Garaux’s 9 C.P. Week Three- 9/10-14 Fall ‘12

Objectives/Goals: Students Will…
·  Analyze interactions between characters in literary text and how the interactions affect plot.
·  Identify and analyze how an author uses figurative language, sound, devices and literary techniques to shape plot, set meaning and develop tone.
·  Write responses to literature that extend beyond the summary and support references to the text, other works, other authors or to personal knowledge
·  Use documented textual evidence to justify interpretations of literature
or to support a research topic
Class Activities/Assessments:
Monday, 9/10
·  Watch the first 20 minutes of The Secret and discuss George’s use of “the secret”
·  Finish reading Chapter 3 and continue with the guided reading
·  Define Mood in packet
·  P,M,S page in flipbooks
- read the connect to your life
-Students complete the pre-reading: draw a picture of death, hmk
·  Students look for 3 example of each from Chapter 3 and write them in the fourth quadrant of their guided reading
Tuesday, 9/11
-Read the build background and show pics of the grim reaper; Discuss what students drew
-Complete the guided reading with a partner
-Post reading on own: Students compare their vision with that of the poet’s
-Discussion: What is the poet’s perspective? Students show pics of theirs, view some art slides (what accounts for the differences? Why do some of us have similar views?
·  Go over similes and metaphors in chapter 3
·  Notes on climax and chapter 3
Wednesday, 9/12
·  Lesson on extended metaphor
§  Define and then hold up a blank piece of paper while asking, “How is this paper like life?”
§  Draw on the paper, erase it, etc.
§  Fold the paper- what would this represent? Crush the paper…and this? Unfold paper…and this?
Read “Life the Hound” as an example
·  Extended Metaphor page in packet
·  Check and discuss answers to the extended metaphor page in flipbook
·  Read Chapter 4 and complete the Guided Reading:
-  on the back side of the extended metaphor page, keep track of Crook’s tacks, splinters, landings, corners, etc.
-  Answer question 2 on the extended metaphor page
Thursday, 9/13
·  Define symbolism in poetry flipbooks and complete the symbolism page together as a class
·  Finish reading Chapter 5 and complete the guided reading: On back of the symbolism page, write down what CW’s “castle’s” are and what her “waves” are.
·  Read Chapter 6 and draw one pic for this chapter
·  Define symbolism in poetry flipbooks and complete the symbolism page together as a class
·  Introduce and show model of dream poster
Friday, 9/14
·  Students create their own dream posters and present them
Monday, 9/17
·  Students present their posters
·  Look through pics for images that are repeated; these become symbols in the novel
·  Complete the symbols handout