Field Placement Evaluation Work 10125 Field Placement
Student Name: / .Placement Course / WORK 10125 Field Placement 3
Supervisor/ Evaluator:
The purpose of evaluation is to help the student learn and grow through constructive feedback and discussion about performance and attitude. Learning about one’s strengths, struggles or challenges is the goal of field placement. As such, the evaluation is designed to provide opportunities for both.
The most important part of evaluation is that it should happen continuously. That is, problem areas should not be left unidentified until they become massive problems or until there is no time to improve. Also, areas of strengths need to be reinforced so the student is aware that she/he is on the right course. In keeping with good evaluation practices, students require feedback and opportunity to improve or remedy areas of concern.
The first section of the evaluation will be used in determining the student's overall field performance, demonstration of learning outcomes, and final grade. The final comments summary provides the field supervisor the opportunity to support and clarify the evaluation as well as comment on the student’s strengths and challenges.
Please note, there may be occasions when the student has not had the opportunity to practice some of the listed behaviours. The evaluation process is a great opportunity to reflect upon the student’s learning experience and provide dedicated time and discussion about important skill development.
Using the Evaluation Guidelines
The following evaluation levels are provided to give students an indication of their performance and opportunities for growth as evaluated by their field placement supervisors. The final grade for the field placement course (WORK 10123) is either Requirements Met or Unmet. To meet the minimum requirements, there must be at least be a Satisfactory rating or above in at least 50% of the evaluation elements.
Satisfactory implies that performance is satisfactory, and that the student is demonstrating competence with respect to the criteria involved at the beginning Social Service Worker level. This grade range would include ratings considered satisfactory to excellent (meets beginning expectations to exceed expectations). As a minimum, performance meets expectations for a beginning worker. A student may require slightly more mentorship in the given area if opportunities to practice in the area were fewer than anticipated, but it is expected that with this, the student would meet the expectations of a beginning Social Service Worker in the category.
Unsatisfactory indicates that the student is performing at a level that requires significant improvement with the respect to those criteria to be at the level of performance of a beginning Social Service Worker. At approximately the midterm of the placement, improvement objectives must be established and an opportunity provided for the student to meet these objectives within a designated period of time. When the criteria established has not been met by the student, their performance is considered unsatisfactory, and they will not have met the requirements to gain credit in WORK 10125.
Please indicate not applicable ("N/A") in any of the columns in which you are unable to rate (eg. There is no opportunity for the student to practice in this domain at their field placement agency). Space is provided for comments and explanations on this form. Please utilize this space to elaborate on the ratings given (eg. Performance exceeded expectations), and provide examples to support the ratings.
Please note:
· All students must be successful in the area of “Confidentiality” to pass a placement.
· All evaluators and students are required to sign the evaluation and provide a copy to the faculty liaison from Mohawk College.
· Both agency supervisors and students are advised to retain a copy of the evaluation.
Evaluation CategoryCommunication:
· Communicating ways that will increase confidence in one’s ability to care for others
· Demonstrates the ability to use advanced interviewing skills and awareness of self. / Unsatisfactory (Fail) / Satisfactory (Pass) / Not Applicable
Consistently communicates clearly, concisely with clients and colleagues; meets the needs of the appropriate audience
Consistently listens for understanding and utilizes skills of clarification such as probing, active listening, advocacy, and positive confrontation.
Consistently responds to written and spoken messages in a manner that ensures effective communication
Evaluation Category
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:
· demonstrates the use of critical thinking and approaches to anticipate and solve problems / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory
Not Applicable
(Pass) / Not Applicable
Identifies and utilizes social service work theory that is applicable, supportive, and relevant to client group, agency framework, and social welfare policy.
Consistently uses a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems as they relate to the client group and/or agency framework
Identifies barriers to client change and insight into client patterns
Evaluation Category
Information Management:
· relevant and appropriate documentation and computer literacy
· Knowledge of community resources, agency functions, social service worker systems and policies / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory (Pass / Not Applicable
Consistently can search out and locate needed information
Consistently demonstrates an understanding of referral and resource networking.
Consistently analyses and applies relevant information from a variety of sources
Consistently completed SSW Activities Logs including obtaining supervisor signature.
Evaluation Category
Interpersonal Skills
· Demonstrates the ability to develop professional relationships with clients and colleagues / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory (Pass) / Not Applicable
Consistently shows respect for the diverse cultures, opinions, values, belief systems and contributions of others
Consistently interacts with others in groups/teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of personal and organizational goals
Consistently shows ability to self-evaluate interpersonal interactions
Evaluation Category
Time Management
· Manages time, resources to work punctually and effectively.
· Ability to work appropriately independently / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory (Pass) / Not Applicable
Manages the use of time and other resources to complete projects
Punctual and uses time responsibly, follows protocol for reporting absences
Organizes work effectively. Well organized and considers priorities appropriately, can work independently
Evaluation Category
· the ability to identify ways of working with concepts of empowerment
· respect and acceptance of individuals
· the ability to set and maintain appropriate professional boundaries
· appropriate use of self disclosure / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory (Pass) / Not Applicable
Consistently responds positively to feedback
Consistently displays a professionalism in interactions with clients and colleagues, self discloses appropriately
Consistently works according to the OCSWSSW
Code of Ethics and organizational values and incorporates them into professional practice
Demonstrates the ability to seek out supervision/guidance when appropriate
Consistently makes wise use of supervision, and handles
interpersonal challenges with tact and diplomacy
Evaluation Category
· a demonstrated understanding of confidentiality and adherence to agency policy and procedures as well as the Ontario College of Social Work and Social Service Work code of ethics. / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory (Pass) / Not Applicable
Consistently ensures all information is kept confidential, follows professional best practices ,and organizational guidelines outlining confidentiality
Evaluation Category
Organization/Agency Knowledge
· the ability to recognize the basic roles of a Social Service Worker within the context of the setting
· identification of key needs/barriers of population served / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory (Pass) / Not Applicable
Understands the organization’s policies, population served, function, mandate and funding framework
Demonstrates the ability to work within the purpose, structure, and constraints of the agency
Able to work within the parameters of assigned role.
Evaluation Category
Personal Responsibility for Learning/Learning Plan
· utilization of feedback
· use of inquiry and questions that are relevant and pertinent to learning
· implementation of direction provided during supervision / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory (Pass) / Not Applicable
Takes responsibility for one’s own actions, decisions, and consequences.
Communicates and submits learning plan to supervisor and liaison as per field course requirements with signatures.
Identifies personal and professional strengths and areas for improvement through goal setting.
Identifies measurable strategies and resources to meet learning goals that support personal/professional growth.
Shows initiative and is proactive in one’s own learning.
Follows through and revises action plan to achieve identified learning goals.
Based on your observations of this student, please comment on the student’s suitability for
the field of Social Service Work including empathy, key strengths, and areas for improvement:
Key Strengths:
Areas for Improvement:
Print Name / SignatureSupervisor/Reviewer:
Mohawk College Field Placement Specialist:
WORK 10125 Social Service Worker Field Placement Evaluation 1