Fi-Soft Merchant Edition

Fi-Soft Merchant Edition software offers a more flexible, secure, and automated method of payment processing within QuickBooks. Using our patent pending PayGuard® technology, you can easily process individual or recurring payments without having to store sensitive payment data.

The fi soft merchant application had two interfaces Client End and Admin end . As the name suggests ,client end interface is for all the client of the Fi soft and Admin end is for the Fi- soft company whereby they manage all of their clients registered.

Admin end Interface

The Admin end interface of the fi soft application provides online access to admin user of Fi soft merchant software. The admin end Interface of fi- soft merchant consists of below listed modules or section, through which a admin can perform the activities as listed below

1.Screen Specification – Home Page

The HomeScreen enables a user to login and access the application.

Field Label Value / Field Type / Req. / Requirements (Any functional/non-functional requirements)
Userid / Text(username) / Y / Must be valid email address
Password / Password / Y / Must be valid password
Login / button / Y / System validates the username and password with the encrypted values. Upon successful login, the user is directed to the Home screen. If the username and password combination is invalid or the user is not valid, then an error message displays.
If the user has previously checked the ‘Remember User id or Remember User id and password ’ checkbox, the login field is pre-populated with the login User id or Userid and password from storage. If the user enters a new user id or user id and password and then selects ‘remember User id or User id and password ’ then the User id or User id and password is overwritten with new User id or user id and password.
Reset / Button / N / System will erase Userid and password field and set to blank state.
Remember Userid / checkbox / N / Default State: Unchecked
If the Remember User id checkbox is checked, then the system will retain the userid and for the specified user until the system data storage is cleared (i.e. saved username cleared from browser)
Remember Userid and Password / Checkbox / N / Default State: Unchecked
If the Remember User id and password checkbox is checked, then the system will retain the userid and password for the specified user until the system data storage is cleared (i.e. saved username and password cleared from browser )

1.1.Business Rules

# / Business Rule / Message
1.1.1. / User must have a valid User id and password to access the system. / 1.Empty User id – Enter Login id
2.Empty Password- Enter Password
1.1.2. / The user id and password fields are required. / 2
1.1.3. / The user can optionally select to remember their user id or user id and password both . / NA
1.1.4. / Upon successful login, the user navigates to the home screen. / NA
1.1.5. / If the login is not successful display the associated error message. / Invalid User id and/or Password-Invalid login

2.Dashboard Screen


The Dashboard screenconsists and displays the controls for all the activities along with banner Fi soft banner displaying the Company logo, Clock timer with date and time and log out button.

Field Label Value / Field Type / Req. / Requirements (Any functional/non-functional requirements)
Home / Button / NA / Opens the default Home/Dashboard page
License / Button / NA / Opens thepages to add ,edit and view licenses and displays the below listed options in collapsible of Licsense button.
1.New licenses
2.Manage Licenses
3.User configuration
4. Server Configuration
5.Mobile Users
Invoices / Button / NA / Opens the Invoice listing page and displays the below listed options in collapsible of Invoices button
1. View all invoices
2. Delete Posted Invoices
Tools / Button / NA / Opens the Tools page through which admin can perform admin activities listed below
2. Backup and Restore DB
Manage Payguard / Button / NA / Opens the Delete Payguard Screen
Audit Trail log / Button / NA / Opens the Audit Trail log page and Displays the
Audit trail logs from selected Table ,Users list and Date range.
Change Password / Button / NA / Displays the Change password page
Upload Upgrade / Button / NA / Allows for uploading the opted “Fi soft Update_Md5.exe” file.
Help / Button / NA / Click on Help button allows to Download
  1. Fi-Soft Merchant Edition Single Portal - User Manual
  2. Fi-Soft Merchant Edition [Desktop] - User Manual
  3. Fi-Soft Mobile Payment - User Manual

2.2.Business Rules

# / Business Rule / Message
2.2.1. / The Dashboard screen consists of below listings.
1. Fi soft banner with the Fi soft logo and Fi soft Merchant Name in Header.
2. Clock timer displaying Time ,Day and Date
3. Log out option
4.Link to navigate to Fi soft .com / NA
2.2.2. / The Dashboard consist of Option to add /update
And manage Licenses , view and delete invoices , Tools to perform Encryption/Decryption , Backup and restore
Database, Audit the Trail logs , change password , Upload upgrade and View and download help files / 2 NA

3. Home Screen


The Home screen consists and displays the controls for all the activities along with banner Fi soft banner displaying the Clock timer with date and time and log out button.

4.License Screen


The License screen consists and displays the options to Add, edit, update and delete activities of License management .License management is divided into six option namely

1 .New License Screen

2. Manage License

3. License Details

4. View all Companies

5. Server Configuration

6. Mobile Users

5. New License Screen


The New License screen consists and displays the options to Add, edit, and update and delete activities of managing licenses for companies.

