Published articles (Revised August 2007)

Abraham, K.G. (1983). The relation between identity status and locus of control among rural high school students. Journal of Early Adolescence, 3, 257-264.

Abraham, K.G. (1986). Ego-identity differences among Anglo-American and Mexican-American adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 9, 151-166.

Adams, G.R. (1985). Family correlates of female adolescents’ ego identity development. Journal of Adolescence, 8, 69-82.

Adams, G.R., Abraham, K.G., & Markstrom, C.A. (1987). The relations among identity development, self-consciousness, and self-focusing during middle and late adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 23, 292-297.

Adams, G.R., & Fitch, S.A. (1982). Ego stage and identity status development: A cross-sequential analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43, 574-583

Adams, G.R., & Fitch, S.A. (1983). Psychological environments of university departments: Effects on college students’ identity status and ego stage development. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44, 1266-1275.

Adams, G.R., & Jones, R.M. (1983). Female adolescents’ identity development: Age comparisons and perceived child-rearing experience. Developmental Psychology, 19, 249-256.

Adams, G. R., Ryan, J. H., Hoffman, J. J., Dobson, W. R., & Nielsen, E. C. (1985). Ego identity status, conformity behavior, and personality in late adolescence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 1091-1104.

Adams, G.R., & Shea, J.A. (1979). The relationship between identity status, locus of control, and ego development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 8, 81-89.

Adams, G.R., Shea, J., & Fitch, S.A. (1979). Toward the development of an objective assessment of ego-identity status. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 8, 223-237.

Akers, J.F., Jones, R.M., & Coyl, D.D. (1998). Adolescent friendship pairs: Similarities in identity status development, behaviors, attitudes, and intentions. Journal of Adolescent Research, 13, 178-201.

Alberts, C., & Meyer, J.C. (1998). The relationship between Marcia’s ego identity statuses and selected personality variables in an African context. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling,20, 277-288.

Allison, B.N., & Schultz, J.B. (2001). Interpersonal identity formation during early adolescence. Adolescence, 36, 509-523.

Amstey, F.H., & Whitbourne, S.K. (1981). Continuing education, identity, sex role, and psychosocial development in adult women. Sex roles, 7, 49-58.

Anthis, K. S., Dunkel, C. S., & Anderson, B. (2004). Gender and identity status differences in late adolescents’ possible selves. Journal of Adolescence,27, 147-152.

Archer, S.L. (1982). The lower age boundaries of identity development. Child Development, 53, 1551-1556.

Archer, S.L. (1985). Career and/or family: The identity process for adolescent girls. Youth and Society, 16, 289-314.

Archer, S.L. (1989). Gender differences in identity development: Issues of process, domain, and timing. Journal of Adolescence, 12, 117-138.

Aries, E., & Moorehead, K. (1989). The importance of ethnicity in the development of identity of black adolescents. Psychological Reports, 65, 75-82.

Balistreri, E., Busch-Rossnagel, N. A., & Geisinger, K. F. (1995). Development and preliminary validation of the ego identity process questionnaire. Journal of Adolescence, 18, 179-192.

Bartle-Haring, S., Brucker, P., & Hock, E. (2002). The impact of parental separation anxiety on development in late adolescence and early adulthood. Journal of Adolescent Research,17, 439-450.

Bartley, D. F., & Robitschec, C. (2000). Career exploration: A multivariate analysis of predictors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56, 63-81.

Bellew-Smith, M., & Korn, J.H. (1986). Merger intimacy status in adult women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 1186-1191.

Bennion, L.D., & Adams, G.R. (1986). A revision of the extended version of the objective measure of ego identity status: An identity instrument for use with late adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 1, 183-198.

Benson, M.J., Harris, P.B., & Rogers, C.S. (1992). Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2, 187-204.

Bergh, S., & Erling, A. (2005). Adolescent identity formation: A Swedish study of identity status using the EOM-EIS-II. Adolescence, 40, 377-396.

