Provide a description of the clinical space(s) available to you (your co-investigators) here. Other boilerplate language of LURIE CHILDREN’S and NU FSM clinical facilities follows:
Update references from LCRC to Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute.
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago (LURIE CHILDREN’S) is the only freestanding hospital exclusively for children in Illinois. Today, in its second century, Lurie Children’shas expanded into a multi-building campus and provides care at 13 Chicago-area locations. LURIE CHILDREN’S has 1,100 pediatric specialists focusing on more than 70 specialties. Lurie Children’s cares for the most critically ill kids. Our Case Mix Index (used as a severity measure) shows that we are one of the country's top five children's hospitals that consistently cares for very sick children. For the past 12 years, LURIE CHILDREN’S has been ranked as one of the nation's top children's hospitals. In 2001, Lurie Children’s became the first freestanding children's hospital in the country and the first hospital in Illinois to be designated as a Magnet hospital by the American Nurses Credentialing Center; we were re-designated again this year. This is the highest accreditation conferred for nursing excellence. In addition, LURIE CHILDREN’S is the pediatric training center of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, providing residencies in both Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery and fellowships in various sub-specialties.
The CRU at Lurie Children’s isapproximately 3000 square feet and will have 8 private outpatient exam rooms during business hours and 6 inpatient rooms to accommodate overnight or multiple night visits. Also available for approved projects:
- Body Composition machine (Bod Pod) located in the CRU
- Tabletop centrifuge
- Office space for study monitors
- Consultation room
- Use of space without CRU nursing services
Investigators from LURIE CHILDREN’S and NU FSM conducting clinical research studies may use the services of the Clinical Research Center (CRC). The CRCis located on the 10th floor of the Feinberg Inpatient Pavilion of Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) and is supported by the National Institutes of Health National Center for Research Resources. The CRC also offers services at its satellite location at LURIE CHILDREN’S. The CRC offers several core resource facilities, which provide support for research projects. At NMH, the CRC is comprised of a six-bed inpatient facility, and a 1,334 net square foot outpatient facility with four outpatient rooms and five beds. The environment in the facility can be adapted for specific study requirements, such as sleep studies or bone marrow transplant. A core laboratory provides a range of assays, specimen processing and storage services. There is also a research dietary core offering dietary services and testing, including a research kitchen for the formulation of special diets and dietary analysis, and measurements, such as basal metabolism, resting energy expenditure, and body mass index by multifrequency bioimpedance analysis. CRC nursing personnel are specialists trained for research procedures including but not limited to oral glucose tolerance tests, pharmacokinetic studies, circadian studies, tilt table, continuous pulse and BP monitoring, EKG’s, pituitary hormone testing, central line access and site care, CADD pump infusion, chemotherapy administration, monoclonal antibody administration, and adverse event management.
NUgene is a biospecimen repository with longitudinal medical information from participating patients at Northwestern-affiliated outpatient clinics and hospitals, including LURIE CHILDREN’S. The goal is to develop 50,000 individual DNA specimens. Participants' consent to genetic research on their DNA samples and health data, so that each DNA sample is linked to a de-identified medial record. NUgene is an institutional resource providing investigators with coded DNA samples and data for genomics research, as well as a vehicle for participant recruitment and contact for secondary studies.
Provide lab-specific information (square footage, location, etc.) here. Other boilerplate language of Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute and Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institutecore facilities follows:
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute
Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute, affiliated with Lurie Children’s, is one of only five freestanding pediatric research institutes in the country. Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute hosts six programs in basic research and translational medicine, including Human Molecular Genetics, Clinical & Translational Research, Neurobiology, Cancer Biology and Epigenomics, Developmental Biology, and The Mary Ann and J. Milburn Smith Child Health Research Program; and seven Centers of Excellence: Clinical Trials Research, Digestive Diseases & Immunobiology, Falk Brain Tumor Research, HIV/AIDS Research, Obesity Management & Prevention, Pediatric Critical Illness & Injury, and the Pediatric Practice Research Group. Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute includes more than 200 investigators and more than $27 million in external funding annually for research, two-thirds from the NIH and other federal agencies. It is one of the nation's premier institutes for pediatric research, investing more dollars and resources in pediatric research than any other area hospital. Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute has approximately 125,000 square feet of laboratory space and is a state-of-the-art laboratory facility.
Biostatistics Research Core (BRC) of Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute was established in 2009 and is one of its most shared resources. The BRC’s mission is to provide statistical services to all investigators – including clinical residents, fellows, junior faculty, researchers and senior faculty. BRC biostatisticians conduct statistical methodology research, provide statistical input for research projects, prepare the statistical sections for grant proposals, scientific presentations and scientific publications, and provide support on statistical issues for IRB proposals.
