen Drees made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. June Dalton seconded. Motion carried.

SAC Funds: In October 2012, SAC voted to earmark $2,500 for student agendas. There is still approximately $1,300 available to use when a need arises.

Scheduling: Registration forms were sent home with the students for parents to sign and return. The information is being put into the computer scheduling program. Hopefully, schedules for next year will be done by April. There will be some adjustments before next year based on test scores and class sizes. Guidance counselors will be meeting with students as needed too. The master schedule is usually set by the end of July.

School Grades: THS had the highest scores in the district but did not get an A because of the graduation rate for at risk students. In order to be an A, 65% of at risk students have to graduate within four years. THS had 56% of the at risk students graduate on time. The staff will be discussing ways to address this in each grade level at the next faculty meeting. There are 2 E2020 classes during the day as well as available time after school to help students makeup courses that they’ve failed.


  • Semester exams are next week. Early dismissal days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday, January 18 is a teacher workday. Monday, January 21 is the observance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.
  • There will be a lockdown drill on Thursday during second period.

The next meeting will be Monday, February 4, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. Georgia Menzingermade a motion to adjourn. Mary Ellen Dreesseconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Amy Marcinkus, Secretary