AIFIRA: Applications Interdisciplinaires des Faisceaux d’Ions en Région Aquitaine
Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan
Chemin du Solarium, BP 120, F-33175 Gradignan Cedex
Phone: +33 5 57 12 08 04 fax.: +33 5 57 12 08 01
Security instructions
- Instructions for the access to AIFIRAp3
- Experiment room zoningp5
- Correspondent machine listp6
- Authorised person list for the accelerator adjustments p7
- Specific adjustment procedures for a 2.5 MeV proton beam p8
- Emergency contact listp10
- Emergency measures for radiological accidentsp11
- Isolated work stationp15
- Security instructions in case of work accidentp16
- Security instructions in case of firep17
- Security instructions in case of building evacuationp18
1. Access instructions to AIFIRA
- The access is authorised for anyone, whatever the beam conditions.
- Two bicolour lights permanently show the access conditions for the experiment and the machine rooms.
- The authorisation and the access modalities depend on the state of the bicolour lights located both in the experiment and machine rooms.
- The state of both bicolour lights is also displayed in the command room.
- The access to experiment room is conditioned by the respect of the zoning. In some circumstances (p8), it is regulated and restricted to the authorised persons carrying a dosimeter.
Functioning mode / Command room / Experiment room* / Machine room*Deutons use / PUBLIC ACCESS / FORBIDDEN ACCESS / FORBIDDEN ACCESS
Neutron production or possible activation of samples on the physic beam line / PUBLIC ACCESS / FORBIDDEN ACCESS / FORBIDDEN ACCESS
Analysis with protons* or alpha ions without possible activation / PUBLIC ACCESS / PUBLIC ACCESS*
Maintenance mode with proton or alpha ion beam / PUBLIC ACCESS / MAINTENANCE MODE / MAINTENANCE MODE
Shutdown of the accelerator / PUBLIC ACCESS / PUBLIC ACCESS / PUBLIC ACCESS
*Subject to the instruction respect related to the specific zoning
- Everyone can enter into the room
- Dosimeter carrying is not mandatory.
- Public access is not authorised.
- Only the technical staff or the authorised persons with a dosimeter can enter into the room,
- No one can enter into the room.
2. Experiment room zoning
•Forbidden access to exterior (to the facility) persons without permission
•The radioactive hot spots are indicated by specific symbols
3. Correspondent machine list
Technical Staff:
Philippe ALFAURTlocal phone n°842
Technical coordinator:
Laurent SERANIlocal phone n°840
Scientific director:
Philippe MORETTOlocal phone n°896
Scientific coordinator:
Stéphanie SORIEUL local phone n°846
4. Authorised person list for the accelerator adjustments
Philippe Alfaurt local phone n°842
Guillaume Devès local phone n°903
Hervé Guégan local phone n°888
Philippe Moretto local phone n°896
Benoît RIDARD local phone n°837
Laurent Sérani local phone n°840
Stéphanie SORIEUL local phone n°846
5. Specific adjustment procedures for a 2.5 MeV proton beam
This procedure is dedicated to proton beam with energy higher than 2.5 MeV and produced on the micronic or theextracted beam line.
Several analysis showed that the dose rate could exceed 0.5 µSv/h for 2.5 MeV protons. Furthermore the beam adjustment is a critical step where dose rate could be very high and then decrease below 0.5 µSv/h out of the guarded zone with a optimised adjustment.
Adjustment procedures
-During the adjustment
- No entry to the experiment room except for the authorised persons (B category) who can enter into the room with a passive and a operational dosimeter. A reading of the dose rate on the aperture box enables the adjustment optimisation in order to lower the dose rate.
-After the adjustment
- A dose rate measurement for neutrons, X- and -rays is done by the PCR.
- If the dose rate out of the initial guarded zone is higher than 0.5 µSv/h, all the experiment room is declared as guarded zone.
- This decision is illustrated with a specific bulletin board at the entry of the room associated with a chain into the room mentioning the possible danger. Only the persons who belong to the category B and who perform the experiment can enter into the room with a dosimeter. The access to the former guarded zone is forbidden to the other persons.
- Any modification even temporary of the zoning must be specified into the «Radioprotection AIFIRA» book and into the «Fiche récapitulative» corresponding to the experiment co-firmed by the experiment responsible and the PCR.
6. Emergency contact list
Laboratory director (Responsible of the facility):
Bernard HAASlocal phone n°886/804
Personne Compétente en Radioprotection (PCR):
Stéphane ROUDEAUlocal phone n°812
Sébastien LEBLANClocal phone n°841
Machine driver1, Scientific director2, Technical director3:
Philippe ALFAURT1local phone n°842
Philippe MORETTO2local phone n°896
Laurent SERANI3local phone n°840
7. Emergency measures for radiological accidents
Goal: to limit damages for human, group and environment.
General rules:
-The medical emergency prevails over the radiological emergency
-Inform the staff in the impacted room, evacuate the room and prohibit the access to exterior persons by closing the accesses of the room.