Field Label Value / Field Type / Req. / Requirements (Any functional/non-functional requirements)
New License creation / Header / NA / Header with label as New License creation
License Name / Text box / Y / Accept all valid inputs for License Name
No of Licenses / Text box / Y / Accept all valid inputs for No of Licenses
Mobile User License / Textbox / Y / Accept all valid inputs for the Mobile User License
Gateway Name / Textbox / NA / Lists the all valid list of Gateways Name
DB Server IP / Textbox / NA / Lists the all valid list of DB Server IP
Login Name / Textbox / Y / Accept all valid inputs for the Login Name field
Active / Tick box / NA / Marking checked should enable the status as Active
And Un checking should change the status to Inactive
Need Password Rotation / Tick box / NA / Marking checked should enable the status as Active
And Un checking should change the status to Inactive for password rotation
Online Payment / Tick box / NA / Marking checked should enable the status as Active
And Un checking should change the status to Inactive for Online payment
Email Invoice / Tick box / NA / Marking checked should enable the status as Active
And Un checking should change the status to Inactive for email invoice
Logo / Browse / NA / Should allow user to browse and select image file of Image File Format: jpg, gif, img, bmp, png. File Size: below 200KB.
Address1 / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid inputs for Address Field
Address2 / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid inputs for Address Field.
City / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid inputs for the City Field
State / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid inputs for the state field
Zip / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid inputs for the Zip state field
Country / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid inputs for the Country field
Phone Number / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid inputs for the Phone Number field
Fax / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid inputs for the Fax field
Email ID / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid inputs for the Email id field
Operational Email ID / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid input for the Email id field
Website / Textbox / NA / Accept all valid input for the Website field
Save / Button / NA / Saves the valid inputs for each field, shows error message for validations if any.
Clear / Button / NA / Clear the entries in the form and retains the original
State of form.

5.2.Business Rules

# / Business Rule / Message
5.2.1. / The New License page allows user to add
the Company profile Fields [Fields details 5.1] / NA
5.2.2. / The License Name , No of licenses, Mobile user license field and Email id are only mandatory field for the New license
Screen. / Enter License Name- For valid license
Enter No of licenses – For no of license
Enter Mobile user license-
For mobile user license
Enter Login Name – For login name
Enter Email id- For entering email id
Enter valid e-Mail Address –
For invalid email format
5.2.3. / The system should successfully update the New license information for all valid input in the field and display error
Message for invalid inputs / License Details has been added successfully!- for successful license creation
with Green Check mark

6.Manage License Screen


The Manage licensescreen allowsthe admin user toView; edit/delete the license of the companies.

Field Label Value / Field Type / Req. / Requirements (Any functional/non-functional requirements)
Manage License / Header / NA / Header with label as Manage License
Alphabetic Sorting / Button / NA / Sorts and lists the companies starting with the name of alphabets for which the sorting alphabet button is clicked.
Edit / link / NA / Edit links under header Edit allows admin user to Edit/Delete the license assigned to a company
Cancel / Button / NA / Click on Cancel button take user to Previous Screen.
Tick box / Tick box / NA / Allows the user to delete the licenses for any company.
Company Name / Label / NA / Shows the list the companies
Activation Code / Label / NA / Shows the list of MAC Addresses
Activation Status / Label / NA / Shows the list of Activation statuses.

6.2.Business Rules

# / Business Rule / Message
6.2.1. / The Manage license page allows admin user to edit/delete licenses for the companies[Fields details 6.1].Manage license
also shows the No of licenses , usernames, MAC address
against each username of the company. / NA
6.2.2. / To delete the license for a company , Admin selects the
Username (s) for which the licenses needs to deleted for
a company. / Message before confirming the deletion and success message after deletion.

7.License Details> Edit License Details Screen


The License details screen allows the admin userto edit / update few fields, activate/deactivate license , resend email etc.

Field Label Value / Field Type / Req. / Requirements (Any functional/non-functional requirements)
License Details / Header / NA / Header with label as License Details
Alphabetic Sorting / Button / NA / Sorts and lists the companies starting with the name of alphabets for which the sorting alphabet button is clicked
Company / Header / NA / Shows the list of Company Names
License Name / Header / NA / Shows the list of license Name of companies
QB version / Header / NA / Shows the list of Quick book Versions
Lic / Header / NA / Shows the no of LICs for each Companies
Phone / Header / NA / Shows the list of phone no of each companies
Email ID / Header / NA / Shows the list of email ids for each companies
Activation Code / Header / NA / Shows the list of Activation codes for each company
Email Mode / Header/Tick box / NA / Shows the list of Email modes status of each company and ability to change the Email change in edit mode
Online Process / Header/Tick box / NA / Shows the list of Online processes status for each companies and ability to changes the same in edit mode
Activate / Header/Tickbox / NA / Shows the list of Activation status for each company and ability to change the same in edit mode
Edit / Header/ Link / NA / Show the list of edit buttons/links against each company and opens the edit mode on click and shows the Update/cancel button/link in Edit mode.
Delete / Header/Link / NA / Show the list of Delete buttons/link against each company and if clicked deletes the selected license for the company.
Resend Email / Header/Link / NA / Shows the list of Resend email option against each company and on click send the email to the email id associated with that company

