Fig. S1: (a) Map of Jammu and Kashmir showing the Ladakh district (Le Masson and Nair, 2012). (b) Topographical map of Ladakh.
Fig. S2: Annual temperature anomaly (°C; colored solid lines) and respective linear trend lines (black solid lines) over Leh for (a) CRU (red), (b) NNRP (blue), (c) ERA (green) and (d) IMDST datasets.
Fig. S3: Same as Fig. S2 but for seasonal analysis of DJFM.
Fig. S4: Same as Fig. S2 but for seasonal analysis of AMJ.
Fig. S5: Same as Fig. S2 but for seasonal analysis of JAS.
Fig. S6: Same as Fig. S2 but for seasonal analysis of ON.
Fig. S7: (a) Annual average pentad temperature (°C; Pentad maximum temperature = Tmax, solid lines and Pentad minimum temperature = Tmin, dashed lines), and pentad coefficient of variation for (b) Tmin (dashed lines) and (c) Tmax (solid lines) for stations Base (red), Khalsi (purple), Kargil (orange), Base Camp (blue) and IMDST (green).
Fig. S8: Annual average daily precipitation anomaly (colored lines) and their respective 5day average (black lines), over Leh for (a) IMDG (purple), (b) APHRO (blue), (c) TRMM (orange), (d) CMORPH (darkgreen) and (e) IMDS (pink).
Fig. S9: Annual precipitation anomaly (mm; colored solid lines) and respective linear trend lines (black dashed lines) over Leh for (a) AIRFORCE (red), (b) IMDG (purple), (c) APHRO (blue), (d) TRMM (orange), (e) CMORPH (darkgreen), (f) GPCP (lightgreen), (g) GPCC (cyan) and (h) IMDS (pink) datasets.
Fig. S10: Same as Fig. S5 but for seasonal analysis of DJFM.
Fig. S11: Same as Fig. S5 but for seasonal analysis of AMJ.
Fig. S12: Same as Fig. S5 but for seasonal analysis of JAS.
Fig. S13: Same as Fig. S5 but for seasonal analysis of ON.
Fig. S14: Time series of no. of days precipitating greater than (a) +1SD and (b) +2SD during a year of the annual average daily precipitation over Leh for IMDG (purple), APHRO (blue), TRMM (orange), CMORPH (darkgreen) and IMDS (pink).