The Flow Cytometry Facility is equipped with FACSCalibur flow cytometer for live cell immunophenotyping, viability study and DNA analysis. It is equipped with a 488 nm argon laser and a 635 nm diode laser, which excite appropriate fluorochromes conjugated to antibodies used to stain cells. The cytometer can measure up to four fluorescent colors, as well as the scattering profile of cells (forward scattering and side scattering). A FACSAria cell sorter is available in the High-Speed Cell Sorting Facility. The cell sorter is equipped with a 488 nm, 407 nm and 635 nm laser, which can measure up to 9 cellular markers and sterilely separate cells into 4 tubes at one time.
The Microarray Facility offers services to process samples starting from total RNA or cRNA. For samples starting from total RNA, the facility can synthesize double stranded cDNA from total RNA; and perform in vitro transcription reactions. For samples starting from total RNA and/or cRNA, the facility can perform fragmentation and hybridization of labeled cRNA on test chips. If samples pass QC, the facility can then perform hybridization onto full length arrays. The facility can also wash and stain on fluidics 450 station; scan samples on the GC 3000 high resolution scanner; and conduct basic analysis using MAS 5.1 to analyze the image and generate an output data file and Spotfire to make scatterplots and do hierarchical clustering.
The Microscopy and Imaging Facility currently occupies approximately 1,250 square feet in suite C.257 in the Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute. No hourly fees for use of the instrumentation are charged to members of the Lurie Children’sresearch community, which grants unlimited access to the latest and best technological tools available. The Microscopy and Imaging Facility also provides technical support and training on these instruments.
The Histology Facility at the Lurie Children’sMain Hospital provides high quality research histology services at minimal costs. The facility possesses the equipment and expertise to produce sections from frozen and paraffin-embedded tissues, to produce routine hematoxylin and eosin stained slides, and to perform special stains and immunohistochemistry. Certain paraffin-embedded and frozen blocks of normal or tumor tissues can be provided upon request.
The DNA Sequencing Core provides investigators at the Stanley Manne Children’s Research Instituteaccess to high-quality automated DNA Sequencing technology on a recharge basis. The Core accepts DNA samples (pure plasmids, mini-prep plasmids, M13 clones, PCR products, gel isolated fragments) and processes them according to protocols for Applied Biosystems DNA Sequencers (Model 3730). The results are provided to investigators in two forms: a text file and a chromatogram file. Standard primers such as T7, T3, SP6, M13-forward or M-13-reverse are provided free of charge. Custom primers may be submitted by the individual investigators.
Stanley Manne Children’s Research InstituteiPS AND HUMAN STEM CELL CORE FACILITY
Illinois is now one of several states that have endorsed research with embryonic stem cells. Recently, Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institutehas successfully established a Stem Cell Core Facility for the purpose of isolating and studying the biology of stem cells. The facility focuses on genetic regulation of lineage and utilization for therapy of stem cells, and conducts on-going efforts to establish partnerships with IVF clinics nationwide and tools for induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). The facility’s current repository of hESC lines include lines established at Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute(CM 1; CM 2; CM 5; CM 6; CM 7; CM 8; CM 11; CM 12; CM 13; CM 14; and CM 16) and lines acquired from a National Stem Cell Bank (NIH approved - H1; H7; H9; H13.B; and H14).
The Bioinformatics Core Facility provides analysis, support and design for microarrays, proteomics, clinical trial informatics as well as custom web-based database development for basic science and clinical projects.
The Cancer Diagnostic & Therapeutics Screening Core provides academic, industrial, and private researchers with equipment and expertise for the development and execution of high throughput biological analysis and screening. The facility is fully equipped with state-of-the-art liquid handling, plate detection and automated microbial culture handling capabilities.
The Cell Imaging Facility caters to the needs of Northwestern’s research communities to study biological processes at the whole animal, tissue, cellular and subcellular levels. The facility’s services include light, fluorescence, confocal, and electron microscopy; microinjection; advance live cell imaging techniques such as FRAP, FRET, FLIP, TIRF, photoactivation and photoconversion; small animal intravital fluorescent imaging, computerized image analysis; and digital image manipulation. Facility personnel provides consultation on experimental design, sample preparation, data analysis, and instrument operation. In addition, the facility has an active program of instrument testing and application development.
CAMRI is the Department of Radiology’s MRI research facility that is capable of high-end human and animal MR imaging. CAMRI has the infrastructure and staff to support all types of imaging research studies.
In addition to providing access to routine flow cytometry assays such as immunophenotyping and DNA analysis, the facility provides the guidance, technical assistance, and equipment for investigators to utilize more complex multi-parametric, multi-laser measurements as well as cell sorting in their research. Thus, the Flow Cytometry Core Facility serves as a focus for individuals interested in cellular based measurements and cellular heterogeneity in disease. Services provided by the facility personnel extend from consultation on experimental design, sample preparation and data analysis to instrument operation and set-up for cell-sorting and multi-laser operation. In addition, the facility has an active program of assay development.