Berman, S.L., Montgomery, M.J., & Kurtines, W.M. (2004). The development and validation of a measure of identity distress. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research,4, 1-8.

Berzonsky, M.D. (1985). Diffusion within Marcia’s identity status paradigm: Does it foreshadow academic problems? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 14, 527-538.

Berzonsky, M.D. (1989). Identity style: Conceptualization and measurement. Journal of Adolescent Research, 4, 268-282.

Berzonsky, M.D. (1995). Public self-presentations and self-conceptions: The moderating role of identity status. The Journal of Social Psychology,135, 737-745.

Berzonsky, M.D. (2005). Ego identity: A personal standpoint in a postmodern world. Identity: An international Journal of Theory and Research, 5, 125-136.

Berzonsky, M.D., & Kuk, L.S. (2000). Identity status, identity processing style, and transition to university. Journal of Adolescent Research, 15, 81-98.

Berzonsky, M.D., & Lombardo, J.P. (1983). Pubertal timing and identity crisis: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Early Adolescence, 3, 239-246.

Berzonsky, M.D., & Neimeyer, G.J. (1988). Identity status and personal construct systems. Journal of Adolescence, 11, 195-204

Berzonsky, M.D., & Neimeyer, G.J. (1994). Ego identity status and identity processing orientation: The moderating role of commitment. Journal of Research in Personality, 28, 425-435.

Berzonsky, M.D., Rice, K.G., & Neimeyer, G.J. (1990). Identity status and self-construct systems: Process X structure interactions. Journal of Adolescence, 13, 251-263.

Berzonsky, M. D., Weiner, A. S., & Raphel, D. (1975). Interdependence of formal reasoning. Developmental Psychology, 11, 258.

Bilsker, D., & Marcia, J. E. (1991). Adaptive regression and ego identity. Journal of Adolescence, 14, 75-84.

Bilsker, D., Schiedel, D., & Marcia, J.E. (1988). Sex differences in identity status. Sex Roles, 18, 231-236.

Bishop, D.I., Macy-Lewis, J.A., Schnekloth, C.A., Puswella, S., & Strussel, G.L. (1997). Ego identity status and reported alcohol consumption: A study of first-year college students. Journal of Adolescence,20, 209-218.

Bishop, D. I., Weisgram, E. S., Holleque, K. M., Lund, K. E., & Wheeler-Anderson, J. R. (2005). Identity development and alcohol consumption: Current and retrospective self-reports by college students. Journal of Adolescence, 28, 523-533.

Blustein, D. L., Devenis, L.E., & Kidney, B.A. (1989). Relationship between the identity formation process and career development. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 36, 196-202.

Blustein, D. L., & Palladino, D. E. (1991). Self and identity in late adolescence: A theoretical and empirical integration. Journal of Adolescence Research, 6, 437-453

Blustein, D. L., & Phillips, S.D. (1990). Relation between ego identity statuses and decision-making styles. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 37, 160-168.

Bosma, H.A., & Gerrits, R.S. (1985). Family functioning and identity status in adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence, 5, 69-80.

Boyes, M.C., & Chandler, M. (1992). Cognitive development, epistemic doubt, and identity formation in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 21, 277-304.

Branch, C. W. (2001). The many faces of self: Ego and ethnic identities. Journal of Ethnic Identities, 162, 412-429.

Branch, C.W., & Boothe, B. (2002). The identity status of African Americans in middle adolescence: A replication and extension of Forbes and Ashton (1998). Adolescence, 37, 815-821.

Branch, C.W., Tayal, P., & Triplett, C. (2000). The relationships of ethnic identity and ego identity status among adolescents and young adults. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 24, 777-790.

Burke, R. J. (1883). Career orientations of type A individuals. Psychological Reports, 53, 979-989.

Cakir, S. G., & Aydin, G. (2005). Parental attitudes and ego identity status of Turkish adolescents. Adolescence, 40, 847-859.