7.2.Business Rules

# / Business Rule / Message
7.2.1. / The License details page shows the license details of each company in tabular form the license details shows the details under header like Company Name , License Name, Quick book version, #LIC, Phone Number, Email id, Activation code, Status of fields like Email mode, Online Access mode, Active/Inactive [Fields details 7.1]. / NA
7.2.2. / License Details page provides ability to edit/update few details/status of company license. Fields that be edited are #LIC count , Email mode, online Process status, Active/Inactive company license details and resend mail to the associated email id of company / Message : Details updated successfully!- For edits of
#LIC count , Email mode, online Process status, Active/Inactive fields
7.2.3. / License Details page also provide to Delete the license.
Delete confirmation message before actual delete and there
if click on cancel deletion is canceled else if clicked actual deletion takes place and successful message is displayed / Message: Delete confirmation message-Are you sure, you want to delete this license?
Delete Success Message-Record deleted successfully.

8.View all Companies > Company Details > Edit company Screen


The Companydetails Screen shows the details of companies registered on Fi soft client portal.Company details page also provides ability to edit company details and Delete the company.

Edit Company

Field Label Value / Field Type / Req. / Requirements (Any functional/non-functional requirements)
Company Details / Header / NA / Header with label as Company Details
Delete / Header/Link / NA / Show the list of Delete buttons/link against each company and if clicked deletes the selected company
Edit / Header/Link / NA / Show the list of edit buttons/links against each company and opens the edit mode of company on click
Activate / Header/Tickbox / NA / Shows list of Activate tickbox against each company
and allow to change the Active status of company
Logo / Header / Shows the list of logos for each Company
Company ID / Header / NA / Shows the list of Company IDs of a company
Company Name / Header / NA / Shows the list of Name of companies
Address 1 / Header / NA / Shows the list of addresses entered in Address 1 field
Address 2 / Header / NA / Shows the list of addresses entered in Address 2 field
City / Header / NA / Show the list of city location of each company
Country / Header / NA / Shows the list of Country location of each company
Phone / Header / NA / Shows the list of phone nos of each company
Operational Email / Header / NA / Shows the list of operational email ids for each company
Website / Header / NA / Shows the list of website address of each company
Version / Header / NA / Shows the list of version for each company
Cancel / Button / NA / Click on Cancel button return user to previous page
Activate / Header/Tick box / NA / Shows the list of Activation status for each company and ability to change the same in edit mode
Edit / Header/ Link / NA / Show the list of edit buttons/links against each company and opens the edit mode on click and shows the Update/cancel button/link in Edit mode.
Delete / Header/Link / NA / Show the list of Delete buttons/link against each company and if clicked deletes the selected license for the company.
Resend Email / Header/Link / NA / Shows the list of Resend email option against each company and on click send the email to the email id associated with that company

8.2.Business Rules

# / Business Rule / Message
8.2.1. / The Company details page shows the details of each company in tabular form the company details page shows the details under header like Company Name , logo, Company ID, Address 1, Address 2, City, County,Phone Number, Operational Email , Website,Version, Status of company i.e Active/Inactive [Fields details 8.1] / NA
8.2.2. / Company Details page also provides ability to edit/update details ofcompany. Fields that be edited are Logo , Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, County , Phone, Fax, operational Email , Website and Active/Inactive status , password rotation option for company.
To edit a company detail admin user need to click on edit option on company details page and update the fields and click on Update. System should update the field of company and display success message. If validation fails for any of the fields, system should show relevant error message. / Message :Company details
Update: Company details Updated successfully!
8.2.3. / Company details page also allow admin user to delete the Company. To Delete a company user need to click on delete button on company details page .On click of delete button system should display Delete confirmation message .If user clicks on OK system should delete the company and if user clicks on No it should cancel deletion. / Message
  1. Deleteconfirmation-Are you sure you want to delete this company?
  2. Successful delete: Company deleted successfully.

8.2.4. / Company Details on admin end is mapped with the company details at client .Any edit /update or delete action on company on admin end reflects the changes on client end.

9.Sever ConfigurationScreen