FFA Year in Review
State officers conducted chapter visits to Hutchison, North Pole, Kodiak, Palmer, Idea at Wasilla and Fairbanks, Effie Cochran and Delta Junction.
Made schooladministrator visits to North Star Borough CTE director, MatSu Borough CTE director, Juneau Borough Schools CTE director, Ninilchik High, Kenai High, Homer High, Juneau High, North Pole High, Kake, Ketchikan and Petersburg.
Met with Alaska Director of Career and Technical Education and visited with Alaska Workforce Development to discuss goals and vision for agriculture education/FFA.
Charteredfour new FFA chapters at Hutchison Career Center & Golden Heart in Fairbanks and also in Kake and Ninilchik. Increased student membership by over 50%.
State Advisor was a guest speaker at Southeast Farm & Fish to Schools Conference, Alaska Peony Growers Association State conference, Alaska Ag. Producers Conferenceand the MatSu Farm Bureau annual meetinghighlighting agriculture and natural resource education and FFA.
Teamed up with Alaska Farm Bureau to host a Governor's Alaska Grown reception in Juneau. Met with state legislatorsabout agriculture, agriculture education and FFA and worked with Senator Stoltz to organize a state agriculture tour and forum in the MatSu Valley.
Hosted the 2015 State FFA Convention in Anchorage at Changepoint Church 126 people registered. One of the largest in attendance to date.
Hosted twelve CDE events at state with three new Career Development Events including Star Chapter, Star Greenhand and a Marine Technology event. The Marine Technology Event was featured on the cover of Western Region FFA/Agriculture Education publication.
Elected new state officers and conducted leadership training including Blast Off, NLCSO in Corvallis,Oregon, Take Off Training and SPC in Washington D.C. Made chapter visits to conduct COLT & Take Off Leadership Schools at all 10 chapters and subchapters.
Organized new professional teachers association(AANRE-Alaska Association of Agriculture & Natural Resource Educators) and hosted the first teacher/advisor conference in Fairbanks in August focusing on livestock evaluation, veterinary science, marine technology and student leadership.
Secured 20 sponsors for donations and scholarships to start building the Alaska FFA Foundationto provide scholarships and to conduct activities including our state FFA convention (2015 convention costs were $24,000)
Wrote and received two supporting grants to do educational workshops for advisors/teachers and host the state Marine Technology Event and other leadership activities.
Conducted a tractor safety program for community members in the MatSu valley.
Kevin Fochs
Alaska State FFA Director
1509 Georgeson Drive
Palmer, AK 99645
W(907) 746-9499
M(406) 223-0760