FFPAC Meeting 2 Minutes
January 21, 2010
8:00 – 10:00 AM
Kirkhoff 2201
Present: Dan Bergman, Joe Fisher, Helen Klein, Karen Libman, Kin Ma, Blair Miller, James Moyer, Sylvia Mupepi, Mary O’Kelly, Christine Rener, Ross Reynolds, Mary Richardson, Lisa Sisson, Heather Van Wormer, Mike Wanbach
A. Opening Comments from Chair
- Date set for summary data from the Existing Facilities Survey and Future Facilities Survey to be submitted to chair – Thursday, April 15, 2010.
- Date set for next FFPAC meeting -Thursday, April 22, 2010 from 8-10 am on the Allendale Campus.
B. New Building Committee Committee Updates
- Seidman Building
- Summary of 2007-2008 Classroom Survey was prepared by Helen Klein and Joe Fisher and submitted to SSB Committee.
- New Library
- Mary O’Kelly and James Moyer updated FFPAC on the new library.
- Mary will send frequent updates to FFPAC members who wish to receive them about the Library. Members who have interest can share e-mail addresses with Mary.
- Construction manager for library will be selected soon.
- Current proposal is for library to be140,000sq ft and will cost 65 million dollars. Five million dollars are likely to be sent refurbishing Zumberge, which will help consolidate administration and administrative services.
- Library will likely be connected to Kirkhoff Center.
- Many aspects of new library will go to trustees in February.
- New library will have more open shelving space than current library.
C. Survey Feedback
- Existing Facilities Survey
- Members recommended to drop draft questions 3 and 4.
- Members recommended to revise question 14.
- Members recommended that survey indicate it is for 2009-2010 Academic Year.
- Future Facilities Survey
- Blair indicated this current survey is about existing/short-term needs and a future survey will be constructed about future/long-term needs.
- Blair indicated that survey will contain “pop-up” questions seeking additional information when some responses are entered.
- Members recommended inquiring about student collaborative work spaces, faculty collaborative work spaces, and COT workspaces.
- Members recommended inquiring about availability of dedicated and properly equipped spaces for nursing/breast feeding.
- Members wondered if this survey overlaps with unit head space reports.
- Determined that this survey is faculty-to-faculty
- Determined that this survey is more comprehensive and detailed.
D. Faculty Member Survey Advertisement Strategy
- Forum Blurb
- Members make helpful wording and title suggestions.
- FLTC E-Mail
- Christine indicated that FLTC would send an e-mail written by the FFPAC chair to the faculty about how to complete the Existing Facilities Survey.
- Chair indicated he would prepare an e-mail to the faculty for FLTC to distribute to faculty
- Communication with Unit Heads
- Chair indicated that he would e-mail unit heads directing them to complete the Future Facilities Survey.
E. Existing and Future Facilities Taskforce Meetings
- FFPAC broke into taskforces to:
- Finalize each survey
- Finalize survey plan
- Finalize remaining taskforce meetings.