The Genomics Core Facility provides a wide range of services to the Northwestern University research community, offering full or partial services on high through-put expression profiling and SNP analysis using both Affymetrix and Illumina platforms; RT-PCR and low density SNP analysis using 7900HT ; RNA quality control using the Agilent 2100; DNA sequencing and high through put DNA extraction using Autopure LS from Qiagen.
The Keck Biophysics Facility is a center for studying structures, dynamics and interactions of biological and synthetic macromolecules. The facility has a comprehensive collection of 22 research instruments including fluorimeters and spectrophotometers, calorimeters, analytical ultracentrifuge and light scattering instruments. The instruments are accessible to trained users on a 24 hour/7 days a week basis. The facility personnel provide individual training, focused expertise, counseling and assistance in utilizing the research equipment.
MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FACILITY investigators access to the technology for the efficient creation of hybridoma cell lines and the production of monoclonal antibodies from these cell lines. These services include immunization of animals, somatic cell fusions, cloning and screening of hybridomas, subcloning and establishment of antibody producing cell lines, and production of active antibodies from hybridoma lines. In addition, the facility provides consultation and training for NU investigators interested in establishing any of these activities in their own research laboratory or using monoclonal antibodies in their research.
The Northwestern University Biotechnology Laboratory (NUBL) is a university-wide facility that provides centralized genomic and proteomic services for investigators. The facility offers services of DNA sequencing and genotyping, MALDI-TOF protein fingerprinting, Edman degradation protein synthesis and 2-D gel electrophoresis. The overall mission of NUBL is to provide high quality service in a cost-effective manner to support research, education and training in areas related to genomics and proteomics.
The Pathology Core Facility has three main components: research histology, specimen procurement and protocol review. The research histology component provides all of the tissue processing and histology services typically performed in a clinical laboratory but it is specifically dedicated to the needs of the Northwestern University research community. The Pathology Core Facility has the capability and flexibility to address specific research protocol needs. The tissue procurement component of the Pathology Core Facility will have two main functions: (1) human tissue and fluid procurement, storage and distribution and (2) quality assurance and protection of research subjects.
The facility is essential for the research programs of investigators who are studying the relationship between macromolecular structure and function or who are using protein structure as the starting point for structure-based drug design. The Structural Biology Facility is a unique resource at Northwestern University that capitalizes on the extensive expertise of a large group of users and regular access to the synchrotron radiation X-ray source at the LS CAT beamline at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratories.
Animal facilities are present at both Stanley Manne Children’s Research Instituteand FSM sites, including:
Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute RESEARCH SUPPORT FACILITY
The Research Support Facility provides a complete program of veterinary care including: daily assessment of animal health; prevention, control, diagnosis and treatment of animal disease and injury; consultation with researchers on handling restraint, anesthesia, analgesia and euthanasia; training of research personnel in appropriate surgical techniques and procedures; and monitoring of surgical procedures and postoperative care. The Research Support Facility personnel also perform surgical procedures as a research service on a case-by-case basis. Facility personnel are responsible for the purchase, maintenance and record-keeping (in accordance with PHS and USDA regulations) of all animals used in the research: rats, mice, zebrafish, newts, rabbits and ferrets.
The Stanley Manne Children’s Research InstituteFish Facility, which serves as the shared facility for all of Northwestern University, can accommodate over 2000 tanks for fry and adult fish (1 Liter, 2 Liter, and 6 Liter). The facility provides optimal conditions for maintenance of up to 25,000 adult fish. A small system located in close proximity to the main facility, serves as a quarantine system to maintain fish obtained from other institutions. Next to the Fish Facility is a 120-sq. ft. Zebrafish Manipulation and Observation Room. This light-tight and temperature-controlled room is equipped with benches, motorized compound and fluorescent dissecting microscopes, injectors, and incubators.
The Northwestern University Transgenic and Targeted Mutagenesis Laboratory, located on the FSM campus, is designed to produce genetically engineered mice for research projects of investigators within Northwestern University’s research community. The facility provides a broad range of services, including generation of transgenic mice, gene targeting of embryonic stem (ES) cells, ES cell microinjection into blastocysts, cryopreservation and recovery of mouse embryos, and rederivation of pathogen free mouse strains. The Laboratory provides the necessary infrastructure to allow most investigators to access transgenic technology that normally requires expensive equipment and highly skilled technical staff. Staff also provide consultation on all aspects of transgenic related technologies ranging from animal protocol approval to breeding, screening and analysis of newly created transgenic or chimeric mice; and are available to provide guidance regarding targeting vector design, appropriate screening projects, etc.