Regina Mothers Guild

Meeting Minutes


  1. Opening Prayer – Erin Brunsman, President: Meeting began at 7:05 p.m.
  2. Introductions – Erin. Took a few minutes to introduce ourselves to someone we didn’t know and grab a snack.
  3. Minutes- Susan: Motion to approve by Suzanne B, seconded byPatty V.
  4. Correspondence – Susan: Thank you letter received from Junior Class of 2017 thanking the RMG for the Junior Ring reception.
  5. Treasurer’s Report – Patti V.: Current balance of $11,817.00. Motion to approve by Laura B, seconded by Patti S.
  6. Old Business
  7. Powderpuff 50/50 Raffle- Erin.
  8. Small number of volunteers did fabulous job.
  9. Largest payout of $2290.00.
  10. Money earned goes to Senior Class of 2016.
  11. Mother/Daughter Breakfast- Erin.
  12. Beautiful event and delicious breakfast with Tea Party theme.
  13. Please see pictures on RMG Facebook.
  14. Junior Ring Ceremony- Jen and Ebony.
  15. Beautiful event and delicious breakfast with very large turnout.
  16. Over budget due to large turnout.
  17. Suggestions for next year:
  18. Have space on RSVP card to indicate whether individuals will attend ceremony, reception or both.
  19. Increase budget, scale back on food selections, or charge a $5 fee for # attending above a set amount.
  20. Second year that this has been discussed. Will vote on options at next meeting.
  21. New Business
  22. Fashion Show Update – Ricci.
  23. Wednesday, April 20, 2016 – Mark your calendar!
  24. Theme = “Red Carpet Fashion” centered around award shows / red carpet/etc.
  25. Colors = Red, black, gold – silver
  26. Finishing filling committee positions now. If interested contact Ricci ASAP.
  27. Grand Raffle finalized. 1) week FL condo plus $500 cash. 2) Jewelry. 3) Two continental US roundtrip airline tickets. 4) Jewelry. 5) $500 Partridge Creek gift card.
  28. Looking to increase parish raffle sales. Looking for volunteers to contact their parish and see if we can sell Raffle Tix in earl spring.
  29. Watch for filler gift items: tissue paper; bright color tulle; ribbon (wired too) – bows; shredded basket filler
  30. Watch for gift donations- the key is if you would like it then someone else will too! (Think spring summer gifts)
  31. Look for donors – products, gift certificates, etc. Targets include people you know, businesses you frequent. If uncomfortable then get info to Ricci and someone on the committee will do it
  32. Next meeting: Tuesday, October 27th at 7 p.m.
  33. Open House- Erin. November 1, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  34. Need 8 – 10 volunteers. Please see sign up sheet.
  35. Suzanne B will print RMG flyers to place in folders for prospective students.
  36. Open House lawn signs area available. Please contact advancement office.
  37. Holiday Trim – Tracey.
  38. Order forms are going out with report cards and are also available in the spirit shop.
  39. Orders due 11/15 with delivery on 11/30.
  40. Need assistance to sort and help with pick up on 11/30. Please see sign up sheet.
  41. Directory – Kathryn P & Suzanne B.
  42. Will be available for purchase at conferences on 11/05.
  43. Newsbrief will have information to update info for upperclassmen families.
  44. Yearbook Ad- Erin.
  45. Looking for a volunteer to design a new ad. We’ve used the same one for the last few years. Looking for creative ideas.
  46. Contact Erin if interested. .
  47. Miscellaneous Information
  48. When attend meetings, please be sure to sign in and confirm email address. All minutes and notices will be emailed to those addresses.
  49. Regina High School Webpage is now up to date. Contact information, important dates and minutes will be updated regularly.
  50. Tracey M. to purchase flashdrives for various positions so that documents can be transferred electronically versus being re-created.
  51. Next meeting – November 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
  52. Please stay and socialize.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Philbrick