Caldwell, R.A., Bogat, G.A., & Cruise, K. (1989). The relationship of ego identity to social network structure and function in young men and women. Journal of Adolescence, 12, 309-313.

Campbell, E., Adams, G.R., & Dobson, W.R. (1984). Familial correlates of identity formation in late adolescence: A study of the perceived utility of connectedness and individuality in family relations. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 13, 509-525.

Cella, D. F., DeWolfe, A.S., & Fitzgibbon, M. (1987). Ego identity status, identification, and decision-making style in late adolescents. Adolescence, 22, 849-861.

Chandler, M., Boyes, M., & Ball, L. (1990). Relativism and stations of epidemistic doubt. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 50, 370-395.

Chapman, J.W., & Nicholls, J.G. (1976). Occupational identity status, occupational preference, and field dependence in Maori and Pakhea boys. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 7, 61-72.

Christopherson, B.B., Jones, R.M., Sales, A.P. (1988). Journal of Adolescent Research, 3, 141-152.

Ciminillo, L.M., & Adelman, S.I. (1979). Career education and identity status. Education, 100, 72-79

Clancy, S., M. & Dollinger, S.J. (1993). Identity, self, and personality: I. Identity status and the five-factor model of personality. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 3, 227-245.

Cote, J.E. (1986). Identity crisis modality: A technique for assessing the structure of the identity crisis. Journal of Adolescence, 9, 321-335.

Cote, J.E., & Levine, C. (1982). Marcia and Erikson: The relationships among ego identity status, neuroticism, dogmatism, and purpose in life. Journal of Youth and Adolescence,12, 43-53.

Cote, J.E., & Levine, C. (1988). The relationship between ego identity status and Erikson’s notions of institutionalized moratoria, value orientation stage, and ego dominance. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 17, 81-99.

Cote, J.E., & Schwarts, S.J. (2002). Comparing psychological and sociological approaches to identity: Identity status, identity capital, and the individualization process. Journal of Adolescence,25, 571-586.

Cramer, P. (1995). Identity, narcissism, and defense mechanisms in late adolescence. Journal of Research in Personality, 29, 341-361.

Cramer, P. (1997). Identity, personality, and defense mechanisms: An observer-based study. Journal of Research in Personality,31, 58-77.

Cramer, P. (1998). Freshman to senior year: A follow-up study of identity, narcissism, and defense mechanisms. Journal of Research in Personality, 32, 156-172.

Cramer, P. (2000). Development of identity: Gender makes a difference. Journal of Research in Personality, 34, 42-72.

Cramer, P. (2001). Identification and its relation to identity development. Journal of Personality, 69, 667-68.

Cramer, P. (2004). Identity change in adulthood: The contribution of defense mechanisms and life experiences. Journal of Research in Personality, 38, 280-316.

Craig-Bray, L., & Adams, G.R. (1986). Different methodologies in the assessment of identity: Congruence between self-report and interview techniques? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 15, 191-204.

Craig-Bray, L., Adams, G.R., & Dobson, W.R. (1988). Identity formation and social relations during late adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 17, 173-187.

Cross, H.J., & Allen, J.G. (1970). Ego identity status, adjustment, and academic achievement. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 34, 288.

Danielsen, L. M., Lorem, A. E., & Kroger, J. (2000). The impact of social context on the identity-formation process of Norwegian adolescents. Youth and Society, 31, 332-362.

De Haan, L. G., & Schulenberg, J. (1997). The coveriation of religion and politics during the transition to young adulthood: Challenging global identity assumptions. Journal of Adolescence, 20, 537-552.

Dellas, M., & Jernigan, L.P. (1981). Development of an objective instrument to measure identity status in terms of occupation crisis and commitment. Educational and Psychological Measurement,41, 1039-1050.

Dellas, M., & Jernigan, L.P. (1987). Occupational identity status development, gender comparisons, and internal-external control in first-year air force cadets. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 16, 587-600.

