Field Trip Notification

For students/faculty away from campus on a field trip, it is essential that the following information is deposited with the Admin Office in the event of an emergency. The College wishes to ensure that mode of transportation is appropriate and that potential liability to the College is reduced or eliminated.

For field trips where students are going in small groups without the instructor, the instructor is to gather the information and forward it to the Admin office.

Destination:Lansdowne Campus to Petroglyps in East Sooke Park – Return from 11 AM to 4 PM.

What to Bring:Rain gear, drink, lunch, sturdy shoes/boots/ hat, jacket.

Where to meet: Leave from Staff parking lot by Wilna Thomas building at 11AM by ET bus or car pool. Or take your chances to find us along the way by hoping the schedule below applies! (No plan survives contact with the enemy!)

Field trip is Ophiolite(Cross section of former ocean crust) and Neotectonics:

1) ~11AM. Colquitz Gneiss by WT, Victoria’s bedrock. Devonian? But metamorphosed in Jurassic under island arc, 3 plate margins/tectonic cycles ago!

2)~11:45 AM. Colwood Delta Overlook Metchosin Rd, NE edge of old pit. Leech River Fault former subduction zone and major plate boundary. Royal Bay Developments on gravel over fault in EQ zone. Geohazards? Glacial outwash of Saanich Lobe, sea level Hiistory, Changing Environments.

3) Massive subaerial basaltic sheet flows west of old Gravel pit on road to subdivision, East slope of Triangle Mountain.

4) Tower Point Park off Duke Road, SW end. Eocene-Metchosin Volcanics, Farallon Plate Seafloor pillow basalts, breccias and dykes. Vesiculation, pyroclastics and oxidation as Indicators for shallow water emplacement.

5) Alyard Farm entrance east Sooke Park. Traverse to SE to sheeted dykes with Oligocene Sooke Fm nonconformity. Traverse to Petroglyphs at low tide along beach. Stops for maturity of sand below picnic area, discussing sand source. Cliff Exposures of crossbedded Sooke friable sandstone with liesengang bands and indications of spring seeps for this aquifer. Headland with paleomagnetic conglomerate test of rotated breccias blocks in overlying debris flow. Evidence for land nearby from textures and coalified plant fossils. Traverse down through nonconformity to underlying Eocene Sooke Gabbro, agmatites, filter pressing in plagio-granite. 2 pyroxene Gabbros at Petroglyphs. Sea level changes and Salish archeology. Return to campus.

Student attendance: optional X required

Date & time of field trip: SaturdayMarch 2, 201311:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Class Sedimentary Geology Geos 240- 001

_Intro Phys Geology__ Geos 100- 001

Ditto Ditto 002

namenumber section number

Instructor _Dr. Tark Hamilton______Cell # _250-216-6448_ & Tony Dorling, ET as bus driver.

Also: Earth System Science Geos 110 001

with Dr. Vic Levson are invited to attend.


Transportation: Personal vehicle X Rented vehicle  College vehicle X

Driver’s name _Tark Hamilton, & students self driven___see list below where drivers phones and number of passengers are given______

Valid driver’s insurance in place (yes/no) _yes______

Please attach this information to a list of students participating in the field trip and include their student id numbers.

Note: some students in the morning class are in the afternoon lab and vice versa so treat both sections as being potentially present at either run of this field trip.

Attendees in Red, Drivers underlined.

Roster as of 03/01/13 GEOS-100-001 Physical Geology

1. Bowes, Cameron D 0300628 New

2. Coyne, Tanner R 0392981 New

3. Curry, Laura J 0336581 New

4. De Moissac, Paige E 0344544 New

5. Drew, Jordan E 0353563 New

6. Fisher, Jordi K 0375388 New

7. Fruci, Michael D 0395402 New

8. Gerow, Ryan T 0337247 New

9. Guest, Jordon E +3 0381340 New

10. Hemstreet, Rhonda E 0362409 New

11. Leblanc, Margaret K 0394142 New

12. McIntyre, Kimberly A 0305831 New

13. Mund, Maleen R ? 0382884 New

14. Ouldali, Jacqueline L 0354575 New

15. Parks, Wendy M 0351194 New

16. Pendleton, Carmen L 0277717

17. Pettersson, Johanna M 0371450

18. Proskow, Lauren R 0385703 New

19. Romphf, Matthew B 0248638 New

20. Saunders, Anna C 0356114 New

21. Sun, Dongjian 0382551 New

22. Thomas, Laura C 0388483 New

23. Wang, Yu 0387538 New

24. Wells, Sheena R 0387578 New

25. Wytrwal, Jonathan A 0379838 New

Roster as of 03/01/13 GEOS-100-002 Physical Geology

1. Aquilizan, Marian E 0366681 New

2. Borgatti, Tyler J 0392680 New

3. Butler, Ryley S 0384848 New

4. Davey, Danyne K 0361644 New

5. Davies, Wesley P 0374970 Add

6. Delange, Nigel T 0388829 New

7. Fitzpatrick, Christine 0231301 New

8. Gray, Robert B 0388577 New

9. Jurkuch, Isaiah A 0389810 New

10. Larche, Rebecca 0316359 New

11. Marshall, Megan E 0368010 New

12. Millar, Andrew G 0346484 New

13. Pilcik, Lincoln D 0366781 New

14. Polishak, Keenan M 0385406 New

15. Radford-Hall, Kendra D 0378466 New

16. Taylor, Kierra M 0394460 New

17. Vye, Dane K 0369579 New

18. Wade, Christopher P 0353411

19. Young, Regan A 0390352 New

20. Young, Tyson H 0388796 New

Roster as of 03/01/13 GEOS-240-001 Sedimentary Geology

1. Bosma, Cassandra E 0349958 New

2. Bronaugh, Ashley A 0276855 New

3. Bronaugh, David R 0395061 New

4. Cameron-Hankins, Kerry L 0349448 Ne

5. Chard, Charmaine P ? 0383884 New

6. Collings, Aaron W 0366687 New

7. Conner, Athina L 0350246 New

8. Darling, Andrew M 0389414 New

9. Davidson, Kaylee M 0355405 New

10. Devereaux, Jonathon B 0348065 New

11. Down, Karl A 0324379 Add

12. Eison, Michael E 0252567 New

13. Evans, Hilary C +2 0389182 New

14. Forbes, Kenny G 0388787 Add

15. Garcia Castillon, Armando A 0365791

16. Henning, Andrew 0352366 New

17. Horachek, Hailey A +4 0376713 New

18. James, Sandra M + 1 0362500 New

19. Knickle, Joel W 0345615 New

20. Kong, Raymond G 0368674 New

21. Powell, Garrett F +3 0375727 New

22. Shamek, Jessica R 0372929 New

23. Slade, Daniel S 0377056 Add

24. Trudeau, Michael J 0366094 New

25. Woofter, Lachlan J 0367095 New

26. Yates, Daniel L 0301520 New

27. Zapantis, Alexander T 0386051 New

28 etc. Other students trying to get on waitlist who arrive in time to go!

Please submit this information to the A&S Admin Office at least one day in advance if possible, either hard copy or by email. If you are emailing, please call 3298 first to ensure that the person you are emailing is in the office that day to receive it (vacation/sickness)!

C:\Documents and Settings\C0028352\Desktop\Tark Hamilton\Transfer ME\Tark Hamilton\geos100\Field Trip Info Required Geos 100 FT1.doc

March 2008