NOTE: A student should file a Final Grade Appeal only when he or she believes that the final course grade assigned does not reflect the student’s performance in the class. A final grade appeal is not to be used to challenge grades on an individual assignment or when the student disagrees with the faculty member’s judgment of the quality of the student’s work. The Final Grade Appeal must be submitted within three days of the beginning of the following session.
Student’s Name: ______ID: ______
Course CRN# Course: ______Semester/Year: ______
Course Instructor: ______
All grade appeals MUST be based on one or more of the four grounds for appeal noted below. Please check one or more lines that are the basis of your final grade appeal. Provide a detailed explanation including specific information that supports your position. Attach another sheet if necessary.
For all other concerns students need to use the course concern form available in the course Blackboard shell.
Grounds for a Final Grade Appeal:
_____ The grade has been assigned on the basis of something other than performance in the course.
_____ Standards used to determine the grade are more exacting or demanding than those applied to other students.
_____ An error was made in calculating the grade.
_____ The grade is based on standards that are significant, unannounced, and unreasonable departures from those articulated in the course description or syllabus distributed at the beginning of the course.
Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______
STEP 1: Student contacts instructor.
The student must contact the Instructor and submit this Final Grade Appeal form within three days of the start of the following semester. The student must send a copy of the Final Grade Appeal to the Director of Academic Services (DOAS) at his or her campus. The Instructor will note his or her decision and rational on the grade appeal form and forward to the Student and the campus Director of Academic Services (DOAS).
Instructor’s Decision (circle one) Appeal Granted Appeal Denied
Rationale: ______
Instructor Signature: ______Date: ______
NOTE: To progress to Step 2, you must submit a detailed written statement and additional documentation to support your position to the Director of Academic Services within 10 days of the Instructor’s decision.
STEP 2: Meeting with student, instructor, Department Chair, and Director of Academic Services.
Decision: (circle one) Appeal Granted Appeal Denied
Rationale: ______
Department Chair: ______Date: ______
NOTE: To Progress to Step 3, you must submit a request in writing to the Department Chair to appeal to the Student Faculty Relations Committee (SFRC), within 10 days of the Department Chair’s decision. You must provide the SFRC additional detailed documentation not previously reviewed that supports why the decision made in Step 2 was in error.
STEP 3: Student Faculty Relations Committee
Decision of the SFRC (circle one): Appeal Granted Appeal Denied
Rationale: ______
Signature of SFRC representative: ______Date: ______
MGC 9-16-2013