Dellas, M., & Jernigan, L.P. (1990). Affective personality characteristics associated with undergraduate ego identity formation. Journal of Adolescent Research, 5, 306-324

Dollinger, S. J., & Dollinger, S. M. C. (1997). Individuality and identity exploration: An autophotographic study. Journal of Research in Personality,31, 337-354.

Donovan, J.M. (1975). Identity status: Its relationship to Rorschach Performance and to daily life pattern. Adolescence, 10, 29-44.

Drovdahl, R.R., & Steele, L.L. (1991). Identity formation and college-level religion courses: A pilot study. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 19, 197-202.

Dunkel, C. S. (2000). Possible selves as a mechanism for identity exploration. Journal of Adolescence, 23, 519-529.

Dunkel, C. S. (2005). The relation between Self-Continuity and measures of identity. Identity: An international Journal of Theory and Research, 5, 21-34.

Dunkel, C. S., & Anthis, K. S. (2001). The role of possible selves in identity formation: A short-term longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescence, 24, 765-776.

Dwairy, M. (2004). Internal-structural validity of objective measure of ego identity status among Arab adolescents. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research,4, 133-144.

Erlanger, D. M. (1998). Identity status and empathic response patterns: A multidimensional investigation. Journal of Adolescence,21, 323-335.

Evans, J.J., & Bloom, B.L. (1996). Effects of parental divorce among college undergraduates. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 26, 69-91.

Faber, A. J., Edwards, A. E., Bauer, K. S., & Wetchler, J. L. (2003). Family structure: Its effects on adolescent attachment and identity formation. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 31, 243-255.

Fadjukoff, P., Pulkkinen, L., & Kokko, K. (2005). Identity processes in adulthood: Diverging domains. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 5, 1-20.

Fannin, P.M. (1979). The relation between ego-identity status and sex-role attitude, work-role salience, atypicality of major, and self-esteem in college women. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 14, 12-22.

Fitch, S.A., & Adams, G.R. (1983). Ego identity and intimacy status: Replication and extension. Developmental Psychology, 19, 839-845.

Forbes, S., & Ashton, P. (1998). The identity status of African Americans in middle adolescence: A reexamination of Watson and Protinsky. Adolescence, 33, 845-849.

Foster, J.D., & LaForce, B. (1999). A longitudinal study of moral, religious, and identity development in a Christian liberal arts environment. Journal of Psychology and Theology,27, 52-68.

Frank, S. J., Hole, C.B., Jacobson, S., Justkowski, R., & Huyck, M. (1986). Psychological predictors of parents’ sense of confidence and control and self- versus child-focused gratifications. Developmental Psychology, 22, 348-355.

Frank, S.J., Jacobson, S., & Tuer, M. (1990). Psychological predictors of young adults’ drinking behaviors. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59, 770-780.

Frank, S.J., Pirsch, L.A., & Wright, V.C. (1990). Late adolescent’s perceptions of their relationships with their parents: Relationships among deidealization, autonomy, relatedness, and insecurity and implications for adolescent adjustment and ego identity status. Journal of Youth and Adolescence,19, 571-588.

Fregeau, D. L., & Barker, M. (1986). A measurement of the process of adolescence: Standardization and interpretation. Adolescence, 21, 913-919.

Freilino, M. K., & Hummel, R. (1985). Achievement and identity in college-age vs. adult women students. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 14, 1-10.

Fulton, A.S. (1997). Identity status, religious orientation and prejudice. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 26, 1-11.

Gavaghan, M.P., & Roach, J.E. (1987). Ego identity development in adolescents with cancer. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 12, 203-213.

Genthner, R.W., & Neuber, K. (1975). Identity achievers and their rated levels of facilitation. Psychological Reports, 36, 754.

Ginsburg, S.D., & Orlofsky, J.L. (1981). Ego identity status, ego development, and locus of control in college women. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 10, 297-307.

