State Water Resources Control Board

Division of Financial Assistance

1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814

P.O. Box 944212, Sacramento, California 94244-2120

(916) 341-5700 fax (916) 341-5707 

California Environmental Protection Agency

Recycled Paper

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October 12, 2004

State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) staff is proposing the following revisions to the draft Water Recycling Funding Program Guidelines (Guidelines), dated September 17, 2004, that were presented at the October 6, 2004 SWRCB Workshop. The revised draft Guidelines will be considered for adoption by the SWRCB at the October 21, 2004 Meeting.

Page 6, Section II.D, Review and Approval of Draft and Final Facilities Planning Report:

The fifth bulleted item should read, “preliminary recycled water market assurances.”

The end of the second paragraph should read, “. . . located in Appendix B of these Guidelines. Preliminary recycled water market assurances consist of letters of intent from users that will be a part of the recommended project, a description of future connections to the project and anticipated schedule, and either a draft recycled water mandatory use ordinance or draft model user contract.”

Page 9, Section III.A, Funding Criteria:

The second sentence should read, “Eligible costs may include allowances for design, administrationlegal tasks, construction management, and engineering during construction.”

Page 21, Section III.J, Funding Allowances:

The first sentence should read, “A fixed amount of funds will be provided to the recipient for design, legal tasks, construction management, administration, and prime engineering during constructioncosts.”

Page C1, Appendix C, Guidelines on Force Account Eligible Costs:

The last three paragraphs should read:

“Overhead on direct laborAll personnel services costs will be treated as a direct labor salary cost. Included in this cost are payroll taxes, workers compensation, holidays, vacation, sick leave, and other fringe benefits applicable to direct labor. Similarly, overhead onincidental costs related to rental or pool equipment, such as automobiles, will be considered a direct cost.


“Indirect Costs. Indirect costs are those incurred for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost objective and are not readily identifiable to the cost objectives of the specific Study or Project. These costs include telephone, rent, consumable supplies, indirect salaries, interest, repairs, insurance, taxes, depreciation, etc.

“Management Costs. Management costs will be considered as part of the ordinary operating expenses of the Agency and/or an indirect cost and, therefore, will not normally be an eligible Study or Project cost. However, whenever management employees aremay be required to expend their time incidentally but directly related to the study or project to resolve difficult problems that cannot be handled by non-management Agency staff. sSuch costs may be considered eligible costs. The State Board Study or Project Manager will determine eligibility for each specific request.”

(Note: Paragraph titles were underlined in original text.)

Page E1, Appendix E, Financial Assistance Application:

Item II.6.D should read, “D. Administration and Legal”.

Item II.6.J should read, “J. Administration and Other Costs (Explain)”.

Footnote (a) in item II.6 should read, “An allowance may be provided for planning, design, legal tasks, engineering during construction, and relocation payments, and administration costs. For detail, please refer to the Guidelines of the corresponding program.”

California Environmental Protection Agency

Recycled Paper