FCS 324/Psych 370
Chapter 6 Review Items
- Based on Erikson’s theory, summarize the psychological conflict of the first year, basic trust vs. mistrust, and explain how it can be positively resolved.
- Based on Erikson’s theory, summarize the psychological conflict of the second year, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, and explain how it can be positively resolved.
- Define the term basic emotions and provide several examples.
- True or False: At birth, infants are able to express all of the basic emotions.
- ______appears between 6 and 10 weeks, while ______appears between 3 and 4 months.
- The most frequent expression of fear in infancy is to unfamiliar adults, a response called ______.
- True or False: Anger and fear are universal emotions that are unaffected by cultural variations in infant rearing practices.
- Babies use familiar caregivers as a ______, or point from which to explore, venturing into the environment and then returning for emotional support.
- ______is when infants actively seek emotional information from a trusted person in an uncertain situation.
- True or False: By the middle of the second year, children appreciate that others’ emotional reactions may differ from their own.
- Describe and provide examples of self-conscious emotions.
- Strategies we use to adjust our emotional state to a comfortable level of intensity so we can accomplish our goals are referred to as ______.
- ______is early-appearing, stable individual differences in reactivity and self-regulation.
- List and describe the three temperamental types that have emerged from the work of Thomas and Chess.
- ______
- ______
- ______
- True or False: All children fit into one of the three categories of temperament described above.
- True or False: Temperament stability from one age period to the next is generally low to moderate.
- Describe the goodness-of-fit model and explain in importance in encouraging positive development.
- According to Bowlby, the attachment bond has strong (biological/ environmental) roots. It can best be understood within an evolutionary framework in which survival of the fittest is of utmost importance.
- Babies display ______, becoming upset when an adult upon which they rely on leaves. It tends to increase between 6 and 15 months.
- Match each phase of attachment with the appropriate description.
_____ Attachment to the familiar caregiver is evident,1. The preattachment and infants display separation anxiety phase
_____ Infants are not yet attached to their mother and2. The attachement-in-
do not mind being left with an unfamiliar the-making phase
adult3. The phase of “clear-
_____ Separation anxiety declines as children gain an cut” attachment
understanding of the parent’s comings and4. Formation of a
goings and can predict his/her return reciprocal relationship
_____ Infants start to respond differently to a familiar
caregiver than to a stranger
- The ______technique, designed by Mary Ainsworth, is the most widely used technique for measuring the quality of the attachment between 1 and 2 years of age.
- Match each of the following attachment classifications with the appropriate description.
_____ Before separation, these infants seek closeness1. Secure
to parent and fail to explore. When parent2. Avoidant
returns, they display angry behaviors, may3. Resistant
continue to cry after being picked up, and 4. Disorganized/
cannot be easily comforted. Disoriented
_____ Before separation, these infants use the parent as
a base from which to explore. They are upset
by the parent’s absence, and they seek contact
and are easily comforted when the
parent returns.
_____ Before separation, these infants seem
unresponsive to the parent. When the
parent leaves, they react to a stranger
in much the same way as to the parent.
Upon the parent’s return, they are slow
to greet them.
_____ When the parent returns, these infants show
confused, contradictory behaviors such
as looking away while being held.
- True or False: American infants placed in full-time care before 12 months of age are more likely than home-reared infants to display insecure attachments.
- Based on the findings of the NICHD Study of Early child Care, cite two factors that influence the impact of child care experiences on attachment security.
- ______
- ______
- Ultimately, it seems that it is the (quality/quantity) of care received that has the biggest impact on the development of a child.
- ______, the identification of the self as a physically unique being, is well under way around ______years.
- Two-year-old Joe's and 3-year-old Maya's mother asks them both if they would like an M&M now or two M&Ms in three minutes. Joe chooses to have one right away, but Maya chooses to wait. Maya is displaying
- a categorical self.
- empathy.
- delayed gratification.
- compliance.