Goldman, J. A., Rosenzweig, C. M., & Lutter, A. D. (1980). Effect of similarity of ego identity status on interpersonal attraction. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 9, 153-162.

Goossens, L. (2001). Global versus domain-specific statuses in identity research: A comparison of two self-report measures. Journal of Adolescence, 24, 681-699.

Gordon, V. N. & Kline, D. I. (1989). Ego identity statuses of undecided and decided students and their perceived advising needs. NACADA Journal, 9, 5-15.

Grier, L.K. (1997). Identity status and identity style among African American juvenile delinquents: Implications for rehabilitation. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 26, 53-66.

Grotevant, H.D. (1982). An extension of Marcia’s identity status interview into the interpersonal domain. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 11, (1), 33-47.

Grotevant, H.D., & Adams, G.R. (1984). Development of an objective measure to assess ego-identity in adolescence: Validation and replication. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 13, 419-438.

Grotevant, H.D., & Thorbecke, W.L. (1982). Sex differences in styles of occupational identity formation in late adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 18, 396-405.

Grove, K.J. (1991). Identity development in interracial, Asian/White late adolescents: Must it be so problematic? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 20, 617-628.

Guerra, A. L., & Braungart-Rieker, J. M. (1999). Predicting career indecision in college students: The roles of identity formation and parental relationship factors. The Career Development Quarterly, 47, 255-266.

Hall, S.E., & Sears, S.J. (1997). Promoting identity development in the classroom: A new role for academic faculty. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 8,3-24.

Hamer, R. J., & Bruch, M. A. (1994). The role of shyness and private self-consciousness in identity development. Journal of Research in Personality, 28, 436-452.

Hardy, S. A., & Kisling, J. W. (2006). Identity statuses and prosocial behaviors in young adulthood. Identity: An international Journal of Theory and Research, 6, 363-369.

Hayakawa, M. (1977). A study of identity status in relationship between self-concept and dependency in adolescence.TohokuPsychologica Folia, 36, 23-31.

Hernandez, J.T., Diclemente, R.J. (1992). Self-control and ego identity development as predictors of unprotected sex in late adolescent males. Journal of Adolescence, 15, 437-447.

Hodgson, J.W., & Fischer, J.L. (1978). Sex differences in identity and intimacy development in college youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 8, 37-50.

Hodgson, J.W., & Fischer, J.L. (1979). Sex differences in identity and intimacy development in college youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 8, 37-50.

Hoegh, D. G., & Bourgeois, M.J. (2002). Prelude and postlude of the self: Correlates

of achieved identity. Youth and Society, 33, 573-594.

Hopkins, L.B. (1980). Inner space and outer space identity in contemporary females. Psychiatry: Journal for the Study of Interpersonal Processes, 43, 1-12.

Hopkins, L.B. (1982). Assessment of identity status in college women using outer space and inner space interviews. Sex Roles, 8, 557-566.

Hult, R.E. (1979). The relationship between ego identity status and moral reasoning in university women. Journal of Psychology,103, 203-207.

Hummel, R., & Roselli, L. L. (1983). Identity status and academic achievement in female adolescents. Adolescence, 18, 17-27.

Hunsberger, B., Pratt, M., & Pancer, S. M. (2001). Adolescent identity formation: Religious exploration and commitment. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 1, 365-386.

Imbimbo, P.V. (1995). Sex differences in the identity formation of college students from divorced families. Journal of Youth and Adolescence,24, 745-761.

Imhof, E.A., & Archer, R.P. (1997). Correlates of the MMPI-A Immaturity (IMM) Scale in an adolescent psychiatric sample. Assessment, 4, 169-179.

Jackson, E.P., Dunham, R.M., & Kidwell, J.S. (1990). The effects of gender and of family cohesion and adaptability an identity status. Journal of Adolescent Research,5, 161-174.

