PSA Simon Balle School

9th January 2017

Simon Balle School, Hertford

Present: Clare Stokes; Nicola Irons; Sharon Jones; Janice Lucas; Alison Mackie; Sandra Rumbold; Angela Phipps; Jana Veryard; Adam Winterton; Rebecca Jones; Penny Lafferty; Jo Duggan; Ruth Oakenfull
In Attendance: Alison Saunders; Jan Philpott
Apologies: Eileen Robinson
1 / Minutes and matters arising – minutes agreed as an accurate record of the meetings on 4th October 2016
2 / Events recap:
Ware Fireworks display:
No income recorded from this initiative probably as the approach was made shortly before the event.
Jana confirmed that Morgans School also run an incentive scheme for their fireworks event. SB PSA can receive 10% of proceeds from any tickets sold at the school.
It was agreed to support Morgans in future. JV to provide contact details to Morgans for next year’s event.
Pamper Night, Friday 18th December:
A very successful evening, which made a profit in excess of £1000 for the PSA. We have received lots of good feedback from stall holders, therapists and clients
Thanks to everyone involved in the organization and running of the event, especially to Annie, Tina, Janice, Sandra, Jana and the subcommittee and a very big thank you Penny for providing the “goodies bags”.
After-event review forms are attached – please add your comments on what worked well but also not so well so that we capture the information for next time!
Year 7 Music event:
Clare; Jo and Nic provided refreshments and CS spoke to parents, providing a short introduction to the work of the PSA and the opportunities for parental involvement in the group.
Next event in Larch Centre – remember not to locate refreshments near fire escape.
AS to add something to the next newsletter to further engage Yr7 parents with the PSA activities.
Primary Christmas Card fundraiser
Profits of £175 made from this initiative.
Good service offered by IQ cards – happy to use them again.
Larch Centre Frost Fair: Saturday 3rd December 2016
Very successful and enjoyable event. Profit from the day is over £3000, with £1000 raised from the raffle alone.
Thanks to everyone involved in the event especially the sub-committee. We have received lots of positive feedback from stall holders and parents. I have attached the feedback form to capture positive and negative comments which we can use in the future.
RO to ask parents for additional feedback via weekly email. (Post meeting note – Penny provided a survey link which was sent out to all Primary parents)
Carol Concert: Monday 19th December 2016
Successful evening. Thanks to everyone involved.
SJ has details of amounts of mulled wine and fruit punch used for reference for the next concert. / JV
All to provide comments
All to provide comments
RO - complete
3 / Feedback from Meeting with Alison Saunders
AS thanked the PSA for their fundraising. She would like to
focus on funding outdoors facilities for the coming year. The school would like to:
1)  complete on-going work on the outdoor area (pond / seating / wildlife area), sited behind the tennis courts.
2)  create a trim trail for the Primary Phase children to use.
School asks the PSA to consider providing the money raised from the Fun Run and Frost Fair to cover some of the costs of these projects. The school is investigating what external grants can be applied for to cover additional costs.
The proposal was agreed in principle by PSA members present, subject to assessment of other financial commitments for the year to ensure sufficient funds are available. AS and RO to provide written details of total amounts required and what they would wish the PSA to contribute.
It was proposed that a visit to the proposed site be organized in the spring 2017 to view the project. / AS RO
4 / Upcoming Events:
Poets’ Corner: Wednesday 25th January 2017 doors open 6:30pm for 6:45pm start. Finish approx 8pm.
PSA agree in principle to fund £250 towards this event.
Janice / Sandra/ Sharon to run this event.
Refreshments : tea / coffee / soft drinks. No licensed bar.
JL/ SR to carry out a stock-take prior to this event.
Jan to respond to Nicola G and to liaise with JL and SR regarding requirements and to confirm numbers of ticket sales nearer the time.
Big Band Evening – Friday 3rd March 7:45pm, Main School
PSA to provide bar and crisps.
Licensed bar required : SJ to obtain license
AS to confirm what PSA helpers are required for (setting up tables ?)
Helpers : required for stock take, purchase of drinks and crisps. To be on site from 6:45
Nic/ Ali / Sharon / Jo / Clare / Jana
Manic Ceramics Mother’s Day event for Primary – Tuesday 7th March 3:15pm:
Ruth is coordinating this with the Primary team and does not expect to need any assistance from PSA, unless any Secondary parents wish to go along.
Choral Concert – Saturday 11th March, 7pm All Saint Church, Hertford
This is an additional event PSA have been asked to support.
Drinks (licensed bar) and simple refreshments to be served before the concert and during the interval.
Helpers required for this event – we need someone to apply for the alcohol licence.
Please respond to this email if you are available to assist, either by purchasing stock or running the event. Helpers required at the church for 5:30pm
School Play 30/31st March
Await further details from AS regarding plans for the event / timings, need for bar / refreshments (bags of sweets were suggested).
Volunteers :
March 30th : Adam / Jana / Sharon*
March 31st: Jo / Rebecca / Nicola M*
*Licensee for the evening if required
Wind and Brass Concert – Saturday 22nd April, 7pm. All Saints Church, Hertford
Drinks (licensed bar) and simple refreshments to be served before the concert and during the interval.
Helpers required for this event – please respond to this email if you are available to assist, either by purchasing stock or running the event. Helpers required at the church for 5:30pm
Future Events:
Quiz Night : Saturday 6th May was raised as a potential date for this event.
Post- Meeting note: Jan has now confirmed Elaine Woodhead is available to be quiz master.
Bar license will be required and volunteers to stock the bar and run it. More information to follow.
AM able to apply for licence.
Yr 11 Leavers Night
Proposed date is Friday 30th June
The PSA will fund this event with £250 and the school will match this amount.
A sub-group will be required to organise this event – with Janice to lead. More details to follow. / SJ/ JL/SR
SJ – obtain license
SJ – will help another to obtain license
AS to provide more details about requirement
SJ / NM– obtain license
SJ to obtain licence
Helpers to confirm
6 / New Website :
We reviewed the proposed new website, which Eileen Robinson has spent a lot of time researching and setting up. The new platform will be a great place for the PSA to share information about fundraising and forthcoming events and recruit volunteers. Thanks Eileen for all your hard work so far.
In preparation for launch we need all committee members to register on the site. Please use the link below to access the site. to our new website#.V_-Sz4WcEps
Marketing sub-committee
In parallel to the new website, Adam is setting up a Marketing sub-committee to improve advertising and communication for the organization. Thanks Adam for taking this task on.
Adam agreed that the website management was a task that he saw the sub-committee contributing to in the future.
Volunteers to join the sub-committees were: Simon Davies / Alex Duggan (possibly) / Ruth Oakenfull.
Adam will prepare an email to be sent to the current PSA distribution about the committee to get further volunteers / input and to arrange the first meeting by end February 2017. / All
8 / Recycled Uniform
Theres a small team of Harriet, Jill Goehringer, Sarah Holzbauer, Clare and a few others setting up and packing away uniform for sale at Parents Evenings. We need more helpers please – mainly to set up from about 4pm and pack up at about 7.30, sort through trousers, cull some tatty uniform and list our stock to put on new website.
Date of next meeting : Monday 27th February, 7pm
Location to be confirmed. / All