Name ______Date______
Final Exam on the Book of Numbers
Answer each question, and support your answers with scriptures.
1. Who was to say, “The Lord bless you and keep you, and the Lord make His face shine on you” when blessing Israel? ______
2. How many men did God put His spirit on to help Moses carry the burden of the people?
3. What did the Israelites celebrate on the fourteenth day of the first month?
4. What purpose was the trumpet to be sounded for?
5. What happened to the group who wanted to be equal to Moses and Aaron in the leadership role?
6. If the spirit of jealousy came on a man who suspected his wife committed adultery, what was the woman made to drink?
7. Which son of Aaron continued as priest after his death?
8. Who did the Lord choose to succeed Moses?
9. Who was to disallow a vow of a married woman when he hears of it?
10. Who was Balaam, and how did he die?
11. How many towns were selected as cities of refuge?
12. Who were the smallest tribes in the second census?
13. Why did the fiery serpents bite the people of Israel?
14. How old does the bible say Aaron was when he died?
15. Who was the oldest when he/she died? Aaron or Miriam?
16. What does the bible say is the life span of humanity?
17. Where did Miriam die, what land?
18. What happened to the man who gathered sticks on the Sabbath day?
19. What report die the minority give Moses when they came back from searching out the land?
20. How many men did Moses send to explore the land of Canaan?
21. Who was the meekest above all the men who lived on the face of the earth?
22. Upon whom did Moses put Aaron’s garments before Aaron died?
23. Why wasn’t Moses allowed to bring the congregation of Israel into the Promised Land?
24. How many days the 12 men Moses sent out take to explore the Promised Land?
25. Why wasn’t Balaam able to curse the children of Israel?
26. Why was God’s anger kindled against Israel in Numbers 14?
27. Who was Balak?
28. What are the theme verses for the Book of Numbers?
29. What was the vow of the Nazarite?
30. What happened to a woman if she was guilty of adultery?
31. Who was still alive at the second census that was alive at the first census?
32. The number 40 is important to the children of Israel because they spent 40 years wandering. Explain why 40. ______
33. Who or what warned Balaam that he was traveling into danger?
34. Who or what talked back to Balaam about what he saw?
35. What was the difference in the numbers from the first census to the second census?
36. Between Numbers 14:45 and Numbers 20:14 account for how many wanderings in the wilderness?
37. What is the theme for Numbers?
38. What tribes settled on the east side of the Jordan after going with the entire group into the Promised Land?
39. Moses was the only man told that he was going to die and not make the Land of Promise. Why did God continue to use him?
40. The order of the different offerings in Chapter 28 was what, and how often?