Jensen, M., Kristiansen, I., Sandbekk, M., & Kroger, J. (1998). Ego Identity status in cross-cultural context: A comparison of Norwegian and United States university students. Psychological Reports,83, 455-460.

Johnson, P., Buboltz, W.C., & Seeman, E. (2003). Ego identity status: A step in the differentiation process. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81, 191-195.

Jones, M. J., & Steitmatter, J. L. (1987). Validity and reliability of the EOM-EIS for early adolescents. Adolescence,22, 647-659.

Jones, R.M., Akers, J.F., & White, J.M. (1994). Revised classification criteria for the extended objective measure of ego identity status (EOMEIS). Journal of Adolescence, 17, 533-549.

Jones, R. M., Dick, A. J., Geertsen, H. R., Cook, J. L., & Coyl, D. D. (2003). Ego identity status as an indicator of peer court efficacy. Juvenile and family court journal, summer, 47-57.

Jones, R.M., & Hartmann, B.R. (1988). Ego identity: Developmental differences and experimental substance use among adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 11, 347-360.

Jones, R.M., Hartmann, B.R., Grochowski, C.O., & Glider, P. (1989). Ego identity and substance abuse: A comparison of adolescents in residential treatment with adolescents in school. Personality and Individual Differences,10, 625-631.

Josselson, R. (1982). Personality structure and identity status in women as viewed through early memories. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 11, 293-299.

Kacerguis, M.A., & Adams, G.M. (1980). Erikson stage resolution: The relationship between identity and intimacy. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 9, 117-126.

Kennedy, J.H. (1999). Romantic attachment style and ego identity, attributional style, and family of origin in first-year college students. College Student Journal, 33, 171-180.

Killeya-Jones, L.A. (2004). Social dating goals in female college students: Failure to replicate in a diverse sample. College Student Journal, 38, 224-230.

Klaassen, D. W. & McDonald, M. J. (2002). Quest and identity development: Re-examining pathways for existential search. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 12, 189-200.

Klaczynski, P.A., Fauth, J.M., & Swanger, A. (1998). Adolescent identity: Rational vs. experiential processing, formal operations, and critical thinking beliefs. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 27, 185-207.

Knafo, A., & Schwartz, S.H. (2004). Identity formation and parent-child value congruence in adolescence. The British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 22, 239-458.

Konik, J., & Stewart, A. (2004). Sexual identity development in the context of compulsory heterosexuality. Journal of Personality, 72, 815-844.

Krettenauer, T. (2005). The role of epistemic cognition in adolescent identity formation: Further evidence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 34, 185-198.

Kroger, J. (1985). Separation-individuation and ego identity status in New Zealand university students. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 14, 133-147.

Kroger, J. (1988). A longitudinal study of ego identity status interview domains. Journal of Adolescence, 11, 49-64.

Kroger, J. (1990). Ego structuralization in late adolescence as seen through early memories and ego identity status. Journal of Adolescence,13, 65-77.

Kroger, J. (1993). The role of historical context in the identity formation process of late adolescence. Youth and Society, 24, 363-376.

Kroger, J. (1995). The differentiation of “firm” and “developmental” foreclosure identity statuses: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Research, 10, 317-337

Kroger, J. (1997). Gender and identity: The intersection of structure, content, and context. Sex-Roles,36, 747-770.

Kroger, J. (2002). Identity processes and contents through the years of late adulthood. Identity: An international Journal of Theory and Research, 2, 81-99.

Kroger, J., & Green, K.E. (1996). Events associated with identity status change. Journal of Adolescence,19, 477-490.

Kroger, J. and Haslett, S.J. (1987). A retrospective study of ego identity status change from adolescence by mid-life adults. Social and Behavioral Science Documents, 17, (Ms. No. 2797, 52Pp).

Kroger, J., & Haslett, S. J. (1988). Separation-individuation and ego identity status in late adolescence: A two-year longitudinal study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 17, 59-79.