-Alert the Personne Compétente en Radioprotection (PCR)
-In case of the exposure of the staff, the PCR must warn the prevention doctor of or of the Université de Bordeaux 1
PCR: Stéphane RoudeauPhone: (local phone 812)
In the absence of the PCR, please contact:
Serge CzajkowskiPhone:
Eric GilabertPhone:
It is the PCR who fixes the procedure and alert the director of the laboratory
The equipment dedicated to radioprotection are given by the PCR
- Working doctor for CNRS:
Dr Ménec Phone:
- Working doctor for l'Université Bordeaux 1:
Dr Calas Phone:
Useful phone numbers:
-Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN)
Emergency number: 0800 804 135
-Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN ), Division de Bordeaux
Phone: 05 56 00 04 46Fax: 05 56 00 04 94
-Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), Unité d'Expertise des Sources
Phone: 01 58 35 83 17
-Direction des activités industrielles et du transport de l’ASN (DIT)
Phone: 01 40 19 70 51 (secretariat)
-Préfecture de la Gironde
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These measures must be applied in the following cases:
1. Accidental radioactive matter spillage
2. Radioactive matter dispersion in atmosphere
3. Staff radioactive contamination
-Internal contamination: inhalation, radioactive matter ingestion, wound with radioactive matter
-External contamination: skin or clothes in contact with radioactive matter
4. Large irradiation
5. Fire
1.Accidental radioactive matter spillage
-Inform the staff in the impacted room and evacuate the room
-Call immediately the PCR
-Prohibit the access to exterior persons by closing the accesses of the room
-Wait for the PCR arrival for the decontamination
2. Radioactive matter dispersion in atmosphere
-Immediate evacuation of the staff and locking of all the accesses to the concerned room
-Call immediately the PCR
-Notify the PCR of the nature and the quantity of used radionuclide
3.Staff radioactive contamination
Internal contamination: inhalation, radioactive matter ingestion, wound with radioactive matter
-Ask for colleague's help for preventing the PCR and avoiding contamination dispersion
-In case of flesh wounds, clean and rinse with water during at least 15 minutes. If the lesions are more serious, the medical emergency prevails over the radiological emergency.
-Inform the PCR of the nature and the quantity of used radionuclide.
-Also inform the work doctor
External contamination: skin or clothes in contact with radioactive matter
-Ask for colleague's help for preventing the PCR and avoiding contamination dispersion
-If the skin contamination is too serious, take a shower during at least 15 min. A shower is available into the Van De Graaff building.
-If the skin contamination is localised, rinse abundantly with water during at least 15 min.A mild soap can be used but a strong brushing must be avoided in order not to facilitate the skin penetration of the radioactive mater.
-If the eyes are contaminated, rinse them with the specific device (situated in the nuclear chemistry laboratory) during at least 15 min.
-Put off and isolated the contaminated clothes.
-Contact the PCR and the prevention doctors.
4.Serious irradiation
-It results from the accidental exposure of ionising radiations at very high-levels. This kind of accident is highly unlikely on CENBG campus owing to the nature of owned the radioactive sources. Nevertheless emergency measures are the following:
-Inform the staff potentially exposed
-Evacuate the place and prohibit the access to exterior persons by locking the doors.
-Call the PCR
-Inform the prevention doctor
-The staff evacuation is the main and first goal during a fire evacuation procedure.
-When the fire takes place out the room or the building, secure the sources and any other potential material into the safety deposit box in order to avoid a dispersion with the fire or the water
-The PCR is in charge to tell to the firemen the existence, the activity and the localisation of the radioactive sources.
-Once the firemen intervention is finished, the PCR demarcates a perimeter around the source stocking zone.
-The PCR makes preliminary measurements of the dose rate and the contamination. He or she also perform a visual inspection of the fire damages.
-The PCR can allow the access to the concerned laboratories depending on the situation.
8. Isolated work station
In the case of isolated work station, previously contact the PCR.
- The night watchman
- The person in charge of the experiment
- The accelerator correspondent
- The scientific correspondent
9. Security instructions in case of work accident
- Protect the casualty from the aggravation of its injuries without moving him or he, expect in emergency case
- Call a first-aider
- Send for the firemen (phone number: 18)
- Specify during your call:
- Identity, society, address, phone number
- Nature et circumstances of the accident
- Number of accident victims and their conditions
- The first-aid treatments for accident victims
- The gathering place with the firemen
- Never hang up before the firemen or the policemen
- Send someone toward the firemen at the CENBG entrance
- Warn the watchman if the accident occurs out of the work time
10. Security instructions in case of fire
- Try to stop the fire by any means at your disposal
- If you can not bring fire under control:
Activate the fire alarm (red boxes on the wall)
Inform the staff in the place
Call the firemen (phone number: 18)
Specify during your call:
- Identity, society, address, phone number
- Nature of the accident: Fire in a building, chemical products, radioactivity
- Localizing a fire (which building)
- The applied means (fire extinguisher, RIA)
- The gathering place with the firemen
Never hang up before the firemen or the policemen
Send someone toward the firemen at the CENBG entrance
Warn the watchman if the accident occurs out of the work time
11. Security instructions for building evacuation
- At the evacuation signal, leave your working place without haste and quietly
- Never come back expect on order
- The gathering place is a the entrance of the main building (le château)
- Never drive an injured person in your personal car or a professional car
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